You really are a bad guy

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"Come on Ralph! This is it. This is really happening. I almost don't believe it. I mean, I have dreamt about it for so long, and I think I'm gonna puke, actually. I mean I think I might puke. You know, like a verp?" Vanellope asked. "A what?" Ralph asked. "Vomit and a burp together, and you can taste it, and it's just like rising up.... Oh this is so exciting!" You said. "Yes! It is. It's exciting!" Ralph said. "I mean, are we ready to be real racers? Ralph, what if the gamers don't like us?!" Vanellope asked. "Who doesn't love brats with dirty hair? Come on, those people are gonna love you two. You know why? Because you're winners." Ralph said. "We're winners." Vanellope said. "And you're adorable." Ralph said. "We're adorable!" You said. "And everyone loves adorable winners!" Ralph said. "Yeah!" You and Vanellope high five. "Okay. Come on." Ralph said. Vanellope laughs and hops in her kart. You hop into yours. Ralph climbs on the back of Vanellope's. "If you get nervous, just keep telling yourself: "I must win Ralph's medal or his life will be ruined." And have fun. Got it?" Ralph asked. 

"Got it." You said. Vanellope starts driving away, then slams on the brakes. "Oh, wait!" She said. "Hold on!" She said. Ralph falls forward. She puts it in reverse, then stops short. He falls off the back. "Where are you going?" Ralph asked. "We forgot something, we'll be right back. Come on, (Y/n)!" Vanellope said. You hop out and run after her. You both run back into the volcano entrance. "Huh. kids...!" He said. He then hears the sound of a kart engine. "Ralph, there you are! Hello!" King Candy said. Ralph turns to see King Candy getting out of his kart. "You!" Ralph said. "Now, I came alone. Unarmed. Whoa-" He ducks as a boulder flies past his head. "I've had enough of you, Pillow Pants." Ralph chases King Candy around a giant gum drop. "Now, calm down! Calm down!" King Candy said. "I'm gonna beat the filling out of you!" Ralph said. King Candy puts on giant glasses. "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you?" He asked. Ralph grabs the glasses off of his face and knocks King Candy on the head with them. "Oh you hit a guy with glasses, well played." King Candy said. Ralph grabs him by the lapels. "What do you want, Candy?" Ralph asked. "For you to close your mouth. Your breath... Listen, I just want to talk to you." King Candy said. "I'm not interested in anything you have to say." Ralph said. "How about this? Are you interested in this?" King Candy holds up the Medal of Heroes. Shocked to see it, Ralph drops King Candy. "My medal. How did you-" Ralph asked.

"It doesn't matter. It's yours.... Go ahead. Take it." Ralph takes the medal. "All I ask is that you hear me out." Ralph stares at the medal as he considers. "About what?" Ralph asked. "Ralph, do you know what the hardest part about being a King is? Doing what's right, no matter what." King Candy said. "Get to the point." Ralph said. "Point being, I need your help. Sad as it is, Vanellope and (Y/n) cannot be allowed to race." King Candy said. "Why are you people so against them?!" Ralph asked. "I'm not against them. I'm trying to protect them." King Candy said. "If Vanellope or (Y/n) win that race, they'll be added to the Race Roster." King Candy said. "Then gamers can choose them as their avatar. And when they see them glitching and twitching and just being themselves... they'll think our game is broken. We'll be put out of order, for good. "All my subjects will be homeless. But there's two who cannot escape, because they're glitches." King Candy said. A terrible image of you and Vanellope trying to escape came to Ralph's mind. "Help!" Vanellope bangs on the game exist. "Somebody help us!" You bang as well. "And when the game's plug is pulled, they'll die with it." 

