Chapter Nine

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An entire day passed by before Classic stirred from his slumber. He sat up slowly to find Dust missing. Confused, he climbed from the comfort. The pain circulated his body, but he ignored it. Voices trailed the halls beyond the door, Classic stumbling toward the exit. Pulling the heavy door open, he moved slowly into the hall and moved in the direction of the voices. He was expecting Nightmare's group, not a dozen more people.

"Shigaraki, I'm telling you this plan won't work!" Nightmare's voice drew Classic's gaze as he leaned against the wall for support.

"I know what I am doing! This is our time to strike..."

"It's not! Attacking the school now will only end in failure and everyone's arrest. While that doesn't bother you, me and my group have our own goals to achieve!" Shigaraki scowled before a aggressive 'tch' left him.

"You mean like finding your boy toy?" Classic raised an eyebrow before anger washed through him. He was no one's toy. Standing straighter, he deepened his tone before cutting Nightmare.

"Listen here Crusty... I ain't no ones toy, got it? They don't have to look anymore, so shut your trap." Nightmare and the rest stared wide eyed. Shigaraki took a step toward Classic before freezing up. A tentacle wrapped around him, Nightmare giving warning looks.

"When did you wake up?" 

"About a minute ago. Mind if we talk privately?" Nightmare hesitated before nodding. He released Shigaraki before following Classic back toward the room. Once inside, Classic took a seat on the bed before narrowing his gaze. "Mind telling me who they are exactly?"

"They're villains in this world, opposites compared to the heroes you bunked with. You doing okay?" Classic nodded before laying down.

"Just in pain. Even so, we found each other! Don't blame Dust for this, understood?" Nightmare remained silent before grunting.

"So what now?" Classic shrugged.

"I don't know. Have you found a way back?" 

"Maybe. Error is experimenting with the coding hoping we can tweak it to create a portal back to our home." Confusion remained plastered to Classic.

"Codes? What do you mean?" There was a long pause before Nightmare grinned.

"Our codes were changed... 'Altered' in a sense!" Classic felt his jaw drop as Nightmare's human appearance glitched momentarily, eventually returning to his goopy state. 

"How?" Nightmare shrugged, quietly repeating the word and shifting back.

"Error says we hold both codes in our bodies. The word apparently reverts you back to the original code and repeating it once more turns us human. It's hard to understand, but it's honestly neat. If our codes can be changed, Error figured so could the worlds!" Classic nodded before glancing out the window. He felt hope swim through him as well as fear. While he wanted to return, he feared it. He wanted to love who he wished, not be locked away like a princess. He wanted his family back, but what was the cost?

Midoriya had been seated outside in the yard, his gaze watching the sky above. His worries grew the longer Classic was missing, but obeyed the teachers instructions. Sighing he rubbed his sore eyes before rising from the bench where he sat. He was about to make his way inside when thunder rumbled overhead. Lightning suddenly shot through the sky as his gaze rose to a black void appearing. His eyes widened as three bodies fell from it, two landing on their feet while the third hit the ground. They met Midoriya's gaze before offering a warming smile.

"Hello! Sorry to scare you, but we're in a bit of a hurry." Midoriya nodded before stepping closer. One of them was shorter than the other, a playful air around him. One had a splotch of ink hugging pale skin while the other had long golden hair. 

"Who are you guys?" The three looked amongst themselves before chuckling. The one with Ink spoke up.

"I am considered Ink. This is Dream and Blue, my allies and closest friends. Mind me asking you a question?" 

"Sure! Oh, names Midoriya Izuku." Ink smiled before becoming serious.

"Pleasure. Have you come into contact with someone by the name of Sans? Also known by the title of Classic!" Midoriya nodded before Ink carried on. "Wonderful. Have you at all seen five people who stick rather close to him? These specific five are terrible people, so I need to know. Classic is in danger!"

"Well, two days ago he was walking with me and a friend in town. We listened when he told us to enter the building. Later we left to find him injured, but the people didn't seem that bad. One was regretting his actions..." The air grew harsh as Ink felt his eyes lose their normal shine. Firm hands gripped tightly to Midoriya's arm.

"Were there five people?" 

"Ye...Yes!" A venomous smile drifted over Ink as he nodded, turning in response. The other two followed, leaving Midoriya shocked and terrified. Part of him felt telling the strangers was safer, but there was a lingering guilt. He felt like it was wrong to tell and that more danger would follow. Had he made the correct choice?


This story is coming to a close soon! Hope you all are enjoying it thus far and please don't be afraid to leave your opinion!    <3

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