quidditch parties with draco

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A/N: here's your smut and language warning lmao


Everyone leaves the quidditch fields and heads to the dorms to get ready for the party. There are always parties on quidditch days, especially when Slytherin wins. Cheers quiet quickly as everyone returns to the castle.

You take a quick nap before hopping in the shower. You get ready with Pansy, your best friend. She's dating Blaise. She puts on a black dress, yours is dark green. Your heels are the color of the other persons dress. You both do your hair really pretty and put on beautiful makeup, featuring red lipstick.

You head down to the party and help Blaise set up before everyone else comes down. Blaise got some fire whiskey and butter beer. There's music that could be hear from Gryffindor dorms, so you charm the Slytherin common rooms and dorms. Now that nobody outside can hear the music, everyone comes downstairs.

Draco comes down looking hot as fuck. Pansy leaves you for Blaise, leaving you all alone. You take shots for a bit, now pretty drunk. You can still make decisions though, without the alcohol affecting it. You can see that Draco is only tipsy. You keep making short eye contact.

He walks over to you. You kinda freak out. (You and Draco aren't together you just think he's hot as shit and yeah. Your friends are friends but that's kinda it.)  As he approaches, you try to calm down. You don't think he really notices because he's tipsy lmao.

"Hey Y/N." he said confidently. "Hi Draco."
You see him a little nervous, but quickly regain confidence. You guys dance a little, and everyone decides they wanna play 7 Minutes in Heaven. (god this wont go well lol) You all sit down in a circle and Pansy goes first.

She gets Blaise. A few more rounds go by until it's your turn. You spin the empty fire whiskey bottle. It seems like it takes 50 years to start slowing down. It finally slows down after what seems like forever and honestly, you're not surprised after what happened earlier. You got Draco.

You guys got up and went into a separate room, charmed so nobody hears what comes out. Draco locks the door, sits down, and looks straight into your eyes. "We don't have to do anything if you don't w-" You shut him up by kissing him. A while goes by and you pull away for air. He has lipstick all over his face, but you keep going anyways. When 7 minutes is up, you decide you're gonna go to his room instead of going back to the circle.

Everyone laughs at Draco's red face. "Guys we're gonna go." Draco says looking you up and down. "Alright but at least charm his room." someone shouts out. You guys laugh and head to his room. You help him get lipstick off his face, and take yours off of your own. You walk over to his bed and sit down. He comes over and sits next to you. He mutters something, you assume it's a charm bc the locked door re-clicks.

Draco pushes you down, so he's hovering over you. He starts to make out with you. His hands explore your body, moving almost at a rhythm. You kiss back, obviously, pooling a little. He moves his hand to your throat, not hurting you lol. You flip him over, you being on top now, and notice you lowkey gave him a boner tehehe YOU GO! anyways, you start to palm him through his pants as he moans into your mouth. you unbuckle his pants and start to do the gluck gluck 3000 special.

You pump slowly, kinda teasing him. "Don't fucking tease me like that. You wont like what happens to you."  You wanna play tease, but stop because you- idk. funsies? You keep going until Draco releases. You hear your friends in the common room still going strong partying. You and Draco decided you'd go back out if they were there when you were done.

He asks for consent (STAN!) before entering you with his ding dong bling blong daddy waddy schmeat and lets you adjust for a second before starting to move back and forth. He keeps going harder and harder. You're a moaning mess. "Draco I'm close-" he slows down, basically stopping. "Beg." Suddenly lots of "Please" and "I'll be good" come out of your mouth. He continues after you call him DADDY TEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!

He lets you finish and you both shower really quickly so the party isn't over. You clean everything up and put some pajamas on. He gives you a kiss and undoes the charm, leaving the door still locked. "Y/N. Will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes of course Draco." You jump into his arms, kissing him again before you guys head back out.

The music has quieted down a lot by now, but is still playing. Everyone is sitting and talking, seemingly waiting for you two to come back. By now like an hour or two has passed so they either waited a while or realized when they heard the door open. You walk down and Pansy starts giggling uncontrollably. "You got a little something um- all over your neck Y/N."

You blush. Not embarrassed of the fact that there are hickies all over your neck, just not realizing they were there. You sit down, now sober, and talk to Draco for a while. It's time for bed now, so you all go up. You lay in your room with Draco, and Pansy stays with Blaise, leaving you alone with him in the dorm. You fall asleep cuddled up to his chest, happy as ever.

SPICY and SMUTTY Draco OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now