Chapter 2

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I glare back at the forest as if it's my enemy now...

I hop back onto my bike and head back home to tell Nana about my encounter with the strange boy.

Okay, look, before you start yapping about how I'm not suppose to talk to boys and all that stuff, which I'm sure Nana will do anyways, he's safe. I'm only in danger if I start developing feelings for him, but so far it's a clean slate for my heart.

I start pedaling and notice that the wind has died down a bit. I decide to take a semi short cut, past Old Miller's bakery. It's not the name of the bakery, its the guy who owns it. Old Miller. He's a sad kind of guy. His wife passed away and his son ran away, but other than that, he's a good person. He helped me out in dealing with ... my visions since he is also from the other world. It's nice to have someone, like me, like my family, in the human world.

Now, I bet you guys are wondering what is the "other world". The other world contains people, different people. My family is called Latheans, and I'm a wizard. We came to Newhaven, when Lord Phantom kind of went "loco" and created a powerful "storm" that basically killed a lot of my people and the remaining population went into hiding. That was 20 years ago. But it's okay now, he is in custody and Lathea is safe.

Another question that you have is "if it's safe, how come I'm still here." I actually don't have the answer to that one, yet. But I will. The problem is Nana won't let Melanie or me leave Earth. Melanie doesn't mind because she has Mr. Cute Ass. But who do I have? No one. Even Nana has her business to look after, which is a bakery as well.

But, nobody likes me. It's not because I'm not fun, it's 'cause I'm different. The human girls whisper about me all the time in the halls and in class. They say I give out a "funny" aura, which is true, but is it that strong?

I shake my head as I nod hello to Old Miller. He seems to be disturbed lately, all trembling and what not. He has this awkward some what beard on his chin, it's kind of lopsided too. I guess he's so wrecked up, he hasn't had time to shave.

I finally turn left into the driveway of my home, Nana sweeping the porch. She always did have OCD with stuff being clean and spotless.

"Hi, Nana." I say, kissing her cheek.

She gives me a tired smile. That's something else of my Nana. She's always caring, but it's like she has a mixed personality of strictness with it.

"Melanie told me," she says, not making eye contact with me.

I clench my jaw. "I don't know what you're talking about."

She drops her broom, making a loud CRACK on the porch. "Really, Madison, I promised your Momma that I would raise you and make sure nothing happened to you. Don't be such a fool with your feelings!"

I lip trembles and I speak with emphasis. "Don't talk about Mom. Not now. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but what good would it do. I know about The Experiment! You've told me! Why wouldn't I be scared!?"

Her eyes soften, but just a little bit. "Stop it Madison, right now. Don't you dare cry. I've told you about the Experiment, but I'm standing here today. Not as young as I use to be, but still healthy and living. Tell me Madison, am I breathing?" She says snatching my wrist and placing it over her heart.

I felt her heart beat, strong and slow, but I don't say anything.

"SPEAK CHILD!." Nana shouts, impatiently.

"I hear it, Nana." I say weakly.

She lets go of my wrist and drops it. "Your Momma might not be here today because of The Experiment, but it doesn't mean you will end up like her. You hear?"

"Fifty-fifty chance, Nana." I tell her bitterly as I walk into the house.


"I can't believe you! You told Nana." I accuse Mel, who is on her bed listening to some music.

She huffs. "It was for the better."

"It was for the better?!" I laugh mockingly "What good did it do?"

"I wouldn't know." she says sheepishly.

"OF COURSE YOU WOULDN'T!" I say, raising my voice. "Nobody does anymore."

She walks over to where I am standing and places a hand on my shoulder, I smack it away. "Don't touch me."

I walk towards the door. "You should have kept your mouth shut. That would have been for the better."

Before, Melanie can say anything I slam the door shut and go to my own room.


It was a clear, pale day. Not a cloud in the sky. Yet why did I feel so shakened ... Oh yes, it was the day of The Experiment. I close Mom's diary immediately. Stopping at the place where I always stopped. I'd never read past these sentences. Never.

I place the diary under my pillow and head over to my desk. I sit on the spinning chair and look for a spell book. INCANTAMENTI. It's Latin for spells, pretty legit if I do say so myself.

I flipped to a page where I bookmarked and start to chant softly, calling to Lathea, my real home.


Hullo! I hope you enjoyed this chapter :) There are tensions happening as you can see ... Madison sure has a smart mouth, but it's okay because she really is a lovely girl.

Until next update! xx


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