Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Mistakes? I'm sorry

The next morning wasn't so interesting. The explanations still fresh in my head. I was trying to stop thinking about it and focus but I couldn't. How can someone be so unfortunate? Why does ill luck follow me everywhere?

"Hey Rie" a familiar voice of someone called out. I hummed from my place on the couch in the living room as Jace came down from the stairs. "Jade and Sean are coming over" he said coming to sit on the chair beside mine. I nodded taking a scoop of my ice cream with a spoon

I heard him sigh "What are you doing?" he asked, I looked at him weirdly "Eating" I replied pointing at the tub of ice cream in front of me. "That's not healthy" he advised. "You don't tell me what to do" I replied

Scooping up a big quantity, I brought it close to my mouth only for the spoon to be grabbed away from me. "What the hell? Give me back my spoon Jace" I warned. "You need to eat" he said "I am eating" I replied pointing at the already melting ice cream in the spoon in his hands

"No, you need something healthy. You can't just sit here all evening, eating ice cream for heavens know why" he exclaimed. He muttered something I couldn't hear, before I could ask what it was, he stood coming towards me, he grabbed the tub of ice cream away from me walking to the kitchen

It took me a second to register what happened as I sprung to my feet, running to get my ice cream back. "Jace, give me back my ice cream or else" I threatened. "Or else what?" he taunted. "It'll be the last thing you'll do" I replied. I was lying obviously; I didn't know how to deal with a big guy like him

He could crush me like a bug within seconds. I gulped trying to maintain my intimidating posture. It seemed to amuse him making me fume. "WHERE IS IT!?" I yelled getting impatient. He pointed to the sink as I ran to it looking for the tub of ice cream "Where?" I looked back at him.

"In the drain" he replied walking out to the living room. My eyes twitched in anger, all I could see was red 'NO ONE TAKES MY ICE CREAM FROM ME AND GOES AWAY WITH IT' I ran full speed to the living room tackling him down

I might be small compared to him but I didn't care, all I needed was ICE CREAM. I don't care if it's unhealthy or not "WHY!?" I yelled pinning him on the floor with me sitting on his lower abdomen and my hands pinning his above his head.

"Why what!?" he asked confused "Why would you do that? I needed it" I said. "It's not healthy" He said again. "Healthy, Healthy, Healthy! I hate that word. I hate it so much" I replied my voice cracking. 'Pull it together woman!'

His face softened, no I don't want that. "Tell me!" he demanded "Excuse me!?" I asked. "I know something is bothering you. You can tell me; I will always be there" he said smiling faintly

And with that I broke down completely. I couldn't pin his hands again as my body shook in tears making me fall on top of him. I felt him wrap his hands around my waist as I cried on his chest.

I got up after I was sure I was ok. I helped him up as we sat on the couch beside each other. "Talk to me" he said looking at me. I hesitated 'Are we still sure this is the same Norman? Or did he hit his head somewhere'

"I have to ask you this first. Can I?" I asked looking at him; he nodded as a go ahead. "Why do you seem nice all of a sudden? I mean, we both remember how you treated me back at your house but ever since this Danny and Jayden problem you've seemed... Nicer" I asked curious

He sighed "Nothing" he replied not meeting my eyes. "Oh please, you may be dumb but I'm not. Now tell me the real reason" I demanded

He rolled his eyes "It's for a stupid reason" he replied. "No kidding" I spat out before I realised, I clammed my hand over my mouth as he glared at me. "Sorry" I muttered uncovering my mouth, offering a sheepish smile.

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