iCarly-How you meet

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Hello there! This is a requested preference, I just don't remember who it was... Anyway, I hope you enjoy! And if you do be sure to leave a like and comment!

Carly: I sighed as I walked into my new school. My dad got a huge promotion but because of it we had to move, so here I am, trying to find my way to the office. I held a small map in front of me. "Okay I just entered these doors. So if I go down this hallway and make a right, I'll find my way... Seems easy enough" I muttered to myself. I took a few steps forward, still looking at my map, but I was stopped in my tracks by something... more like someone. \

I looked up from my map and found a very pretty girl with long brown hair right in front of me. She seemed familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. "Oh gosh. I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I bumped into you." She rushed out. "No it's okay. I wasn't paying attention either. I was looking at this map to try and find the office." I said, gesturing with my hand that held the map. "Oh! You're the new kid! Y/N right? It's really nice to meet you! I'm Carly!" She exclaimed, holding out her hand. I hesitated, but took her hand. How did she know my name? "I just realized it's probably pretty weird that I knew your name. Sorry, we were informed yesterday that we were going to have a new kid today and were told your name." A wave of relief hit me. "Oh that's alright... would you mind showing me to the office? I need to get my schedule." I asked. "Sure thing! Let's go!"

Carly turned and began walking down the hall. I took some quick steps to walk next to her. "So how is this school? Like do you like it? Are the teachers good? Students nice?" I questioned as we made our way down to the office. Carly let out a soft hum before answering, "It's alright. It's school." We both chuckled at that, "Most of the teacher's are nice, but there are a few to watch out for. Again, most students are nice. I usually tend to stick with my friends, Sam and Freddie." That's when it hit me. "Oh my gosh. I'm so slow. You're Carly Shay, from iCarly. I thought you seemed familiar, I just couldn't put my finger on it." I informed her. Carly giggled, and her face seemed to get redder, "Yeah. That's me. So you're a fan of the show?" "Never miss it. It's been a comfort for me recently actually. You know with the whole move thing. It's nice to have some consistency." "Well thank you for supporting us. It really means a lot to us." I smiled at her words, "Yeah no problem! It's a great show."

Carly stopped in front of a door labeled office. "Here we are. If you want, after you get your schedule, I could show you around a bit and show you to all of your classes?" Carly offered. I smiled again and nodded, "I'd like that. Thank you"

Sam: "T-Bo. I've got it. You taught me how to do this already, so let me do it please. I'll never learn if you don't give me some space" I laughed as I attempted to make the order. T-Bo, my long-time friend and short-time boss, had gotten me a job under him at Groovy Smoothie, that being said, he is a helicopter boss. He seems to hover over me as I try to make each order. T-Bo threw his hands up in the air in mock defeat. "Fine, fine. You're right. But if you make a huge mess, you're the one cleaning it up." He said, laughter lacing his voice. I rolled my eyes but continued to make the smoothie.

I quickly finished it and handed it off to the customer. "Thanks have a great day!" I thanked with a grin. I turned back to T-Bo and stuck my tongue out at him. "See. I did it and I didn't make a mess." T-Bo rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Look alive kid, you've got another customer. I'm gonna go put something on a stick." I laughed and turned back to the cash register and was met with a beautiful blue-eyed girl.

I almost choked on my words but was able to stutter out, "Welcome to Groovy Smoothie, what can I get for you?" The girl laughed at my stuttering but ordered, "I'll take a large, strawberry-blueberry with a side of your number." I was taken back by the forwardness of the girl but nodded anyway. "Sure thing. Anything else for you?" I asked. She shook her head no. "Okay then, can I get a name for the order?" I didn't really need a name, but I just want to know hers. "It's Sam." I nodded and grabbed a large cup. "One large strawberry-blueberry coming up." "Wait, I haven't paid?" She said, holding up some money. I shrugged, "It's on the house." I claimed with a wink. Sam's face got slightly more red, but she shoved the money back in her pocket. "Thank you."

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