Meeting Ralph

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A space pod launches into the tunnel of another game. The blackness of the tunnel turns pink. Globs of pink goo collect on the windshield. "Engine Failure. Engine Failure." The spaceship said. Ralph screams. It destroys a slice of countryside before stopping at the edge of a cliff. Ralph and the cy-bug slam against the dash. Something beeps. It's the eject button. "Uh-oh. Whoaaaaaaaa!!!" Ralph said. Ralph and the cy-bug catapult out of the ship. Ralph lands at the top of a tree. The cy-bug continues on and slams into a nearby tree. It falls into a taffy pool and sinks as if dead. "Sayonara, sucker!" Ralph said. From his vantage point Ralph can see a candy race track and a bunch of dessert go-karts whizzing by. A giant sign glistens: SUGAR RUSH. "Sugar Rush? Oh no, this is that candy go-kart game over by the Whack-A-Mole. I got to get out of here." He wipes the stickiness off on his shirt and realizes that his medal is gone. "No! No-no-no-no-no-NO! My medal!" Ralph said. He spots the medal dangling from the highest branch of a peppermint tree. Ralph quickly climbs down the tree as it shakes from his weight. He grabs the tree and climbs, eyes on the medal. "Hi mister!" A voice said. He looks up, terrified. But it's only Vanellope Von Schweetz, a 9-year-old girl, looking down from a branch above him. "Hello!" Said another voice. Ralph quickly looks the other way, and sees another girl, who looks almost the same, but is slightly smaller, and has a blue jacket and blue leggings, instead of the other girl, who has green. "Man! You scared me, kids! I nearly soiled myself!" Ralph said. "What's your name?" Vanellope asked. "Ralph, Wreck-it Ralph." Ralph said. "You're not from here, are you?" You asked. "No, well, yeah, I mean not from right in this area. But I'm just doing some work here." Ralph said.

"What kind of work?" You asked. Ralph continues climbing. "Some routine candy-tree trimming. You probably want to stand back. In fact, this whole area is technically closed while we're trimmin' so-" Ralph said. "Who's we?" Vanellope asked. "Candy-tree department." He climbs higher. "Oh. Where is everybody else?" You asked. "Oh, it's just me, today." Ralph said. "So, you just meant like the royal we?" Vanellope asked. "Yup. That's right." Ralph said. You spring up to a branch by his face and hang upside down. "Hey. Are you a hobo?" You asked. "No, I am not a hobo. But I am busy, so you go, go home." Ralph said. "What's that? I didn't hear you. Your breath is so bad it made my ears numb." Vanellope said. "Listen, I try to be nice-" Ralph said.  "I try to be nice." You said, mimicking him. "You're mimicking me." Ralph said. "You're mimicking me." Vanellope said, joining in. "Okay, that is rude, and this conversation is over." Ralph said. "That is rude and this conversation is over." You said. "I wouldn't grab that branch if I were you." Vanellope warned. "I'm from the candy-tree department. I know exactly-" Ralph grabs the branch, but it quickly disappears. "WHOA!" He barely manages to catch a lower branch with one hand. "It's a double stripe." You said. "Double stripes break, ga-doi. Hey, why are your hands so freakishly big?" Vanellope asked. 

"Uh, I dunno. Why are you so freakishly annoying?" Ralph asked. "Well, why are you so freakishly-"  Just then, you notice the glistening medal. "Sweet mother of monkey milk a gold coin!" You said. "Don't even think about it. That is mine." Ralph said. "Race you for it!" You watch Vanellope move like a monkey up the branches. Ralph followed. "I don't have to race you for it, because it's mine." Ralph grabs a double stripe, which disappears. "Double stripe!" You said. Vanellope makes it to the top and grabs the medal. "Come back here! Give it back, give it, give it!" Ralph said. "The winner! Whoa!" Ralph grabs the branch she's on and flings her off. She drops the medal. He catches it. You dive for it, and miss. Ralph lands on another double-stripe. "Double stripe!" You said. Crack. He falls. The medal goes flying again. "Aahhh! Nooooooo!" Ralph said. He grabs the bottom branch and hangs inches above the bubbling taffy. Vanellope snags the medal. "Thank you." Vanellope said. "Nice going, sis!" You said. "Aw, thanks. (Y/n)." Vanellope said. She hops off the tree to the ground, safely beyond the taffy. "You coming or what?" She asked you. "Oh, right!" You jump off the tree and go beside her. "Look, wait. Let me talk to you for one second. Here's the thing, I'm not from the candy tree department." Ralph said. "Lying to children. Shame on you, Ralph." Vanellope said. "But I wasn't lying about the medal. That is my medal. That's why I was climbing the tree. It's mine. It's precious to me." Ralph said. Vanellope polishes the medal, admiring it. "That thing's my ticket to a better life." Ralph said.  "Yeah, well now it's my ticket."  You and Vanellope glitch. "What the...?" Ralph asked. "See ya, chump." You said. You and Vanellope run off.  "Come back! I'll find you! I will find you!" Ralph hears a ding. He looks up. The stripe vanishes. "Double stripe!" Vanellope said. Ralph falls into the gooey taffy pool. He bubbles up, looking like a taffy beast. "Nowhere to hide!" He disappears back beneath the sticky surface.

