Chapter XXI -Worries, Gone-

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"I wanted to strangle his neck so badly and wipe the stupid smirk off his face. Luckily, Elean appeared otherwise I might do something I wouldn't even imagine" I huffed in frustration venting out my anger towards Sofia.

She chuckled shaking her head "Calm down tiger. We all know you're not that much of an idiot"

I checked my wristwatch, it was almost 7pm. Me and Sofia decided to breath some fresh air. Jake's words rang in my head over and over like a broken record. Tell her it's my baby. . . Sofia snapped her fingers in front of me grabbing my attention.

"Jake's getting into your head again. What did I tell you? He's just bluffing and about Will, even he doesn't know where he his so can you please get your shit together and stand up to him. You can't let him have control over you" Sofia reprimanded.

"I do have my shit together. It's just that sometimes I stare into blank space and miss Will then his evil face comes along ruining the moment"

"I think it's time you learn a new hobby or find something interesting. That'll take your mind off of things. Besides, your mom's here willing to take care of Bree for you. How bout attend a baking class? Or learn a new instrument? Or try writing your own novel? That's pretty neat" Sofia placed her elbow on her knee and her chin on her palm, thinking position.

I thought about her ideas, well, I've never tried baking before and from what I see in videos, the way they make the bread, cakes, muffins looks so delicious and appetizing. The instrument thing, I studied playing the guitar when I was little. My interest suddenly went to a halt when someone told me that I will never be as good as the musicians who play it very well. Because of that, I stopped learning and looked the other way. Now, as I've grown up, I realized that it was such a big mistake when I stopped. If I did continue, I bet I would be playing as good as the musicians of this time.

The novel thing. I've had drafts of those but never really finished because of lose in interest or such I doubted myself that it was a bad writing and no one will appreciate it. In my head, no one will read it and that thought stayed with me whenever I do a draft of something new.

"Maybe, I could go for them all, one at a time. What do you think?"

"Well, which one do you wanna do first?" Sofia asked encouragingly.

"There's this guitar at the house, I bought it years ago but never played it again. I just need a little guidance and a set of new strings" I smiled.

"See that? There are still other things in life that you can do rather than dwelling on useless people who want nothing but trouble" she winked and stood up "Let's bring something for Bree and your mom" she motioned.

I stood up as well, a happy grin on my face.


"Hey Korra, how you been? How's the belly? I'm glad your back at work." Tasha gave me a quick hug.

"Well, still me alive and breathing. Thanks for asking, how were things here when I was gone?" I put on my apron and gloves straitening them out.

"A little chaotic but overall went on smoothly. I wish you were able to joined us at the team building. It was so fun!. . and tiring" Tasha leaned on her chair crossing her arms on her chest.

"I wish I was there but the timing was just perfect I said sarcastically pouting.

"There was a guy looking for you the other day, he left something. Wait let me just. . Here" she handed me a plain pink envelope "Someone has a secret admirer" she waggled her eyebrows.

"I don't think so, is that still even a thing nowadays?" I questioned examining it.

She shrugged "Depends?"

I scanned the contents of the note;


I know, I was a coward for leaving you just like that and I am really sorry. The baby is not your fault. Please understand that the news was a real shock for me and I had to think thoroughly that's why I went away. I hope you're doing okay, as I've counted the days for his/her arrival. I'm sorry I wasn't by you side on that important day, I wasn't there when you needed me the most. I wasn't there telling you to be brave, holding your hand while you push with all your might. Maybe I don't deserve to be with you, both of you. You deserve someone who will always be there to protect you, to provide and to love you more than I do. I have never been so good with words but you know me well enough to know that I really do love you more than anything. I hope in time, you would forgive me and I would be so honored to stand as a father to your child.



A tear escaped my eye reading Will's letter. How can he be so understanding and full of concern, it should be me whose apologizing to him. I held the letter to my chest, his words comforting my soul. Where are you Will? Tasha looked at me worriedly, I smiled and hugged her happily. Another woman my ass Jake, I smirked inwardly.

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