Chapter 4: Can we Talk?

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"Alright, good job guys. Take a fifteen minute break."

I let out a deep breath and went and sat down, grabbing my water bottle from my bag. A few day had gone by since I noticed that Ethan was acting strange. But as of lately, he been completely avoiding me. He wouldn't reply to my texts or answer my calls. Worst part of it was...I didn't know why.

"Ethan still ignoring you?" Jon asked, sitting down beside me.

"Yes." I mumbled. "I just wish I knew what I did."

"Have you tried actually walking up to him and asking him?" I looked up to see Wes standing over me.

"I haven't gotten a chance too." I placed my hands under my chin. "Everytime I've tried, he gets pulled away."

Jon wrapped an arm around myshoulders. "I'm sure everything's fine. Try talking to him after the show tonight."

I nodded and sighed. I had tried so many times to get him alone; to get answers. I really liked him. I had never liked a guy like this before. There was something about him. He was different from all the other guys I had ever met. Everytime I sas him, my mood would lighten, my heart would beat wildly. My whole world was alright whenever he smiled.

Hopefully I would get to talk with him, but if I don't... I may have lost my chance with Ethan.

(Ethan's POV)

"Are you gonna tell her or not?" Lilli asked, forcing me to look away from Aria.

I sighed. "What's the point? I lost my chance."

"You don't know that." Danny retorted.

I looked back over at Aria. She was sitting again with Jon as she always was. I liked her so much. She was the most amazing girl I've ever met. She made me calm, confident. I loved everything about her. Her smile, her laugh, the way her eyes sparkled when she got excited.

I wanted to tell her how I felt. How much she meant to me, how special she was. I wanted her to like me back....but I was too late.

"Sure does look like it." I sighed.

The rest of the day went by as usual. Aria had taken over my mind but I was eventually able to get myself to focus in the show and thankfully it went smoothly. After the show, I headed back to my dreasing room to change. Once I had my thinng, I headed outside to stagedoor.

(Aria's POV)
As I moved my way to the end of the crowd of gathered fans, I noticed that Ethan had finished up. This was my chance. I quickly met the last person I could and  bolted after Ethan. Hopefully he had time to talk and hopefully he would want to. I had to know. I had to know if he was okay and what I had done. I never ment to upset him. Why would I want to? All I wanted was for him to like me back. I prayed that I wasn't losing him.

"Ethan!" I yelled.

He turned around and stop walking. "Is everything okay?" I asked when I caught up. "You'rve been acting a little weird lately."

Ethan nodded. "Yeah."

I eyed him. I studied his face and could tell there was something he was hiding, something he wasn't telling me. Something about his tone, he sounded sad, hurt. Like something was breaking his heart. And I wanted nothing more than to make him feel better.

"Are you sure because-"

"Watch out!" Ethan yelled.

I quickly looked down realizing that I was still in the street and a car was heading right towrads me. Ethan quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the way. The car honked as it flew by and I shuddered at the thought of what would've happened if Ethan hadn't been there. I turned back to him and our faces were inches apart.

"Thanks for...saving me." I said, losing myself in his eyes.

"No p-problem." Ethan stuttered.

We stood there and all around us, everything stilled. The people, the cars, the sounds, everything vanished. It was just me and Ethan. I looked at his eyes and noticed them dart from my eyes to my lips. I smiled and found myself doing the same. I felt Ethan grab my arms and I caught my breath as he leaned forward and I felt our lips gently meet. I let myself relax as my hand moved to grabbed his wrists. Wthan pulled away a moment later with wide eyes though there was a smile on my face that soon faded when Ethan started backing up.

"Oh no." He whispered. "I'm gonna be in so much trouble."

I took a step."Ethan, what's wrong?"

"I have to go." Ethan turned a took off down the street leaving me alone.

I follwed him with my eyes until he had disappeared so far down the street that I couldn't see him anymore. My head felt like it was spinning and I could feel my heart about to leap out of my chest. I felt tears well up, and I ran through the streets, hurrying to get home. As soon as I got there, I collapsed on my bed. I started hearing my phone go off and I opened it to see a couple of texts from Wes.

W: Did you get a chance to talk with Ethan?

A: Yeah but I don't want to talk about it.

W: Didn't go as planned?

A: Not exactly.

W: I'm sorry. Get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow.

I turned my phone off and burried my face in my blankets. I tried my best to forget tonight but the image of Ethan's face kept coming back. He left me with more questions than the answers I wanted. I closed my eyes but a couple of hours went by of me overthinking everything before I fell asleep. I prayed that tomorrow would run more smoothly than today had. 

Nothing could be worse than today.

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