[Prologue] Plus-Ultra Soft - [Part 1]

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Nathan's POV

It seemed like the clock was broken. I stared at the clock waiting for the minute hand to just reach 30. It hasn't moved one millimeter. Mr. Balding stood in front of the white board scribbling chicken scratch on what seemed to be the essay prompt due sometime next week. Mr. Balding was around 30 at least. His name wasn't because he was bald. Oh no. This guy had a head full of hair and had the chance to be with any college girl he wanted, but no. Apparently, he had what he called 'Morals' and 'a wife' that don't allow him to do such things. His name best fits for all the times he told us about how his wife complains to him everytime he even talks to a girl younger than him. And I quote, "I am the greatest thing you will ever get you hear me?!" She would be the reason why he would go bald. Really, I have seen his wife. She isn't...bad but she also isn't good. I'm not a fan of redheads, but she would be an exception the true definition of a sexy-bitch.

"Who assigns a 20 page essay over spring break?'' Robb whispered to me while writing the prompt on his tablet. Robb Fisher, great guy when he's high. Which is most of the time. Robb and Mr. Balding have both have had their share of blows, if you know what I mean. That would explain how he passes the class as long as he gives Mr.Balding his stress reliever from his wife, he would stay in the passing range. Almost everything Robb did was legal. Almost. Exchanging grades for a joint wasn't exactly legal, but as long as he passed his classes his parents were fine with it. I glanced back at the clock.

"The seconds hand hasn't even moved!" I sighed heavily and held my head in my hands. All I could do was stare at the time. Impatiently, my foot began to fidget. "Dude, That clock has to be broken it's been that way for the past 20 mins." I said to Robb. As my head began to give way to my tiredness the bell rang. "It does work!" I yelled with a large grin on my face. Someone smacked me on the back of the head and said, "Of course it does Nathan. You were too busy looking at the broken clock on the left side of the room to notice the one in the middle that IS working." I raised my head at who hit me. The one and only Eva Baxton. Awesome, sexy, smart, nice, glorious, determined, energetic, fearless, funny, imaginative, polite, responsible, but only one downside. She doesn't like me. And I just don't understand why. My grey eyes followed her as she strolled down the stairs towards the door. Her brown hair flowing behind her touching her back, hips swaying side to side just asking for me. Taunting me. "Why" I whisper to myself. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and someone said, "Bro, you dodged Willy when he tried to throw ice cream at you. It landed on her instead! And, on her boobs. While everyone else did nothing but stare you made it worse by trying to clean it up... Wrong move man" I turned to Sasha. "I didn't know she was behind me! Plus, her V-neck was very open, not my fault." She turned around and walked back up to the chair I was still sitting in, slammed the books she was holding on the table and came close to my ear and said it loud enough for everyone to hear, "Yeah, and it's not my fault you can't get hard." My face fell in astonishment. She backed away to give me a small grin before grabbing her things and leaving. All I could hear were echos of people saying "oooohhhh" Sasha tapped my shoulder as he laughed his way down the stairs. Mr. Balding cupped his hand over his mouth and yelled, "Hey Nathan. I think you should go to the Nurse's office and apply some cold water to that burn!" Robb slammed his hands down to the table and stood up, "You my dawg Mr. Balding!" I got up and calmly followed Sasha down the stairs to the exit listening to the sounds of laughter coming behind me from the other guys.

Not to my surprise Sasha was waiting for me outside, not really waiting, more like leaning against the wall flirting with another girl. Also, not to my surprise the girl was Eva, who was twirling her hair around her finger. Of course he would be talking with her, he hits on every girl that gets near him. His Name was Sasha, Sasha Forte and according to him he really isn't the relationship type, longest relationship he had lasted a good week. According to most of the girls he's been with, their favorite part about him other than his body, is his face. I can never see why.

