Learning how to Drive

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King Candy and the donut police screech to a halt. King Candy removes his goggles and looks around. "Where'd they go? They just turned. Find those glitches. Destroy those karts. They can't be allowed to race!" Wynnchel and Duncan drive off. King Candy wipes his sweaty brow, upset. "Let me get this straight; you two don't know how to drive." Ralph said. "Well no, not technically. But I just thought-" you began. Ralph gets to his feet. "What did you think?! Oh, I'll just magically win the race just because I really want to!" Ralph mocks. "Look wise guy, I know we're both racers. I can feel it in my code." Vanellope said. "That's it, I'm never getting my medal back." Ralph said. You and Vanellope jump out of your karts. Vanellope tries to push her kart off the rock. "What is the big whoop about that crummy medal anyway?" You asked. "The big whoop? Well this may come as a shock to you, but in my game, I'm the bad guy, and I live in the garbage." Ralph said. "Cool." Vanellope said. "No, not cool. Unhygienic. And lonely. And boring. But that "crummy medal" was gonna change all that. I go home with that baby around my neck, and I'll get a penthouse. Pies. Ice sculptures. Fireworks..." Ralph said. You and Vanellope look at him in realization. "Ah, it's grown up stuff. You two wouldn't understand." He said. "No, we get it. That's exactly what racing would do for us." You said. "Well guess what?" Ralph asked. "What?" Vanellope asked. "News flash! Neither one of us is getting what we want." Ralph stomps his foot. Something explodes nearby. "What was that?" He asked. Ralph followed the sound. He comes to a room with a bubbling pool. He reads the signs. "Diet cola hot springs. Watch out for falling Mentos?" Ralph read. "Yeah, check it out. Look!" You throw a rock at the stalactite and hit it. A piece of Mento falls into the pool. A giant broiling geyser shoots up into the air. Ralph yelps and jumps away when a splash hits him. "Oh, you gotta watch out for the splash. That stuff's broiling hot." Vanellope said. "Yeah, I got that, thank you. What is this dump?" Ralph asked. "I think it's some sort of unfinished bonus level. Yeah, it's pretty cool, huh?" Vanellope asked. "We found that secret opening, and now we live here." You said. "See, look, look look!" You and Vanellope run over to a crudely fashioned lean-to above a bed of candy-wrappers.

"Welcome to our home!" Vanellope said. "We sleep in these candy wrappers. We bundle ourselves up like little homeless ladies..." You said as you bundle yourself up in the candy wrappers. "By yourselves, with all this garbage around you?" Ralph asked. "Well, yeah. I mean everyone here says we're just mistakes, and that we weren't even supposed to exist. What do you expect?" Vanellope asked. "Listen, kids... I know it's none of my business, but why do you even stick around this game?" Ralph asked. "You really don't know anything, do you? Glitches can't leave their games. It's one of the joys of being us." You said. Ralph frowns, then raises his giant fist and starts pounding the architecture. "Hey! What are you doing?! Come on! I know it's a dump, but it's all we got!" Vanellope said.  "If you're going to be a racer, you have to learn how to drive, and you can't do that without a track." Ralph said. He's made a beginner's track around the hot springs. "Whoa." You said. Ralph picks up the karts and puts them on the track. "Alright now, let's hustle up. We got some driving to do." Ralph said. You and Vanellope run in a circle around Ralph and the karts, cheering. "We're gonna learn to drive! We're gonna learn to drive! We're gonna-- Wait. Do you know how to drive?" Vanellope asked. "Yeah! I mean, I haven't done it, but look, I flew a spaceship today, okay?" Ralph asked. "You crashed it." You said. "Just get in. How hard can it be?" Ralph asked. You and Vanellope both get in your karts. "Okay, uh... start it up." You and Vanellope start it up and revs the engines. "There you go. Okay, now-" Ralph began. "There's so much stuff in here!" Vanellope said. "Don't start touching anything yet." Ralph said. You turn on the lights. "What's this?" You asked. "Them's the lights." Ralph said. "And what's this?" Vanellope hits the horn. "That's the horn." You honk your horn. "Yeah, that's still the horn." Ralph said. "I like the horn." You said. "Listen, we got work to do!" Ralph said. "Okay!" He points to the pedals. "So there's some buttons on the floor..." he said. "Pedals!" Vanellope said. "Pedals. Right. Now, that's the Go pedal. That, I believe is the stopper. And this.... Wait. What is this?" Ralph presses the clutch on your kart. "It doesn't do anything." Ralph said. He picks up the kart, looks closely at the pedals, and starts playing with them. "What does this joystick do?" You asked. You push the gear shift. The kart jumps forward, dragging Ralph with it. He lands flat on his face. "(Y/n)!" Vanellope shouts. "I'm okay!" You said.

"Good. Let's try that again." Ralph said. Ralph is standing in front of Vanellope. She zips forward and slams into Ralph. "Ouch!" He said. Ralph is standing behind you. You grind the gears, file in reverse, and slam into him. He cries out. You slam into him again. Ralph is hiding behind a rock. Vanellope bucks forward, hits a tree. The tree falls, lands on Ralph's head. Ralph is pushing your kart from behind, guiding you around the rocks. Vanellope turns the wheel and slams into a rock. Spitting out a tooth, she gives a thumbs up. You are driving in first gear. You lift your foot off the clutch slowly and move forward smoothly. "Hey, wait, you're doing it." Ralph said. You shift again. "Oh, I am." You said. "Way to go, (Y/n)!" Vanellope said. "Okay. Shift it, Vanellope." Ralph said. She makes it around the track. She shifts perfectly. "Whoa! I told you; racing's in our code!" Vanellope said. "Whoa, whoa whoa! Eyes on the wheel!" Ralph said. "Hey Ralphie, watch this! I'm going off road!" You jump the track then drive right up a steep, natural ramp. You jump a part of broken track and land perfectly. You make another jump. Perfect. "I got that medal in the bag." Ralph said.  You and Vanellope then aim for a giant jump...take flight and... glitch. Both karts glitch about in the air, out of control. You're both headed right for the stalactite. You two scream. "Look out!" Ralph said. You two duck, but hit the Mentos. You both glitch again and crash land on the track on the other side. Giant chunks of Mentos fall into the hot springs. Geysers shoot up. Ralph jumps out of the way of the boiling cola falling around him. You and Vanellope keep spinning out of control. You two skid to a stop. You look spooked, but then you shake it off. "So, how'd we do?" You asked. "Um... well, you almost blew up the whole mountain." Ralph said. "Right, right, that's a good note." Vanellope said. "You've got to get that glitch under control, kids!" Ralph said. "Okay, we will, we will! And then you think we got a chance?" You asked. He contemplates. "Tiny." Ralph said. You and Vanellope jump up and around Ralph. "Yes! We're  gonna win! We're  gonna win! We're gonna win! We're  gonna win! Top shelf!" Vanellope said. "Top shelf!" You gave Vanellope a fist bump.

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