The Deal

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The racers sweep in and surround you and Vanellope. She pushes away any evidence of fear and stands tall to meet them. "Hello, fellow racers!" She said. Ralph peeks over the hill. "It's that little crumbsnatcher." Ralph said. "Taffyta, Rancis, you're looking well. Came by to check out the competition, huh? Well, here they are, The Lickity Split and the (K/n)." You said, pointing to the karts.  "Jeesh. Looks like they built them themselves." Ralph said. "We built them ourselves. Fastest pedal- power west of the Whack-A-Mole. Check em out." Vanellope hops in her kart and starts pedalling. The gears catch and spin. "Oh, Vanellope, it's But you two have to back out of the race, yeah." Taffyta said. Vanellope gets out of her kart and approaches Taffyta. "Oh, no, we don't, because we paid our fee. We're on the board. So, yeah, we're definitely racing." You said. "Well, King Candy says glitches can't race." Taffyta said. "We're not glitches, Taffyta." She glitches. "We've just got Pixlexia, okay?" Vanellope asked. 

Ignoring her, Taffyta walks over to your karts. "The rules are there for a reason, Vanellope. To protect us." Taffyta gets in Vanellope's kart. Say I'm you or your sister. I'm in my weird little car, and I'm driving, and I actually feel kinda cool for once. And then, all of a sudden, oh no! I'm gl-gl-gl-gl-itching!" Taffyta shudders and then rips the steering wheel off. "Hey!" You said. "See? You're accidents just waiting to happen." Taffyta said. "Oh no, I glitched, too." Jubileena goes over to your kart, flails and crashes into it, ripping off the brake. You rush over to your kart, but other racers get in your way and block you. "Uncool." Ralph said. "Oh no, I glitched. I glitched. Look out, I'm glitching." The kids said. "Stop. You're breaking them! No!" Vanellope said. "Please." She said. You grab Taffyta and spin her around to face her. "We just want to race like you guys." You said. "You'll never be racers, because you're glitches...and that's all you'll ever be." Taffyta pushes you, you go flying back, and land splat in the mud. "Hey!" Vanellope said angrily. "Hey! Leave them alone!" Ralph runs down the hill, flails his arms, and throws mud at the kids. They scream in terror. "Scram, you rotten little cavities, before I throw you in the mud!" The racers drive off. Ralph puffs up. He looks over to you. "You okay, (Y/n)?" Vanellope asked as she went to help you. "I'm fine..." you said. You glitch as you stand up. Vanellope notices Ralph watching. "What are YOU looking at?" She asked. "You're welcome, you rotten little thief." Ralph said.

"I'm not a thief. I just borrowed your stupid coin. I was gonna give it back to you as soon as I won the race." Vanellope said. "It's not a coin. It is a medal." Ralph said. "Coin. Medal. Just go back to your own dumb game and win another one." You said. "I can't. I didn't win it in my game. I won it in Hero's Duty." Ralph said. "Hero's Doodie?!" Vanellope asked. You two start laughing. "It's not that kind of duty." Ralph said. "I bet you really gotta watch where you step in a game called Hero's Doodie. What did you win a medal for? Wiping? I hope you washed your hands after you handled that medal." You said. "Listen-" "Wait. One more. One more: why did the hero flush the toilet?" Vanellope asked. "Say why..." you said. "Why." Ralph said. "Because it was his doodie." Vanellope said. "How dare you insult Hero's Duty, you little guttersnipe! I earned that medal, and you better get it back for me, toot-sweet, sisters!" Ralph said. 

"Well, unless you've got go-karts hidden in the fat folds of your neck, we can't help you." You said. Ralph makes like he wants to crush you, but forces himself to smash a nearby candy tree instead. He then punches a giant jawbreaker. It doesn't so much as crack. He tries again. Incensed, he pounds on it. "What a moron." Vanellope said. "Hey genius, it's a jawbreaker! You're never gonna break-" you stop as Ralph breaks it. "Huh." Vanellope said. Ralph plops down on a rock, out of breath. Vanellope comes over and leans against a nearby jawbreaker. "Enjoy your little tantrum, diaper baby?" Vanellope asked. "Leave me alone." Ralph said. "Look, you want that medal, right? And we want to race. So, here's what I'm thinking; you help us get new karts, real karts, and we'll win the race and get you back your medal." You said. "You want me to help you two?" Ralph asked. "All you got to do is break something for us. Come on, what do you say, friend?" Vanellope holds out a hand. He doesn't take it. "We are not friends." Ralph said. You hold out your hand. "Ah come on, pal. You son of a gun. Come on buddy, let's shake on it. Come on chumbo. Ralph, my man. My main man. Hey, my arm's getting tired. We have a deal or not?" You asked. "Ugh. You better win." He takes your little hand, and you two shake on it. Vanellope smiles.

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