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"Be sure to pack everything you need because I don't wanna hear that anyone forgot anything. Nobody is busting U-turns." Isaiah said in our group facetime call. Today we are heading to the hotel pretty early so we can get settles in. DC is far from New York and it's better to be early .

I filled my suitcases with mainly all new clothes and shoes, making sure to include nessecities like perfumes, jewlery, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair care, and other such things. I was all set and triple-checked to make sure.

"Hey Keyera, do you have your camera?"

"Charged and all"

I was more than exited for tomorrow. My body was practically shaking.

"Kali, girl calm down. You don't have be shaking now!"

"I'm just so excited. "

Both of my best friends laughed.

"Alright are y'all ready? I'm about to leave and come and get yall."



"Alright, Kali, Ill be there to get you first.


Once we arrived to the hotel, we checked in under Isaiah name. We all got our keycards and went up to our room.

"One room, two beds? Really Isaiah? I knew I should have booked the room. "

"All we need are two beds. Don't worry, we know you sleep wild so Kali and I can share a bed and you take the other one. "

"Sounds cool to me" I say in agreement.


We all had dinner, took our showers and each had got into bed. Keyera immediately fell asleep, However I found it completely impossible to fall sleep. I look over in Isaiah's direction and saw him scrolling through his phone.

I then look up at the ceiling.

"Baby, go to sleep. Why are you still up?"

"I can't sleep"

"Come here."

He said sliding his hand under my head and to my shoulder, pulling me close to him.

"Stop being so nervous. You might find your husband."

Hearing him say that made me laugh a bit. Gosh I love Isaiah.

He's my protector, always there when I need him, and he spoils me.

Feeling him run his hand through my hair, massaging my head, I soon grew sleepy and eventually fell asleep.


"Kaliiiii. Wake up baby"

Feeling slim fingers poke at my cheeks, I slowly look up at Isaiah, who had been looking at me with a wide grin on his face.

"Good morning," I say sitting up against the backbaord.

He then hands me a plate with fruit, eggs, turkey bacon, and mini pancakes.

"Where is mine?"

We both then turn our heads towards Keyera who was just waking up, looking like crap.

"Bitch go get your own. You are not a fucking baby" Isaiah said in a sassy tone.

Holding back my laughters, I offer Keyera some of my food.

"You can have some of mine."

She gets up, digging a wedgie out of her butt and grabbing my fork with that same hand to take one of my pancakes.

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