Chapter 10 It's Too Late to Apologize

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I could no longer see anything else except for the brilliantly cool stare my eyes found after I had no one else to bring down to their knees. As soon as my eyes met his, in two strides Blake was standing in front of me. He lifted his hand to skim the backs of his fingers down my cheek. Looking into my eyes as if he were quite proud. I smiled and closed my eyes. But like all moments, this one did not last.

My father spoke, "Amelia despite what what you may think of me, Andromeda and I are not the only at fault," he paused before continuing. "Your mother did not want you to know whose loins you sprouted from. She is the one who wanted to disguise the truth, not I."

I opened my eyes and against my wishes I stepped away from Blake and looked into my father's eyes. "That's right, father because my mother was beyond shallow. It pains me to have to look at you," my tone sounds as if I was disgusted and disgraced all at the same time and that was because I was. My father is indeed a coward.

"Yes, Amelia she was. If it weren't for her being barren and not being able to have children of her own, she would have never allowed you and your servant mother to reside within her home. She would have exiled you to a commune with Andromeda in tow," he looked down and looked back up with pity for me in his eyes.

"I am sorry, Amelia. But it is the truth." He thought that he could manipulate me with lies that would miraculously make me feel like choosing to see things from his point of view but it did not. All it made me feel was anger and rage. Anger that he was using my dead mother to manipulate me and rage at his refusal to let me go.

"How dare you use my dead mother as a means to gain leverage in trying to get back into my good graces. I promise you whether or not what you say is true, it will never happen. You and I both know that the only reason you are still here is because you are trying to protect your decaying image. You and I also know that if this latest scandal ever got out my mother's father will have your head on a spicate in a second. You do not own the right to play your silly mind games on me. If you do not know by now that I am more of a threat to you than a praise, you are a fool and stupidly mistaken. So I suggest you find a much more productive way to avoid my shxt list."

I imagine my eyes and tone showed just how awfully serious I was. And that shut him up long enough for me to realize that I was no longer interested in arguing with him. I grabbed Blake's hand and led him to the exit, semi-blocked by my father's figure. But before I could retreat King George tightly gripped the bicep of my arm which was the worst thing he could have done. His grip was becoming painful.

His face went intense and serious and it was frightening to me, "If you think that I am just going to let you walk out of this kingdom again YOU are stupidly mistaken--" In that next second my father was forcefully thrust back by a solid and sure foot causing him to stumble back and hit the wall behind him loud enough where a thud could be heard from the contact.

As soon as I had recovered I realized that Blake's hand was no longer in my own and that he was standing in front of me pushing me back, gently; prepared to attack again. He was maybe a head shorter than my father and although Blake's physique was beyond impressive, my father was twice his weight. But Blake held his ground as he made himself a solid barrier between my father and I. My father wiped the blood from his mouth, that was presently visible from the impact that Blake's foot had dealt to his chest. My father pushed himself off the wall with his elbow, but before he could come at Blake or me, full force, Blake forced him to the ground. Before going down my father was dealt three punches, one to the jaw and two to the gut, and then another swift kick to the head. I barely caught the blows, it happened so quickly. Once he was down I thought that my father might be on the verge of death; so with eyes practically popping out of my skull, I pulled Blake farther away from my father, "Blake no, please stop!" Sure enough, Blake wasn't in his fighting stance, but I could tell he was still guarded.

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