Man on the edge

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They stared down at him, standing up from their seats. Nobody knew what to say, nobody knew if to ask who Touya was, nobody knew what to say to comfort him, nobody knew that their care would effect him that deeply, nobody knew anything and that only hurt Shouto more deeply.

Nobody knew how to save him.

Or so he thought...

3rd person PoV:

Shouto continued to sit. His knees pressed uncomfortably against the oak wood floor, though he had no motivation move out of that position. Shouto's eyes leaked unforgiving tears that dampened the fabric on his trousers as they fell. Eyelids practically plastered open in shock, not even bothering to blink as his eyes started to sting.

A year ago he would never have believed that he would say all of that out loud. The fact that he now had made him shake more, cry more, worry more. What would he do when he got home and there was a concerned phone call from his teacher to his father? What punishment would he get from his unarrested father? The number one hero, the people's saviour.

What backlash would he get from the whole world and his classmates, his teachers when they convinced themselves that all he said was a lie, so that they did not have to deal with the consequences or putting effort into saving Shouto from his dangerous situation? His fathers punishment would be more than just pain, he would push Shouto onto the brink of death or maybe even death. Though the fact of death did not even scare him anymore, in fact he welcomed it. Now that his chance of being a hero was practically destroyed, he did not care what happened to him.

"Todoroki..." Aizawa said. His droning voice bringing Shouto out of his daze. Shouto's eyes somewhat tilted up though his head did not move from its position, making it look as though he was giving his teacher a glare. Aizawa stared down at him, tired eyes filled with a deep 'fake' concern that made Shouto shake more. Tears continuing to fall from his eyes despite his efforts to stop them "...I may have known that something was going on but in did not believe that it was anything this serious" He said.

Shouto almost wanted to scoff in the face of his teacher. How could anyone not think it serious from the way that he stumbled into school everyday? Having to keep himself from fainting in class, rushing to the bathroom at any given time to change the bandages in his arms because they were noticeably bleeding through his long sleeves. He noticed the way that they looked at him, started at the blood-stained fabric but they did nothing, said nothing, treated him as though he was nothing.

Shouto gritted his teeth. The sound of his teachers voice sending unpleasant waves of anger and sadness throughout his body. He tensed as he watched his teacher slowly walk closer to him, hand outstretched as if he was an animal that Aizawa wanted to show he meant no harm to "How was I supposed to approach you if you were dismissive and rushed away from me whenever I asked if you were okay?" He asked.

This time Shouto didn't stop the noise that came out of his mouth. It was a short breath mixed with a tinge of humour that one could see as a laugh. They stared down at him with confusion others eyes held worry or realisation. He gritted his teeth and blinked away the tears that were once held in his eyes. The remnants of the tears that stained his cheeks being wiped away with the hem of Shouto's sleeve. It was absurd to laugh in the face of his fears but the situation was so overwhelming and humiliating that finding humour in it seemed to be the only logical thing to do.

Just as that sound had escaped his mouth, his teachers rough hand was placed on his bony shoulder. Being too caught up with his own thoughts to have even registered the approaching figure, Shouto flinched heavily and slapped his hand away. The sound echoing uncomfortably off the walls in the kitchen.

Shouto's head darted up to face his teachers shocked face, anger once filled with sadness corrupting every inch of his eyes as he did so. Shouto was done with their fake care, it was taking away the last pieces of sanity he had left. He preferred those days where nobody knew what was going on in his life. At least then, he had people around him that did not make him feel lonely, regardless of whether they cared or not. It made him feel happy when his classmates talked to him and then ignored him, because at least then he knew that they had some respect for him.

"Leave me alone!" Shouto yelled, abruptly standing up. Legs shaking underneath him.

"No!..." Kirishima said and Shouto turned to him. Tears were creeping up in the corners of Kirishima's eyes "...Stop trying to convince yourself that we don't care! We are trying to help!" He yelled. The rest around him nodded.

"Really-" Shouto started.

"Stop this!..." Deku cut him off, face expressing anger "...I know that you know deep down that we care. If you keep telling yourself this then you will start to believe it!" He said.

Shouto frowned "What if I already do?" He questioned with a hint of sarcasm as he raised an eyebrow.

"Then something bad could happen, Todoroki-Kun" Yaomomo said.

"Like what?"

Aizawa turned to look at Yaomomo hoping that she would not answer his question but she seemed too focused on Todoroki to even notice when he looked at her "Y-You could...die" She said, not specifying the exact way that he could die.

Shouto took his first few steps towards the door "You call that something bad?" He asked, voice slightly quivering as he turned to look at Yaomomo with an emotionless stare.

"Why are you doing this icyhot?..." Bakugo finally spoke up from next to the door. Shouto turned to look at him nervously, he had forgotten that he was there "...They obviously care, Why are you being so selfish?!" He yelled, red eyes glaring down at him eerily like his fathers.

"Don't you dare call me selfish!" Shouto yelled, a veil of tears covering his eyes. Frost pecking at his skin. He wanted to say so much more, he wanted to yell at him but at that moment he just need to be alone. Shouto turned on his heel and roughly grabbed the door handle but his wrist was grabbed by Bakugo.

Shouto turned to look at him, practically shaking in anger, sadness and humiliation "Stop" Bakugo said.

"And if I don't?..." Shouto asked "...Are you going to yell at me or hit me just like Endeavour does?" And with that he ripped his hand away from Bakugo's grasp and stormed out of the door. Missing the way Bakugo sadly looked after him.

Yo my little comic thing is at the top
Also this story is nearly over taking "Bleed him" and I don't know whether to feel happy or sad.
I guess I sort of prefer this story now because I feel like I am rushing "Bleed him" but I am taking my time on this

 I guess I sort of prefer this story now because I feel like I am rushing "Bleed him" but I am taking my time on this

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