Chapter Sixteen

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Two days later, Y/N was in the Slytherin common room, reading a muggle book in front of the fireplace. As she started chapter twelve, she felt someone tapping her on the shoulder. She looked up, and it was Blaise. "Hey, Potter and Weasley are looking for you." Y/N quickly closed her book, stood up and walked out of the common room. "Hi Y/N, so we were in the girl's bathroom because we saw that the floor outside of it was covered in water and um... Myrtle was uh...crying because someone threw a book at her...even though she can't really feel it...but, we found this...It's a diary but nothing is written in it." Said Ron as quick as possible. "We are gonna go to the hospital wing to talk about it with Hermione. Wanna join us?" Said Harry much more calmly then Ron, and Y/N followed them to the hospital wing.

As they were walking, they saw Draco, and he saw them. "Where are you three going? To Slytherin's chamber?" He said and laughed together with Crabbe and Goyle. "And why don't you shut up and mind your own business, Malfoy..." Said Y/N with a furious look on her face. Draco didn't know what to say so he just continued on walking. "Well, that's one problem less.." Said Ron.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle." Read Hermione from the cover of the book. "Wait a minute." Said Ron. "I know that name. How do i- Right! That night in detention. My job was to polish the silver in the trophy room. And I saw Tom Riddle's trophy."

"What was the trophy for?" Asked Y/N all confused. "He won an award 50 years ago. Special services to the school or something." Answered Ron.

There was silence in the room. After a couple of seconds, Hermione broke it. "Fifty years ago? Are you sure?" She asked. Ron nodded. "Don't you remember what Malfoy told you?" Said Hermione. "Last time the chamber was opened-"

"Fifty years ago..." Y/N cut her off. "That means-"

"Tom Riddle was here, at Hogwarts when it happened. What if he wrote all about what he saw? He probably knows a lot about what has happened..." Said Hermione, cutting her off. "Brilliant theory Hermione, but there's nothing written in this diary." Said Harry.

"Maybe you could...Somehow talk to him." Said Y/N after a few seconds of silence. Harry and Ron looked at each other confused. "Through the diary." Added Y/N. "Do you have any idea how to do it? Also, he is dead. Have you talked to a dead person before?" Said Ron. "Well, I don't know, but you should still try."

After a couple of minutes, Harry and Ron went back to the Gryffindor common room, and Y/N went back to the Slytherin common room. As she walked in, she saw Draco standing by the window and talking to Blaise. She rolled her eyes and looked in front of the fireplace. Her book wasn't there. But she just left it there half an hour ago! "Someone's probably taken it..." She thought to herself. "Maybe Blaise decided to keep it safe." She walked over to Blaise. "Hey Blaise, have you seen my book? I left it in front of the fireplace." She asked, completely ignoring the fact that Draco was there. "Um, yeah. Here." He said, handing her the book. "I thought someone might try to steal it, even though it has never happened before, so I wanted to keep it safe-" Draco gave him a death stare and he immediately stopped talking. Y/N looked at Draco and then back at him and said: "Oh, well thank you. I'm pretty tired though, I'm gonna go to my dorm. See you tomorrow!" She smiled, and Blaise smiled back and said: "Okay well, goodnight then." Right as she was about to walk away, Draco stopped her. "Tired from what, exactly?" He asked. "Doing some secret mudblood-killing stuff with Potter and Weasley?" Y/N was pretty tired and didn't really have the energy to talk to him, but she snapped. "Why do you care? And no, we didn't kill muggle-borns, we went to visit Hermione in the hospital wing." Blaise then tapped Draco on the shoulder and quietly said: "You don't really have to-"

Draco cut him off. "Why are you defending her, Blaise? Do you have a crush on Miss Perfect now?" Blaise looked at Y/N then back at Draco. He didn't know what to say. "What? No, I don't." He said with a shaky voice. "We are friends, Malfoy. Friends defend each other. You seem jealous though..." Said Y/N and then smirked. "Good night." She added and went up to her dorm. She laid on the bed and tried to sleep and not think about Draco. A couple of minutes later, her roommate Millicent walked in the room. "Hey, how are you?" She asked. "Oh, I'm good, you?" Asked Y/N with a smile. "I'm good." Said Millicent. "Can you give me one of your muggle books? They seem pretty interesting." Y/N got up and gave her a couple of books. She then told her that she was tired and that she was going to bed, so they both said good night to each other, Y/N sat on her bed, closed her curtains and laid down. Ten minutes later, she was finally asleep.

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