Chapter 11 The Truth Will Set You Free

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"It is not yet over." I turned my head to my left to find Blake gazing after the departing carriage. His features were set in stone fury, his fingers clenched into a tight fist on either side of him. I knew what he was referring to. And since Andromeda was now on her way to a new and better life that left only my father to tell the story of how it came to be that Blake's father met his end by his supposed best friend's rope and stool.

"I know," I said and he looked at me. I could see a war of emotion flashing across his face and just as quickly as I had seen it, it was gone. He walked past me on his way back into the castle. I followed silently behind. The party guests inside were being entertained but that would not hold for much longer. Soon they will wonder where on Earth is the birthday girl and cake. Or maybe they already have.

We found my father in his office, the first place we had looked. He stood with his back to us gazing upon the portrait of my mother and I. We both sat in exemplar chairs. Turns out those chairs were much better to look at then sit in. We sat for four hours in those itchy and uncomfortable chairs. I squirmed every five seconds and my mother had to scold me, repeatedly. But she never faltered in her poise. I was beginning to think that her chair had no effect on her as mine did, but when it was over it turned out her bum had a terrible chaffing and she had to bathe in cremé that night. I looked away and focused on my father. Behind me Blake closed the door and locked it. He took a seat on the near the wall a few feet from the door.

"Father." At the sound of my voice my father looked away from the portrait to me and then Blake and back again.

"I suppose you two are here for another story. Blake's father's tragic end. Is that it?"

"What else would it be? We most certainly are not here for the pleasure of your company." Blake looked at him as if any other reason for being here was impossible for him to grasp. I walked to him and took his hand before looking at my father.

"It is the only other puzzle piece we are missing and once we have it we will go and hopefully never have to return to this place."

"How do I know that Blake will not strike me where I stand after I have relayed all of the juicy details." It appeared to me that he was serious. I looked at the ground and back up to meet Blake's eyes. They revealed nothing. Looking back at my father, I said, "I cannot promise your safety, but after all you have done safety is not what you deserve. But I can promise that if you do not tell us your guests that are still out there will know all that I know about you." He looked at me as if I were his least favorite person in the world. I added a sweet smile for good measure and he told us.

"When Andromeda first told me about her suspicions of King Henry I did not believe her on the basis that she had no proof. It was not until our annual hunting games that I got the proof that I thought was legit enough. It glistened in the sunlight and the flash blinded me so that I missed the animal I was prepared to take down. I reached into his bag and pulled out a knife that was crusted with dried blood. It was the very knife that went missing from the kitchen the night before your mother died, Ameila. It was just us two and a few guards that had accompanied us. I was not thinking rationally that day or the next few while your father was on trial, Blake. I saw the knife and the dried blood and heard Andromeda's accusations inside my head and I rememebered her mutilated body and I had him seized by my guards and taken to where low-life criminals rot until sentencing. I know now it is not what he deserved and I am truly sorry. I--"

"I don't know what irks me more; the fact that you sent an innocent man to his death or the fact that you think you can explain this away with a simple apology. I can asure you that if your apology cannot bring my father home to his family it. Is. Worthless." Blake let go of my hand and I let go too. He stood up and unlocked the door and slammed it shut after walking out. His rage scared me and I was now sorry that such a man was my father to make my lovely Blake so angry, so hateful.

"Thank you, father. For reliving those moments and giving them to us when you were at your lowest and weakest. I appreciate that." He looked sick and guilty and angry at the insults. "Enjoy the rest of your days, father. I doubt you have very many left." I moved to the door and stopped at his next words, "Why are you doing this Amelia? Why are you doing this to me?" I turned to look at him, incredulous. I took a step away from the door.

"Why did you do this to me? Everything I have done, everything that I have said is all a result of your mistakes and decisions. You should be asking yourself those questions, not me. What? Did you expect no reaction? No consequence? You have done this to yourself. If that is not what you wanted to hear you should have thought better of the choices you made." I backed up and dared him to speak. When he didn't I left him to the rest of his life and the portrait of the two women he lost because he was too weak to do what was right.

I searched for Blake, Art, and Adam. But I didn't find them. They found me. I didn't expect to feel so relieved to see them. But I don't know why I was so surprised. All I wanted to do was go home to Kaaden Falls with my King Blake. Art and Adam held tortured expressions and I knew that Blake had told them what he'd just found out. They hugged me and asked where the horses were, I told them precisely where they could go to find them  and they zipped off in search of them. Leaving Blake and I alone. His face was unreadable.

"What are you thinking?" He took my small and dainty hand in his own large and strong one. "I am thinking that you will make a great queen some day soon. The way that you handled yourself today after all that you've learned is... incredible." He looked into my eyes as he kissed my hand. "I am also thinking that it is amazing that your father's cowardice has not rubbed off on you and I am glad." He leaned in to kiss my lips, but I stopped him by pushing his chest with my free hand. He moved back an inch, no more. Confused.

"After all you have learned today about my family, do you still... feel the same as you did that morning we were together? I understand if you are--" I didn't finish because he interupted me.

"No, Ameila. I feel the exact same way that I did when your birth mother admitted she killed the woman who raised you. I still feel the exact same way after learning that my father was murdered because he was framed by the very woman that took your mother's lfe. And I still feel the exact same way after learning that your father sentenced mine to a permanent death. I feel this way still because I love you and you did not do these things and while my perception of your family has changed the one I have of you has not." He let go of my hand to cup either side of my face and he used his thumb to wipe away my tears. And when he leaned in this time I embraced him instead of pushing him away.

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