Time Skip

You and Vanellope sneak up, you and Vanellope pushing tarp- covered karts. She peeks her head out, the medal of Heroes clenched between her teeth. "Just in time!" She said. All hail our rightful ruler, King Candy." Sour Bill said. Up in the tallest box, a curtain opens and King Candy -- with his Ed-Wynn-like mug and style -- jumps out. "Hello my loyal subjects! Ha ha! Have some candy!" King Candy throws handfuls of candy into the crowd. "Thank you for that stirring introduction, Sour Bill." King Candy said. "Mmm hmm." Sour Bill said. "And thank you to today's avatars. It was a wonderful day, it was. But now the arcade is closed, so it's time to wipe the slate clean and race to decide our new roster." King Candy said. "The first nine racers across that finish line will represent Sugar Rush as tomorrow's Avatars." King Candy said. "RACE! RACE! RACE! RACE!" The crowd cheers. 

"Yes, okay. Calm down. Listen, this event is pay-to-play. We all know this. The fee to compete is one gold coin from your previous winnings; if you've ever won, which I have. Let me go first." King Candy pulls a lever and a rainbow sweeps across the starting line. King Candy throws his gold coin into the air. It's caught on a rainbow slide and swept into a giant pot. King Candy's name appears on a contestant  board. "King Candy." The board said. King Candy leaps into the air with a flourish and poses. The crowd goes wild. The first racer, a strawberry-pink, go-getter, tosses up her coin. it lands in the pot, where it turns into game code and then disappears into an abyss. "Taffyta Muttonfudge!" Taffyta does her signature leap and pose in the air and gives the fans her catch-phrase. "Stay sweet!" More kids throw in their coins as you and Vanellope push your covered karts to the starting line. "Adorabeezle Winterpop! Gloyd Orangeboar!" The board kept listing out more names. You and Vanellope scurry up to the back of the line. "Crumbelina Di Caramello!" The board said. "Minty Zaki! Snowanna Rainbeaux! Rancis Fluggerbutter! Jubileena Bing-Bing! Swizzle Malarkey! Candlehead!" The board said. "Sour Bill, who's that last one?" King Candy asked.

You and Vanellope toss your coins in. "(Y/n) Von Schweetz!" The board said. "Vanellope Von Schweetz!" "Yippee! We're in the race!" Vanellope said. "Vanellope and (Y/n)?!" King Candy asked in surprise. Taffyta rips the tarp off of Vanellope's kart, revealing a sad kart made from recycled junk with the name "Lickity Split" written on the side, then she does the same with yours. "The glitches!" She said. The crowd starts to panic. "Now, now. Everything is all right. Security!" King Candy said. Two donut cops, Wynnchel and Duncan, come running in. "Come here, kids." Duncan said. "We're not going to hurt you, you little freaks." Wynnchel said. "Run!" Vanellope said. You and Vanellope make a break for it. 

"Get back here!" Wynnchel said. "Slow down!" Duncan said. Just then a taffy-covered Ralph with twigs and candy stuck to him comes barrelling onto the track, looking like a creature from the taffy lagoon. "YOU! Give me back my medal right now!" Ralph said. "Oh boy!" You said. You and Vanellope run the other way. "What is that?" King Candy asked. Ralph chases you and Vanellope. "Get back here." Ralph said. You and Vanellope slip under a spectator's box. Ralph lifts up the box, revealing you two. "Nowhere to hide!" Ralph said. "Whoa!" Vanellope said. You and Vanellope scurry back under the next box. Ralph follows, tipping box after box. Spectators scatter. "Get out of my way!" Ralph said. "Careful! What are you doing?!" King Candy asked. You and Vanellope run out from under then stands. Ralph followed. He slammed into a giant cupcake water tower. It tips. "Huh?" Ralph asked. The giant cupcake falls onto him. His taffy-covered head pops out the top. He tips over. You and Vanellope laugh, skip around him and then run away.

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