"No!" You both shout, before being pulled into darkness. Ralph is terrified by this thought. "You don't know that'll happen. The gamers could love them." Ralph said. "And if they don't?" King Candy asked. Ralph sits down, eyes still on his medal. "I know it's tough. But heroes have to make the tough choices, don't they? They can't race, Ralph. But they won't listen to me. So, can I count on you to talk a little sense into them?" King Candy asked. Ralph contemplates, then gives a small, pained nod. "Very good.... Now, I'll give you three some time alone." King Candy disappears around the bend. Ralph stares at the medal. He hears you and Vanellope returning. He stands, braces himself, and puts the medal in his pocket. "We're back! Did you miss us?" You asked. "Yeah. Yeah. Hey, can we talk for a second?" Ralph asked. "Wait. First, kneel down." Vanellope said. "What? No, no, we really-" Ralph said. "Will ya just do it!" You asked. "Ok." He kneeled down. "Now close your eyes." Vanellope said. "Guys..." he began. "Shush. Close 'em!" You said. He shuts them. Vanellope ties something around his neck. "Okay. Open 'em up!" You said. He looks down and sees a small, handmade candy heart on a string, on which is hand-painted the words: "To Stink Brain." "To Stink Brain. Gee, thanks." Ralph said.

"Turn it over." Vanellope said. He does. On the back is painted the words: "You're my Hero." "We made it for you, just in case we don't win. Not that I think there's even a remote chance we're not gonna win." You said. "Thanks kids, um listen-" Ralph tries to say. "Now rise, our royal chump! We've got a date with destiny!" Vanellope said. Ralph doesn't move. "Ralph, come on, move your molasses!" You said. "Um, I've been thinking-" Ralph said. "That's dangerous." Vanellope said. "Who cares about this stupid race anyway right?" He asked. "That's not very funny, Ralph." You said. "No, I'm serious. It was really fun to build the karts and everything but maybe... maybe you two shouldn't do it." Ralph said. "Ah, hello? Is Ralph in there? I'd like to speak to him please." Vanellope said. "Look, what I'm saying is, you two can't be racers." Ralph said. "What? Why would you..." you asked. Vanellope's eyes go down to his chest and she sees something. "Wait a minute." She pulls the Medal of Heroes out of Ralph's pocket."No!" Ralph said. "Where did you get this?" You asked. 

"Look, I'm gonna be straight with you kids; I've been talking to King Candy." He said. "King Candy? You sold us out?" Vanellope asked. "No, I didn't listen. You don't understand." Ralph said. "No, we understand plenty, traitor." You shout. You throw the medal at him. It hits him in the face and falls to the ground. You and Vanellope jump back in the karts. "I'm not a traitor, listen-" Ralph tried to explain. "You're a rat. And we don't need you! We can win that race on our own." Vanellope said. "But I'm trying to save your skin, kids!" Ralph grabs you and picks you up out of the kart. "Hey!" Vanellope shouts. "Put her down! Right now!" She shouts. Ralph sets you down. Then picks her up. "Hey! Put me down. Let me go!" She said. He sets her down. She immediately makes a dash for the kart. Ralph blocks her way. She struggles to get around him. 

"No, you listen to me. You know what's gonna happen when the players see you two glitching? They're gonna think the game's broken." Ralph said. "I don't care, you're a liar." You said. "You better care, because if your game goes out of order, you go down with the ship, little sisters!" Ralph said. "Get out of our way!" You said. You and Vanellope get under his leg and get back in your karts. "We're going to that race!" You said. He pulls you both out again and holds you by the scruff. You both thrash and kick at him. "No, you're not."  He hangs you both by the hoods on the edge of a pointy gumdrop. "Take us down from here, Ralph, right now!" You said. "No.... I'm doing this for your own good." He goes over to the karts and raises his fists. You two struggle to get free, but can't. "Wait. Wait. Wait. No. No. No. Please, Ralph!" Vanellope said. But he doesn't stop. He destroys the karts. "No! Stop!" You sob, and so does Vanellope. "Ralph, stop it!" She shouted. Then you both glitch and land on the ground. The karts are in ruins. Ralph turns to you two. "You really are a bad guy." Vanellope said. She grabs your hand and runs sobbing into the mountain entrance.

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