Chapter 3: Something Wrong

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I sighed as I entered the stage door the next day. I could feel my palms sweat and my legs shake as I made my way to the rehearsal room. Opening night had gone so well but my nerves about the many shows still to come we're getting the best of me. I pust my stuff in the dressing room and hurried to rehearsal. Just as I entered the room, I immediately collided with someone.

"I'm so sorry." I heard someone say.

"No, it's my fault. I—" I looked up and I felt blush creep onto my face. I had run into Ethan. "I-I was running and not..looking where I was going."

"It's partiality my fault too." Ethan replied, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was hurrying too. Tina wanted to see me about...about something a-and I got in too big of a hurry."

I chuckled nervously. My eyes drifted up and I couldn't help but get lost in Ethan's warm eyes. There was a slight moment where time seemed to stand still, where we just stood there, staring into each other's eyes and if we were searching for each other's inner most desires; as if our eyes would tell us what our hearts truly wanted.

After a couple of seconds, Ethan cleared his throat. "I-uh should probably...ya know, get going." He pointed fown the hall. "I-I don't want to keep Tina waiting."

"Yeah. She's probably wondering where you are." I agreed.

Ethan smiled at me before slipping past me and descended down the hall. I let out a shaky breath and enter the rehearsal room. I walked over to where Jon sat on the floor and he was looking up at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Don't say anything." I glared.

Jon raised his hands, defensively. "I was just gonna say good morning."

I sat next to him and rolled my eyes. I didn't believe that. Rehearsal started and went on just like last time. I tried to focus as much as I could but my in my mind, my encounter with Ethan kept replaying. I must've looked stupid just standing there and flubbing my words.

When it was time for a short break, I grabbed my water bottle and leaned my back against the wall. Wes leisurely walked over to me, his arms folded across his chest. "You doing okay?"

I sighed. "Not really. I can't focus."

"Do that have anything to do with Ethan?" Wes asked.

I ran my hand up and down my arm. "I bumped into him this morning."

Wes nodded slowly. "So that's what wrong with Ethan."

"What do you mean?"

Wes pointed across the room to Ethan."Haven't you noticed that he's also distracted?"

"Yeah but I assumed he was just nervous about the show." I admitted.

"That's only a little bit of his nerves." Wes continued. "Yesterday he went on and one about you. You make him more nervous than the show does."

I felt my heart speed up. Ethan's stuttering earlier made sense. Does he like me too? How has he noticed me? Why did he notice me?

The rest of rehearsal flew by quickly and soon it was time for the show. I quickly changed into my bubble costume and found my place in the ensemble. The first act of the show seemed to go by like a blur but it was the second half that felt like it was going on forever. I was incredibly nervouse. Some of the cast was stagedooring tonight. I managed to pull through the rest of the show and once we we all backstage, I changed into more comfortable clothes and got ready to meet the fans.

"Are you ready?" Wes asked, meeting at the door.

"No." I confessed. "I've never done this before."

"Just follow what I do." Wes said, opening the door.

He walked out and immediately all the fans that were gathered began cheering for him. He walkd to the farthest part of the line and began signing playbills and taking photos. After a couple of people, he looks over at me and motions me to come out. I took a deep breath then walked out. I was surprised by how many fans started cheering for me. I could hear a few calling my name and gave everyone a wave before following Wes down the line. I got to the end and a young girl who looked around fifteen, wiggled her way to the front and held out her playbill to me.

"Hi, Aria!" She squealed. "You were amazing! Will you sign my playbill and can I have a photo?"

"Of course." I said taking her playbill. I sighed it and starred for a moment before handing it back. My first autograph! I bent down and got behind the girl and we took a quick selfie.

"Thank you, Aria!" The girl said, bouncing on her feet.

I smiled at her. "You're welcome. Thanks for coming to the show."

I continued on, signing as many playbills and taking as many selfies as I could. Once I got to the end, I squeezed passed everyone until I was beside Wes on the streets.

"Good job." Wes praised me.

"Thanks." I replied.

"Any plans tonight?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna wait for Jon then head to his place." I explained. "I was a little rusty on my choreography today so he's gonna help me practice a little more before tomorrow."

Wes nodded and gave me a small hug. "Then I'll see you tomorrow."

He headed off and I stood there and waited for Jon. When he arrived, we made our way to his place. We practiced our choreography for a couple of ours before we both got pretty tired. Ethan had texted me during our practice asking what I was doing. I explained that I was hanging out with Jon and Ethan suddenly went quiet. His reply came a hour later. I brushed it off. It's probably nothing.

It was really late and Jon allowed me to stay the night which I glady accepted. When the morning came, we both got dressed and headed to the theater. We signed in and walked to the rehearsal room. Ethan looked over at me from across the room. I smiled and waved at him and to my surprise he gave a halfhearted wave back and turned away.

I turned away and sighed. What was wring with him? He was so friendly towards me yesterday. What had I done wrong in one night? I brushed my thoughts away as rehearsal got underway.

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