Do you want to build a snowman?

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Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining. This icy force both foul and fair has a frozen heart worth mining. So cut through the heart, cold and clear. [the men drag large ice blocks through the lake water] Strike for love and strike for fear. See the beauty sharp and sheer. Split the ice apart and break the frozen heart. [a young Kristoff and his reindeer calf, Sven, share a carrot and then try to join the men] Ho! Watch your step! Let it go! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go! Beautiful! Powerful! Dangerous! Cold! Ice has a magic can't be controlled. Stronger than one, stronger than ten, stronger than a hundred men! Young Kristoff struggles to get a block of ice out of the, it slips, hits the water and soaks Kristoff and then Sven licks his cheek. Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining. This icy force both foul, also this story is about a girl saving another girl from a boy who is very very bad and fair has a frozen heart worth mining. [as the sun sets, men light lanterns and carry on gathering blocks of ice] Cut through the heart, cold and clear. Strike for love and strike for fear. [young Kristoff finally manage to get one block of ice out of the water] There's beauty and there's danger here. Split the ice apart! Beware the frozen heart. The men pile the ice onto a massive horse-drawn ice sled after which it's pulled away, Kristoff an Sven push their ice block onto a little sled and start following the mountain men's sled. "Come on, Sven!"Kristoff said.

In the kingdom of Arendelle, young Princess Elsa is sleeping, you and Anna excitedly try to wake her up. "Elsa. Psst. Elsa!"Anna said. Elsa doesn't wake so you climb onto the bed, sit on Elsa and bounce. "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up." You said. "(Y/n), go back to sleep." Elsa said. You roll on your back and lie on top of Elsa. "I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play." You said. "Go play by yourself." Elsa shoves you off the bed. Anna hops back on the bed and lifts one of Elsa's eyelids. "Do you want to build a snowman?" Anna asked. This gets Elsa's attention and she smiles, then the three of you go downstairs to play. "Come on, come on, come on, come on." You said. "Shh!" Elsa said.You three sneak into the ballroom and Elsa shuts the door, they start laughing. "Do the magic! Do the magic!" Anna said. Elsa starts waving her hands together and suddenly snowflakes appear forming a snowball. "Ready?" You asked. "Yeah." Anna nodded. You throw the snowball into the air and it bursts out creating flakes around the room. "This is amazing!" Anna said. Anna runs around in excitement."Watch this!" Elsa stomps her foot and suddenly a layer of ice suddenly coats the floor, Anna slides off, laughing, then you, Elsa and Anna make build a snowman, after you finish building him Elsa moves his stick arms around. "Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs." She said.

You run over and hug him. "I love you, Olaf." You said. Then using her power, Elsa helps You, Anna and Olaf to slide across the dance floor as if you are dancing. You then slide down snow hills together. "Ah-huh! Tickle bumps!" You said. Then Anna jumps off the snow peaks. "Alright. Catch me!" She said. You make another snowpeak to catch Anna. "Gotcha!" You said. "Again!" Anna said. Elsa makes another peak to catch Anna as she jumps. "Wait!" Elsa said. Anna keeps jumping and Elsa quickly tries to make peaks to catch her. "Slow down!" You shouted. Suddenly you slip on the ice floor, as you sit up you see Anna about to jump again. "Anna!" You shouted. You quickly uses your power to catch Anna as she jumps but it accidentally strikes her head and Anna falls down unconscious, Elsa rushes towards her and takes her into her arms. You quickly run over. "Anna?" Elsa asked. "Oh no!" You said. Suddenly a streak of Anna's hair where she was struck turns white. You gasped. "Mama! Papa!" You cried.As you and Elsa cry the room fills with more ice. As Elsa holds on to the unconscious Anna. "You're okay, Anna. I got you." Elsa said. Suddenly your parents burst through the frozen door. "(Y/n), what have you done? This is getting out of hand!" The king said. "It was an accident. I'm sorry Anna." You said as you hugged her. the King and Queen take Anna into their arms. "She's ice cold." The Queen said. "I know where we have to go." The King said.The King goes through a shelf of books and finds an ancient book, he opens it and an old map falls to the floor from between the pages, the King and Queen take the girls and ride their horses through a forest, as they ride off a trail of ice is left behind them, they ride past young Kristoff who notices the trail of ice.

