Chapter 1

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"Nothing ever exciting happens in this town anymore," I whine to my sister.

Rolling her eyes she says," Maybe you shouldn't be such a lazy butt and go outside more."

I chew my peppermint flavored gum while blankly staring at her. "I do go outside, Mel, you're just on your phone all day talking to Mr. Cute Ass."

I smirk at her, but Mel just laughs at my attempt to come up with a comeback. "Mr. Cute Ass, really? He might have a cute bum, but Issac is just a friend. I'm sure you have a "special guy" too."

My smirk disappears and a frown replaces it. "I can't talk to guys."

"Why not?," Melanie asks with a nervous chuckle.

I glare at her. "You weren't chosen so it doesn't matter."

Mel frowns. "I'm trying to understand."

I turn away from her. "Just shut up. We both know I'm going to die after The Experiment is over."

Mel puts a hand on my shoulder and sits down next to me. I lay my head on her shoulder while she gives me a side hug.

"You're scared aren't you? ... Do you want me to get Nana?" Mel asks me in a quiet voice.

I wipe away my tears. "No, I don't wanna talk to her."

Mel frowns. "She went through The Experiment too. She can help you."

I shake my head repeatedly. "Please, Melanie. I'm tired of her babying me around."

Melanie scoffs and just shakes her head. "Fine. But if she finds out, you're on your own."

I give her a small smile. "Thanks."

I get off her bed and head for her door.

"Where are you going?"

"For a ride."


The wind feels good on my skin and in my hair. I take a deep breath in and consume the crisp fresh air. I lean forward on my bike and hover over the seat. I haven't been on a ride for a while and as predicted, nothing has changed.

Newhaven is a plain, boring old town. There are shops where people purchase things, restaurants where people eat cuisines, schools where kids learn or don't learn, etc. See? Just a regular old town. That's before my family moved here and I held The Secret. We ... cause a lot of "misconceptions". Some folks hate us, some people love our company, and some just don't care.

I turn left on the sidewalk and head for Busted Lake. I know what you guys are thinking. You're asking yourself who in their right mind would name a lake that? No one actually "named" it. It was just something the town's people started called it. Around the lake, it looks "busted", because of the big cracks from Newhaven's one and only, monstrous earthquake in 1879.

I go to Busted Lake because ... well because I want to get away from the rest of Newhaven. Busted Lake is sort of to the more "woodsy" area of Newhaven. Plus, no one comes to these parts anymore. It's kind of sad since the forest always seems like its growing. Maybe it's because of my family's doing or something ...

I drop my bike on the dusty green colored grass and head over to check out the cracks. It's a weird habit of mine, but I like to see if the cracks are getting worse or not. Today, they look of normal length. Next, I like to dip my feet in the cool water. I take off my socks and black Vans and let my feet and half of my calves in the water.

I throw my chocolate color hair into a ponytail. It's kind of short now, since my recent hair cut, but I don't mind. It's just hair. I look into the dark forest and close my eyes. I can feel something moving in the forest ... something unknown.

I immediately open my golden brown eyes and concentrate on the black forest. I pull back my feet from the water and start to walk over to the abondened forest, or what I thought was abondoned.

Still barefoot, I leave light water prints on the bare patches in the grass.

My breathing grows heavier as I walk closer to the forest. I hear so many noises, quiet and loud. Screechy and rough. I blink roughly and think to myself that I am not concentrating hard enough. I try to block the other noises as I concentrate on the moving creature in the forest.

It's ... it's coming closer.


I pause and stop walking. The noise is gone .... could that mean the creature is gone as well?

"You shouldn't just be standing there." says a slightly deep voice.

I jump and scream as I turn around.

It's a boy. So much for my creature suspicions. I mentally smack my forehead. But I do give credit for the unfamiliar feeling. I've never seen this boy before. He seems about my age - sixteen or seventeen. He wears a dusty green t-shirt that reflects his well toned chest and and some jeans. His hair has streaks of blonde in them because of the setting sun, but I can't tell what his hair color is.

I cross my arms. "Well, you shouldn't be sneaking up on people."

He seems unaffected and stares into my eyes. I flinch as his graze hardens and his green eyes scan over my body.

"What are you looking at?" I ask rudely.

"Nothing," he says with more emphasis on his rude tone.

I clench and unclench my fist. The nerve of this guy. "What's your deal?"


"Why did you move here?" I ask suspiciously.

"How did you know that?" he asks, narrowing his eyes on my face.

I shrug. "No one moves to this dead beat town. So why are you here?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" he shoots back.

"Why are you so rude?"

He scoffs and turns on his heel and starts walking towards the forest.

"Where are you going?" I yell as he gets farther away.

In the next few seconds, I am left alone with the enigma of the guy being nowhere to be found. I stand there alone, barefoot and uneasy.

I close my eyes again and concentrate really hard, but there is no movement in the forest and there is no sound.


Hullo :) 

I hope you guys have enjoyed Chapter 1 and if you guys are a little confused or a lot confused, it will make sense as the story unravels.

Until next update! xx


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