Liv and Maddie-You share the same hobby/interest

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Hey there! It's been a while huh? It's been a rough few months and I haven't had the chance or will to sit and write. But I hope to update and write more now that things are slightly better....

This preference is that you two have the same hobbies/interest. Therefore the hobby or interest will be listed before the actual writing in italics so you know what you're reading about! Hope you enjoy! This was requested by someone, do I remember who? Nope! But I hope you enjoy either way!

Liv: Acting "LIV!" I exclaimed as I walked into her house. "Y/N" Liv exclaimed. "Guess what." I said as I walked into her arms and wrapped mine around her waist. "What?" She asked, wrapping her arms around my neck. "I have just booked a role on a TV show. A little something called Voltage" I told her with a grin. Liv's jaw dropped, "No way!" She squealed. "Yes way!" I responded. Liv pulled me closer into a hug.

"Oh my gosh! This is the best thing ever! I get to go to work with my datemate? This is going to be amazing! Who are you playing? What's your role? Tell me everything!" Liv demanded, pulling away and sitting me down on the couch. "Well I'll be playing Dakota. They're new in town and has a secret and on Dakota's first day of school they bump into Tess and the two of the become best friends but there is an undertone of maybe something more. You'll probably get a call from either Gemma or Becky soon telling you the news and then they'll send you your script and you can read it for yourself" I told her with a grin.

Liv threw her arms around me again, "Oh this is amazing! I'm so happy for you and I can't wait to get to work with you!" She exclaimed. I chuckled and pressed my lips against her cheek and then her lips. "I can't wait either babe. This is going to be so much fun"

Maddie: Basketball I knocked three times on the Rooney's front door and waited patiently for someone to open it. Well as patiently as I could. It was finally Friday which means that I get to hang out with my amazing girlfriend. Maddie and I go to different schools and live in different towns, therefore really only see each other during the weekend, unless there's a game... a basketball game. Maddie and I met when she pushed me down on the basketball court and then made a layup. As I sat on the floor, I admired her beauty and passion for the game. Afterwards I walked over to her and her team and asked if she wanted to hang out sometime. For some reason she said yes. After hanging out a couple of times I worked up the courage to ask her out and agai, by some miracle she agreed. So now every Friday one of us drives to the other's house to hang out, unless there is a game. It can be a bit crazy, but we make it work because we love each other.

The door swung open, "Hey Liv," I greeted my girlfriend's twin. "Y/N!" She greeted back, pulling me into a quick hug. "It's so good to see you! It feels like it's been forever." I laughed at her exaggeration, because it had only been two weeks. "It's great to see you too Liv!" I stated, laughter lacing my voice. "Maddie is outback with Dad. They thought it would be a good idea to get some practice in before you came over." I let out another laugh, "Of course they would. Thanks Liv" "Anytime" She giggled before walking upstairs.

I made my way through the Rooney house and swung open the kitchen door that led out to the Rooney's backyard. The two stood in front of the basketball hoop. Madi was facing the hoop so she didn't see me, but Mr. Rooney was facing the opposite way and so he did see me. Before he could say anything Maddie spoke up, "Dad. Can we please stop? Y/N's going to be here any minute and I don't want to be sweaty and gross when they get here." Maddie begged her father. But Pete just shook his head, "Just a few more drills Mads. Besides I'm sure Y/N won't mind you being sweaty and gross" He claimed, giving me a slight wink.

"I don't mind at all" I piped up, closing the door behind me as I stepped into the yard. Maddie whipped around and gave me a huge smile, "Hey!" She greeted running over to me, throwing her arms around me. "Hey baby! How are you?" I asked, pressing a kiss to her sweaty cheek. "I'm doing good. I was just about to do another drill, you wanna play with me?" Maddie asked sweetly with a grin on her face. I laughed but nodded, "Sure babe. Let's play!"

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