Chapter Nineteen

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Y/N's summer was great. Nothing special happened, except for the fact she turned thirteen. She was finally a teenager. She always thought that teenagers are cool and she always wanted to be one, not thinking about how hard the teenage years actually are. But anyway, she had changed a lot. Both looks and personality. She grew a bit, got a sense of style, her hair was prettier than before and her face changed a bit. She was also no longer the little, childish Y/N everyone knew. She was more mature.

September finally came and everyone was going back to Hogwarts. Y/N was so excited, mostly because she was going to see her friends. She had been hanging out with Hermione, but she still missed Harry, Ron, Blaise and the others.


Y/N was laying on her bed, thinking if this year was gonna be a normal one, unlike the past two years. She was also supposed to meet the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione at The Leaky Cauldron. Y/N heard a knock on her door, and her mom came in. "Did you pack everything you need?" Asked her mom. "Oh, yeah I did." Answered Y/N. "Good, well I see you're dressed up, so we are leaving in five minutes." Said her mom with a smile and then walked out of the room. Y/N sighed and got up. She stretched and walked out of her room. She then put her shoes on and they were out of the house.

"Well, I think this is it." Said Y/N's dad when they arrived there. "Yup, this is it." Said Y/N. They said their goodbyes and Y/N walked out of the car and walked in the Leaky Cauldron. "Y/N!" Yelled Hermione and ran to hug her. Ron and Harry were also there. Y/N hugged both of them, and then they sat at a table where the other Weasleys were. Then...the twins came. "Hello there!" They both said at the same time. "Oh, hi!" Said Y/N with a smile. They both sat down at the table. A couple of seconds later, Y/N locked eyes with Fred. He smiled at her awkwardly and looked down at his plate, and Y/N blushed.

~Y/N's POV:

As I was eating, I was thinking about it. I have been friends with the twins since year one. They were fun and all, especially Fred. He had also grown a bit from last year and he looked...well, I don't know how to explain it, but I guess he was my new crush or something... Oh God here we go...

They were having fun. They were eating, talking, Fred and George made a couple of jokes which Y/N laughed the most at. Time passed quickly, and the next day they were on platform 9¾...

"Come on, everywhere else is full." Whispered Hermione while walking into a compartment. There was a teacher in it, but she didn't want to go to the Slytherin part of the train. She wanted to spend time with Harry, Ron and Hermione, so she sighed and sat in the compartment with them. "Who is that?" Asked Ron. "Professor R.J Lupin." Answered Hermione. "How is it she knows everything?" Asked Ron a bit pissed. Hermione sighed and said: "It's on his suitcase, Ronald..."

As they were talking, the train suddenly stopped. "What's happening?" Asked Ron with a shaky voice. "We can't be there yet..." Said Hermione while holding Crookshanks in her lap. Everything around them went cold. They looked at the door of the compartment and saw a dark figure. The professor was peacefully sleeping and they didn't want to wake him up. They waited. The dark figure suddenly opened the door and walked in the compartment.

~Y/N's POV:

I was scared out of my mind. The figure suddenly looked at me and then...I don't really remember what happened after that... I just remember feeling like the dark figure was sucking my soul out, and then I passed out.

After some time, Y/N woke up. Her head hurt a lot. She also saw Harry waking up. "Here, have some chocolate. It will help." Said Lupin with a smile and handed her some chocolate. "Thanks, what was that thing though?" Asked Y/N still half awake. "That, Miss L/N was a dementor." Said Lupin and walked out of the compartment. "Before I passed out. I heard someone screaming." Said Harry with a shaky voice. Hermione looked at him confused and said: "No one was screaming, Harry..."

A couple of minutes later, the train stopped and they were at Hogwarts. Y/N looked at the castle. It was beautiful.

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