New Café

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(Suggested by 4R4ndomW4ttp4dUser)

It was around 7 AM when a text appeared in the group chat.

And that text was from none other than early-bird Piko.

Did you hear about the new cafe?

Even though Fukase was usually awake by this time, he never bothered to answer simple ones like 'Good morning' or Piko telling them about his dreams.
But when he received the notification and read the text itself, he found it interesting enough to actually be bothered to respond.

Even though he was sleepy and his response was constructed something like this- hh? I no nk i dont nkno- Piko could understand and laugh at him.

And just like that, they had made plans to meet up at 9:30 AM to visit this newly opened café in town.

And by now, when Fukase had finished and gotten ready, it was 9:26. And he needed to hurry up.

Grabbing his wallet and slipping it into his jacket's pocket, Fukase opened the door and let himself out, immediately seeing Piko waiting nearby.

'Piko! You're early!' he pointed out, nearing where Piko was standing.
Piko simply shrugged and smiled.

They had just started to set off when a crashing weight bumped into Fukase's back, causing him to stumble and turn around.

He was about to give a lecture to whoever the kid who bumped into him was, when he realised that it was, indeed,a huffing Oliver behind him, clutching his head.
'Oliver??' Piko was surprised.

Oliver huffed some more and nodded. His face was slightly red, as if he had just ran a mile or two.
'Who... Who else.. do.. I.. look like?' He panted.

Fukase now chuckled. 'You have pretty low stamina, don't you?' he grinned at the out-of-breath Oliver, who now stared at him back. 'What??'

'I mean, you can barely handle a run from your house to here.'

Oliver's cheeks became slightly redder. 'Actually it was a sprint.' he corrected Fukase. 'And, I woke up 20 minutes ago, so when I checked the groupchat and you were meeting up with Piko this early, and not even inviting m-'

Fukase turned around and started to walk again, teasing Oliver, causing him to stumble along after him and Piko.

A few minutes had passed, Piko once again telling them about what he had heard about the new café.
'I also heard about it!' Oliver said, eyes shining. 'I heard it has muffins!' he exclaimed, twirling around in the middle of the pathway.

Fukase facepalmed. 'Oliver, you're really a child sometimes..'

Continuing walking, they made small talk.
The sun had only started to rise about two hours ago, since it was the middle of fall, and it set up a nice atmosphere of humid air paired with warm sunlight and yellow and orange leaves floating from the trees.

Oliver knew that fall was Flower's favourite season, which reminded him,
'Guys... Where's Flower?' he asked. 'I don't see her with us.'

Fukase shrugged. 'Busy? She hasn't replied to the group chat today, and she started replying only in the late evenings since Wednesday.'
Oliver now suddenly got a worried look on his face, 'You... You don't think she'll ditch us, Fukase?' he asked the redhead.

Fukase shook his head firmly. 'She'd never do that to you, Oliver.'
This seemed to cheer the other, who had continued to skip along.

In a couple minutes, they had arrived at the café itself- with what they could see was lights turned on inside, music playing, and a counter displaying a lot of delicious desserts and savory dishes protected by stained glass, it was certainly a fancy place.

And it got better once Piko had opened the door.

People were chatting as they were seated and eating food at the tables, some sitting at the outside tables, some inside.
Just looking at the food made the three of them hungry.
'Woah...' was all that Oliver could say.
Piko silently agreed and stepped in after him.

The waitress at the main counter had averted her eyes to the sound of the bell ringing -
And Fukase and Piko (Oliver was too busy looking around at the decorations) both realised who was staring back at them...

'Flower??' Piko exclaimed, staring at her. Sure enough... It was Flower.
Dressed in a stereotypical waitress outfit that none of them could imagine her in, her lilac hair more messy than usual, Flower was behind the counter.

Oliver looked at the counter finally, and his eye grew as wide as Fukase's and Piko's.
'Flowwweeerrr!!' he said, and practically Olympic-sprinted behind the counter, enveloping his friend in a hug.
Flower glanced around the café to see if anybody has spotted this exchange, and was relieved when she realised people weren't that focused on this.

Piko approached behind the counter, Fukase following close by.
'Flower- Ppfttt!!' Piko glanced back and forth between her dress, hair, and flushed face, making her even more red.
Oliver let go and looked at her hair too, starting to furiously smooth it at the sides.

'Do you really think you can keep your hair like this and think it's acceptable?' he scolded. 'Jeeze... Maybe if you actually kept it tidy you would've attracted more customers!!'
Flower got even more red, 'Eh?? Well, if you aren't being ruder than ever!' she looked away, insulted, and pushed Oliver's hand down gently.

Now it was Piko's turn to talk. 'You work here?' he gawked.
'Well, yeah. I've gotta make money somehow, now that I've moved out. Don't tell me you didn't get a day job.' she huffed.

Piko chuckled. 'Of course I did.' he said. And then a mischievous grin found its way onto his face. 'But not as a kawaii anime maid.'

Flower nearly slapped him, but couldn't help but double over as well.
Fukase addressed her as well, 'This explains why you haven't been answering any of our texts until late in the evening, or early in the morning!' he said, fitting the puzzle pieces together.

Flower nodded.

She looked back at Piko. 'Now you have to help me take orders.'

Piko pretended to look shocked. 'Hey! What's that for, Miss??'

Flower grinned. 'Because if I can be a kawaii anime maid, you can too.'

'Hey!! Why not Oliver??'
Now Oliver really looked taken aback. 'Hey! What? Why me?' he exclaimed.

'You're the one who said she wouldn't attract any customers!' Piko huffed angrily, but Flower had already dragged him out of behind the counter in where one could only assume was the changing room.


If u guys want a more shippy cute ending then just ask me but I'm content with this but I can always copy and paste and just make a cuter ending if u want~
Sorye this was rushed but I was feeling really inspired and didn't want to waste any time while my inspiration went down the drain.

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