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Jimin considered himself quite a patient man; he had gone through college while working two jobs and coming home to homework almost every night – he was not easily flustered or overwhelmed as many might thing. However, there was a first for everything, and Jimin was currently questioning his sanity due to a certain patient by the name of Jeon Jeongguk.

He's dealt with troubling patients before, Jeongguk certainly wasn't a first – but the young man always seemed to have personal vendetta against Jimin and the rest of his staff. Unlike most irate patients that came through the hospital doors causing trouble, Jeongguk lived to humiliate them to the best of his ability.

No matter what they tried to make him feel more at ease or comfortable, Jeongguk made it his mission to fully convey that their help was anything but welcomed. Many times, he would bicker with Taehyung about the young patient, his friend not having the same kind of patience that Jimin harbored, and rightfully so. The nurses, along with Taehyung, have openly expressed their dislike for Jeongguk, hoping he would be discharged soon.

But despite all the unsavory moments he has experienced with Jeongguk, Jimin just couldn't bring himself to kick the younger out.

He was a patient.

All the insults in the world were not going to change that – Jeongguk had to undergo quite a road for recovery. He had almost died, injuries not as small as people probably thought. Sure, the stab wounds were treated, and major organs did not receive any fatal damages, but negligence and carelessness could put Jeongguk in danger.

Jimin felt cornered, unsure of how to further proceed in Jeongguk's care and treatment, and unable to reassure his staff about the onslaught of verbal abuse from the young man. Jeongguk appeared to be filled with so much anger, and he had no qualms in projecting it and harassing the people around him just to make a point.

It was both exhausting and frustrating, trying to get Jeongguk through his recovery.

Jeongguk had probably flung more insults at Jimin than anyone else in his life combined – so yes, Jimin was already feeling the brunt of it all by the end of the day. Still, it was a major struggle he faced on a daily, especially when Jeongguk was easily able to rile Jimin up.

Not letting people slip past his exteriors as a doctor was something Jimin had always been proud of. There had been plenty of times where he had to deliver none favoring to family members and patients alike. He had learned to sympathize but not grief over those who lost the fight of life – emotional indifference was a gift.

Yet, Jeongguk always had this annoying skill of making his blood boil; he wasn't sure what it was about the young male, but every time he opened his mouth to spew out his venom, something within Jimin would flare up in distaste and anger.

Or maybe it was because Jeongguk seemed to know whenever he managed to get under Jimin's skin that probably had getting flustered with annoyance. There was no way he could miss the way Jeongguk's lips curled into a cocky sneer after succeeding and that only had Jimin seething even more.

Maybe he just hated the fact that there was something out there that knew how to get a reaction from him.

How embarrassing.

Needless to say, keeping Jeongguk had been and still is, Jimin's choice. He took it upon himself to care for Jeongguk on his own, hoping to save his nurses from having to interact with him as much as possible. So Jimin always made sure to enter Jeongguk's room and take care of the check-ups, even if the younger always made it insanely difficult.

Much like right now.

"I don't need a bedpan to take a fucking piss, I can do that on my own." Jeongguk snapped as Jimin held back the urge to sigh.

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