Sasha's POV

"He didn't mean to do that you know." I said while laughing, biting my lip trying to stop myself from pouncing on her. I could see why Nathan liked her. To be honest she was a chaos queen, always causing trouble for the guys she liked. Leaving them to believe that them getting together would be more of a fantasy. A shadow even. "Yeah, I know. I just want payback for the Ice Cream incident. That was my favorite shirt. Now It has a large brown stain on the front." I had to make an exception for this girl. Even though I wanted her so badly I couldn't touch her. It would be my mission to get her together with Nathan. Even if it kills me. "Just drop some Ice Cream on his head and call it even." She giggled at my comment and replied with a "Deal" before sticking her hand out to shake mine.

As I walked away I walked past a window that showed my reflection I did a double take and noticed my hair was out of place. My eyes widened as I noticed my messed up hair. Quickly, I rummaged my pockets for a comb and began to comb hair to the side. "Ugh, stupid wind, messing up my hair. It took me a while for me to grow out my hair like this and I will not let a little breeze mess it up. This natural white hair is perfection at its finest." My light blue eyes enhanced by my sharply tanned face. I felt my beard and rubbed my hand over it. My eyes focused onto the window and I noticed two girls watching me as I stroked my beard. I raised my thick eyebrow grinning as I waved at them through the window while they stared at me. They turned around as soon as they noticed I was waving at them.

Nathan's POV

As I walked out towards the food court Sasha strolled over to me with his hands in his pockets and put his arm around my neck, taking me away to god knows where we were going, "You know Nathan, you endured too much today. Why don't you come over and we can grab a couple of beers while we play Halo. Get your mind off of it all. Pick your poison." We stopped in front of his car and he turned to face me, waiting for a response. I sighed and nodded running my hands over my face stopping at my mouth, "Yeah. Sure. Catch ya later then?"He nodded and slid into his car. I put my hands behind my head and made my way over to the food court once again.


I saw a few girls with Eva sitting at a table not to far from me. I tried to ignore her presence but we ended up making eye contact. I quickly looked up away from her direction. I knew she was still looking at me but I didn't want to look back. So I did my best and walked over to my usual table which was placed just past hers. The guys patted my back and joked around to try to cheer me up. They even saw me crack a smile. "Don't let her get to you Nate." I sat down and began joking around with my friends as I began to forget about the whole ordeal with Eva. Some point I noticed Sasha had joined us as well and Robb came over with a joint in his hand and asked me if I wanted a fresh load of weed to help cheer me up. He knew I was extremely against smoking but he went and asked anyways. I saw a few guys look up and I turned around to see Eva with a glass in her hand. "Sup" I said pretending to seem like I was fine. To tell you the truth I wasn't, but not in an upset way but because she was standing so close to me I started to feel, excited. "Oh nothing I just came to return the favor." She said with a grin. She tipped the cup over my head and water came streamed down my face onto my light brown hair that was now stuck to my forehead. The cold fluid flattened all the volume I had. Refreshing enough it streamed down myth chiseled facial features.Flowing across my face and over the bit of stubble left from my freshly shaved face. The water had began seeping through my shirt, marking the outline of my muscles. I was in such a state of shock that my mouth was left agap. "Payback bitch" she said as she tilted the cup upward again and grinned. I stood up, took off my wet shirt and threw it on the table. She gasped as my well toned body and basically eye raped me. I stepped closer to her and she looked up at me. "What are you going to do hit me? Ha you wouldn't hit a girl now would you?" I looked down at her and smiled. "No I wouldn't" Then I grabbed her by the waist with one arm and held her against my chest. "What are you-" I roughly slammed my lips against hers before she could finish. All the guys around began to gasp Sasha even took picture, "My boy did it," He said wiping away a fake tear, "what a memorable moment." She had dropped her cup and began to kiss me back. Her arms wrapped around my neck as she pulled me closer. I released her and said, "Payback bitch" with a smirk left on my face. Her face turned a really bright red before she backed up and went back to her table. I got back to the table and the guys began laughing and making jokes about us.

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