Chapter XX -Another Meeting-

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"Mom you don't have to carry all of those. I'm not disabled you know. Let's just exchange, you'll carry Bree and I'll take care of the rest" my mom huffed but didn't argue further. We just got home from the hospital and were in a disarray because of my and Bree's stuff. I placed down the bag full of extra clothes and towels. Mom sat on the couch laying Bree carefully on the side for another exchange of diaper. After I placed everything down I grabbed some powder, extra cloth, some water and other things needed to be tended.

"Relax dear, you look like you've worked a hundred hours straight" my mom said soothingly rubbing my back.

"It feels like it. How can this simple thing be so tiring? How did you even manage when I was this naughty?" I asked exasperatedly.

"Ohh, it only gets better once she grows up. Little by little, you'll enjoy every moment no matter how stressful, no matter how tired you get, the feeling's just extraordinary" she remarked her eyes glowing.

"Well, I couldn't deny that. The moment she was in my arms it felt very. . . sophisticated? I don't even know if that's the word I'm looking for" I chuckled.

"Why don't you grab us all some dinner? I'll finish up here and I know we are both tired to cook. We can do that tomorrow"

"Sounds great. I'll be out in a few, don't burn yourself out" I warned playfully and she shooed me out. Outside, the night was warm, street lights glowed sentimentally giving the atmosphere a dramatic glow. I walked to the direction of the Chinese restaurant just two blocks away. It's been the first time since I'm on my own after I gave birth and it feels like I'm connected to the world again. Cars passed by, strangers talking in hushed whispers, shadows lurking in the corners. I absorbed everything, even the tiniest details and then I saw a figure. A very familiar figure going on the same direction as me. It could be a mistake just by looking at him sideways but the hair stands out. Jake just entered the restaurant. My feet felt like it was connected to some heavy weights. I just stood there, outside, on the far corner watching people go in and out of the place. I took a deep breath. It's a restaurant full of people, Jake can't touch me there. And before I could even protest, my feet started walking again to the direction of the entrance. Inside, the smell of Chinese cuisine wafted the air. Dumplings, soups, noodles, everything. A girl of about late twenties greeted me, accompanying to order. Once I did, I sat on a sofa by the door waiting for my number to be called. A moment later, Jake appeared and sat beside me keeping his space.

"I knew you were that girl who was behind me, stalking maybe?" Jake smiled cockily.

"Why would I stalk you?" I laughed without humor.

"I don't know, maybe looking for the real father of the baby?"

My eyes widened instantly. Jake talking about it casually made my blood boil. "Prove it"

"Are you threatening me, Korra? I think of all people, you know me very well" he emphasized the last word.

"I don't know what you want but as I'm asking nicely now, please Jake, stay away from me or from my family. I don't want you to act as if your the father who has a good nature. I don't care if I raise her on my own and if there's one person I'm willing to give a chance then it would be Will. I was unfair to him and telling him the truth was the only option I had. You never did stand a chance Jake, you ruined me. I'm not taking any chances" I crossed my arms looking anywhere but him.

"I doubt Will would come back. Have even seen him lately? With someone else?" Jake's voice was low with a hint of teasing.

My stomach began to feel queasy, my palms starting to sweat. He's just playing with your mind Korra, you know how manipulative Jake is, don't let him get into your head. I repeated the line in my head over and over as Will's face with another woman began popping in my head. I took a deep breath and said nothing leaving Jake hanging. The more I ignore him the better.

"Ignoring game huh? How's this, what if I tell Elean the truth? Wouldn't that be exciting? Stirring up some drama and shit" he tapped his foot noisily to grab my attention.

Elean is definitely not gonna like this, she would be mad at me for not telling earlier. Elean is a good friend and I admire her, putting her in this situation is the last thing I want to do. I faced Jake again studying his features.

"Hi babe is the fo- Korra! Wow, this is a pleasant surprise"

Looking up, it was Elean. Wow, her timing could not have been anymore planned. She gave me a kiss on the cheek as a greeting. "Hello Elean, nice to see you too" I faked smiled knowing that Jake was enjoying my discomfort.

"Did the two of you walk by together?" she sat down beside Jake and faced me.

HA! In my nightmares "No. Just coincidence. I came here to grab some food. I didn't feel like cooking tonight"

Elean nodded "How is she?"

At the last word, Jake's head perked up and smiled at me innocently also waiting for a reply. That bastard, "She's okay. My mom's watching her at the moment"

"Excuse me, Ms. Korra?" the girl from earlier questioned us three holding takeout bags. I stood up and grabbed the bags thanking her.

"Nice seeing you two" I smiled a little sweetly.

"Take care. Let's catch up when we can" Elean waved and I headed out of the restaurant breathing in air as if I was suffocating.

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