"Ice?" Kristoff asked. Kristoff then rides Sven to follow the trail of ice. "Faster, Sven!" As they reach the edge of a valley Kristoff hops off Sven and hides behind a rock. "Sven!" Kristoff said. They watch the King and Queen with you, Elsa and the unconscious Anna as they stand in the middle of an ancient ruin. "Please, help! My daughter!" The King said. Suddenly bunch of rocks tumble down the valley toward them and surround them, then they rocks unfold and turn into trolls. "It's the king!" One troll said. "Trolls?" Kristoff asked. Suddenly the rock in front of them unfolds "Shush! 'm trying to listen." The troll said. The troll grabs Kristoff and Sven by the hand brings them in close against her, Sven licks the trolls face and she looks at them both. "Cuties. I'm gonna keep you." The troll said. The head troll approaches the King and Queen. "Your Majesty!" The troll said. Then he takes Elsa's hand, then yours. "Are they with the powers or cursed?" The troll asked. "Uh...born. And they're getting stronger." The King said. "Here, here." The troll said. The Queen kneels in front of him and holds out Anna, he places his hand on Anna's head. "You are lucky it wasn't her heart. The heart is not so easily changed, but the head can be persuaded." The troll said. "Do what you must." The King said. "I recommend we remove all magic, even memories of magic to be safe." The troll said. The troll pulls out from Anna's head memories of you, Elsa and Anna playing, which floats above you. "But don't worry, I'll leave the fun." He said. He changes all of her memories of Elsa's and your magic to show ordinary memories of you three playing out in the winter snow and puts them back in her head. "She will be okay." The troll said.

"But she won't remember we have powers?" Elsa asked. "It's for the best. Listen to me, girls, your power will only grow. There is beauty in it. But also great danger. You must learn to control it. Fear will be your enemy." The troll said. this frightens you and Elsa and you two turn to your father who holds you both protectively. "No. We'll protect them. They can learn to control it. I'm sure. Until then, we'll lock the gates. We'll reduce the staff. We will limit their contact with people, and keep their powers hidden from everyone. Including Anna." The King said. Anna watches as you and Elsa go into the room you share and close the door, Anna looks sad and confused. One snowy day, Anna knocks on the door to yours and Elsa's room. "Elsa? (Y/n)?" She asked.


"Do you want to build a snowman? Come on let's go and play. I never see you anymore. Come out the door." Anna peeks under the door. "It's like you've gone away. Anna plays alone with her dolls in the ball room. "We used to be best buddies, and now we're not. I wish you would tell me why. back at the door, Anna peeks through the keyhole. "Do you want to build a snowman?" She then sings through the keyhole. "It doesn't have to be a snowman." "Go away, Anna." You said. "Okay bye." Anna walks away. Sitting in the room at the window, you and Elsa look out longingly, as Elsa touches her hand on the windowsill her hands suddenly freeze the windowsill, later the King puts gloves onto Elsa's hands and your hands. He holds your gloved hand. "The gloves will help. See. Conceal it." The King Said. "Don't feel it." Elsa said. "Don't let it show." You and Elsa said.A couple of years later a slightly older looking Anna knocks excitedly on the door and carries on singing.

"Do you want to build a snowman? Or ride our bike around the halls? I think some company is overdue... Anna runs around the portrait room. "I've started talking to the pictures on the walls." She flips over the arm of a couch and lands on the cushion and she looks up at the painting of Joan of Arc. "Hang in there, Joan." In the library Anna is lying at the base of a grandfather clock. "It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms. Just watching the hours tick by." Her eyes follow the grandfather clock's pendulum and she emulates the tick-tock with her tongue. "I'm scared. It's getting stronger!" Elsa said. "Getting upset only makes it worse. Calm down." The King said. "No! Don't touch us. Please. I don't want to hurt you." You said. The King and Queen look at each other in sadness. A few years later Anna now a teenager slides past the door and enters her parents room and hugs the King and Queen. "See you in two weeks." She said. Down in the hallway, you and Elsa curtsy formally in front of your parents. "Do you have to go?" Elsa asked. "You and (Y/n) will be fine, Elsa." The King said. During a storm the King and Queen are killed when a wave crashes onto their ship, after their funeral Anna knocks on the door. "Elsa? (Y/n)?" She asked. She began to sing. "Please, I know you're in there. People are asking where you've been. They say have courage and I'm trying to, I'm right out here for you. Just let me in. We only have each other. It's just you and me. What are we gonna do?" Anna slides down the door and sits against it, looking sad. "Do you want to build a snowman?" She asked. In the room you and Elsa are sitting in the exact same position as Anna, the room is now frozen with ice and snowflakes float in the air, you and Elsa begin to cry as does Anna sat outside her door.

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