Prank Wars (kinda-)

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(Request from @iamaawesomedolphin

Lychee sat on his throne, bored as hell. Seek was out doing something so he can't bother him. The rest of his family are coming tomorrow. He could talk to the demons that surround him. But, that would take to much time to get everything ready.

Lychee let out a loud sigh before yelling, "I'm booorde." When no one responded he sighed again and sunk into his throne.

'Wait!' he thought to himself, quickly sitting up, 'I have an idea.' a devious smirk made it's way onto his face as he got up and began getting ready.

David, Xylo, cal, and Riccaro made their way over to the demon temple that Lychee resided in. Riccaro skipped ahead, dragging David behind him while Xylo and Cal walked behind them.

As they made there way over to the door, Riccaro let go of David to press open the door. As the door evaporated Riccaro ran in. Well, tried to run in. As he ran in he tripped over something, quickly falling forward. David helped up his little brother as Xylo and Cal ran up to them.

"What was that?" Cal asked. Xylo looked down at the floor, squatting down to look at it.

"Plastic wrap," Xylo said simply, standing back up, grabbing some of it. the others looked confused, looking at the plastic Xylo held in his hands.

"But why?" Cal asked.

"My guess, someone wanted to prank us or something. I mean with all the demons in here it would make sense," Xylo responded shrugging.

Cal nodded as Riccaro took off again, a bit more careful this time. The four of them headed over to Lychee's throne. Xylo walked over there first. When he saw no Lychee, he began to walk away. Unfortunately for him, his foot caught on something.

Xylo caught his balance and looked around. Finding nothing, he shrugged it off as tripping over his feet.

"Ack!" Xylo called out when a bucket load of water fell on him, with the bucket landing on his head.

"Xydad! Are you okay?!" Riccaro called out, running up to his dad.

"Yeah, you okay Xylo?" Cal asked concerned.

"Better question; what the hell is going on?!" David asked loudly, throwing his arms out.

"I don't know, but can you help get the bucket off me!" Xylo responded, trying to get the bucket off his head. Cal was helping to get the bucket off his head, putting his foot on Xylo's shoulder as he grabbed the bucket and tried to pull it off. The other two watched, trying to guess how long the bucket would stay on Xylo's head.

Finally, after a minute of pulling the bucket finally came off, "There you go Xylo," Cal said as he stumbled back a bit.

"Thanks, Cal," Xylo replied, rubbing his head and shoulder.

"Aw man, I was hoping he would stay like that for a while," David whined out, crossing his arms.

Both Xylo and Cal looked at David, disappointment written all over his face.

"I think that would have been funny!"

"No- Riccaro! Don't encourage him!" Cal yelled, looking over at Riccaro, who just smiled sweetly. Cal sighed, "We should just keep walking. And keep an eye out! Just in case,"

"Okay bro," David said back as he began chasing after Riccaro who was already hoppity-skipping away.

The four of them continued walking, Cal making sure nothing happened to the others. They wander around the large temple, looking for Lychee. Since his aura filled the entire temple, they weren't able to rely on that.

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