What you are

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Suddenly the door to the room opened "Oi what the hell is going on he-" Bakugo caught himself mid sentence as he entered the room, eyes travelling to Todoroki, who had once again frozen in shock. Then his eyes traveled to his arms.

"What the hell?" 

3rd person PoV:

"What the hell?" Bakugo muttered somewhat aggressively underneath his breath as his crimson eyes stayed fixated on Shouto's cut and abused arms. The other teen abruptly frozen in shock, staring back at Bakugo with wide, two-coloured eyes that held naught but fear. Mouth agape as a whisper of breath passed through his parted lips, the cool air stinging the skin that came in its path and leaving nothing behind.

The next inhale that he was naturally supposed to happen never came, almost as if an invisible hand had clasped over his mouth and restricted him from doing naught but stare in shock at what was ahead of him. It was as though his other basic human needs to survive had been thrown aside like an empty can on the side of the road. His body could hardly function properly now that the shock, fear and anxiety had overtaken control of himself.

Having people watch him having a panic attack as though he were some kind of circus animal was unbearable and made him feel inferior as he was under his fathers gaze but the one person who he secretly considered more powerful than himself, the one person who happened to be his rival seeing the weak things that he did to himself was unimaginably worse.

The torment that he would get from Bakugo would drive him to the brink of his sanity along with the looks his classmates would give him, since he knew that Bakugo would stop at nothing to prove to the others how weak Shouto really was compared to him.

Shouto gulped as he regained sense of the situation that he was in and shoved his arms behind his back, breath picking up in speed as the hand was unclasped from across his mouth. The sounds around him felt far away and distorted, almost as if he were underwater and hearing things from above the surface. The fear began to hug him tightly, it's suffocating arms wrapped around him as he strained to inflate his lungs.

But then a voice broke through the surface of the water, an extended arm reaching down to clasp at the wrist of his slowly sinking form "Bakugo please leave the room" Aizawa said calmly, expression nonchalant as he studied Todoroki's reaction.

Bakugo tched, ignoring his teachers order as he slowly marched his way over to Todoroki, who stood dumbfounded and obviously lacking any idea of what to do. Fear forcefully gripped at Shouto's heart, squeezing it as it forced it to beat harder and harder and harder, in sync with the booming footsteps slowly approaching him.

When Bakugo finally came to stand in front of Todoroki, he gave him a side glance that held undeniable curiosity and that was the only warning Shouto was given before his right arm was snatched out from behind his back and placed in Bakugo's line of view. Teeth that were once clenched in anger, relaxing in shock as he stared down at the wounds on Shouto's arm.

"Bakugo!" Aizawa shouted in warning, taking a couple of steps closer in anger. Yet Bakugo would not move and Shouto stiffened under his gaze as his red eyes trailed over the multiple scars and healing bruises that tampered his alabaster skin like a blob of paint splattered across a beautiful painting, it was something that was never meant to be there.

Shouto attempted to pull his arm away from Bakugou's vice-like grip, but the angry teen would not let him move a muscle, eyes wide and transfixed on the very thing that he never wanted him to see. Tears welled up in Shouto's eyes, glimmering with the light from the light in the centre of the room. The beads of water started falling one after another without any sign of stopping as he bit roughly at his bottom lip to stop a sob from escaping. Shouto shook in fear as he contemplated what to do, sparing a short pleading gaze towards his teacher, who had been too distracted with Bakugo to see.

"How...did you get these wounds?" Bakugo finally spoke, voice missing its signature tone of anger or loudness. Instead it was spoken quietly, almost like a whisper. Despite Shouto hardly being able to distinguish the words that Bakugo was saying, he frowned, mouth opening as if to say something but nothing came out.

Hesitantly, Shouto closed his mouth again, arm shaking in Bakugo's grip as his warm fingers rested against some of the open wounds. He attempted to move his arm away again but Bakugo's grip on his arm only tightened, crimson eyes staring down at his forearm as he was lost in thought. Shouto looked of to the side, bottom lip beginning to tremble as he released it from between his teeth. Tears cascading down his cheeks endlessly as the fear consumed him.

Before he could even think of another idea of how to get out of this situation, loud footsteps could be heard entering the room and a recognisable voice that followed after "I'm sorry Aizawa-Sensei, I know you told us not to come in but Bakug-" Kirishima started as he entered the room but he was cut short by Aizawa.

"It doesn't matter..." Aizawa said, turning to both of them with a furious glare that had Kirishima almost shrunk underneath of "...Both of you get out of here now!" He yelled, eyes flashing red.

"Yes sensei!" Kirishima said and hurried over to Bakugo, who was still gripping tightly into Shouto's arm. He placed his hand on his shoulder, causing the blond to snap out of his daze and turn to Kirishima angrily, Shouto's arm falling to his side as Bakugo finally let go.

"Come on Bakugo-Kun, lets go" Kirishima said before Bakugo could shout at him, his gaze drifting to Todoroki as he offered the half-n-half teen a sympathetic smile. Then his eyes traveled to Todoroki's arm, which had not moved from his side since it had been let go of.

"Wow, is Todoroki-Kun okay?..." He started, as he attempted to take a step forwards but was stopped by Aizawa's scarf wrapping around his wrist. Shouto's head bowed as this question was asked and quickly moved his arm behind his back again "...Was there a villain attack? Should I infor-"

"Todoroki is fine, there was no villain attack..." Aizawa said "Please leave the room" He added as least threateningly as he could, eyes glaring red and hair sticking up angrily.


"Come on we're leaving" Bakugo snapped suddenly and grabbed onto Kirishima's arm, pulling him along as they slowly made there way to the door. Bakugo, eyes holding something that Shouto thought he would never see, turned to glance once at Todoroki before turning the corner and disappearing from their sight.

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