Chapter 2 - The Flight

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Warning : From here on this story will be filled with spoilers of games you probably haven’t played or seen so dont blame us.

Nathan POV

“One more time Sasha. Please!” I begged Sasha with a wide smile across my face. “No!” He yelled. “Just say your username one more time!” Sasha sighed and turned around to face me. “The Narwhal Knight.” I bursted out in a fit laughter at his face. Red and very annoyed. I wiped away a tear that went down my cheek. Sasha growled and began walking towards our next objective which would hope to be a gate.


Sasha POV

"Alright who's going in the weird swirly vortex of death first?" Robb asked as we all stared at the open gate. "It looks like Nyan Cat had a never ending run through this thing." Diana said. " Seems more like he had one really bad shit. " Ally whispered. I clapped my hands and turned my back to the gate. Taking slow steps back towards the gate while staring at Nathan. "Okay. I'll go first. I might not make it. But even though I might not survive this. I want you guys to know that I care about you, and your well being and I don't want you to get hurt while I'm over there. Especially you Nathan. Your epic hair and stupidity has caused me to worry about you. Even when Eva threw that Xbox remote at your head I was quite worried to know if you were -" Nathan walked up to me and shoved me to the side. "Fine, Shasha I'll go through first. I already know you don’t give two shits about my well being." I smiled and stared at Nathan as he walked to the gate. "See ya bitches!" He yelled, then he jumped through the gate. I started laughing to myself. "Works every time."

Nathan's POV

Gosh damn it Sasha. I fell for it again. His ability to trick me into doing things he wanted was getting better. The inside of the gate was filled with trippy colors better enjoyable when one was high. Robb had probably puffed enough of that joint to last him a few more hours but once that runs out we have our messed up Robb again.


Once I dropped into the game I knew exactly where I was. The uneven roads filled with abandoned cars. Tall destroyed buildings with moss growing on the side. Stagnant green water lakes in different drops in the ground. I was in the last game I wanted to be in. The Last of us. I heard the sound of a clicker as I searched the area for any supplies. They were attracted to sound and the gate certainly wasn't helping me out. It sounded like a large fan set on its highest setting. The screeching from the infected creature terrified me more than spiders. I noticed the inside of a building not too far away from me had conveniently placed gas masks inside it.

Sasha's POV

"Nathan has been in there long don't you think?" Eva asked. Julien and I were too busy playing solitaire with sticks and rocks to care about who should jump in next.  Aggravated, Diana grunted, "Ugh, you guys are too slow!" She stepped on our game causing the pieces to fly to the side, “That was a very good game!” Julien cried out. Diana rolled her eyes at us and continued to gate. "Yeah, let's just go. It doesn't really matter." Ally said right after. Robb follows her and then Cindy, Jonathan, Julien. Eva was looking at the portal with a worried face. I put my hand on her shoulder as I walked past her and said, "He's fine Nathan’s a big boy. I'm sure he can take care of himself, don't worry about him”. She snapped out of her gaze, “I'm not worried about him!" She complained. I could tell she was lying so chuckled at her response. I held my hand out towards the gate and smiled at Eva, “Alright then, ladies first.” I watched as she rolled her eyes at me and walked through.

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