Broken Promise

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"You broke your promise you know,"

Lychee sat next to the smell memorial he made for his former father. It was simple, hidden right behind the throne he now rested upon. All it had was a picture of Brandeen and a small panting of the two of them. A few other knick-knacks that Brandeen liked were placed strategically around it, including his chain, a vile of blood, and his claw.

Lychee looked down at his, sadness caressing over his eyes.

"You promised you would be the best father in the world, and you were for quite some time. When I was sad, you comforted me. When I got nightmares, you stayed up and cooked with me. You were always there. But then you just had to ruin it didn't you"

Lychee's voice flared up at the last part, closing his eyes and remembering being told that no one would survive and that they all would succumb to his sick, twisted plan.

Lychee sighed and looked back at the small memorial. He stood up and lied down across his throne, legs falling off one side while his head fell off the other.

"I haven't forgotten you in case you couldn't tell," He spoke, turning his head toward the memorial, stretching his arms above his head, off the throne.

He looked back up at the tall ceiling.

"I also realised your brother from the crystal you put him in. The demons have been acting up though so gotta find a way to calm 'em down,"

Lychee lied on the throne for what seemed like hours. Time felt like it had slowed, antagonizing Lychee with thoughts he tries so hard to push away. He wanted to sit up or at least find a more comfortable position, but his body felt heavy, unable to move. So he lied there. His back aching in pain.

"You know, I truly do miss you," Lychee admitted, looking over at the memorial once more, "I wish it didn't have to end that way,"

Since filled the air as Lychee stared. Thoughts assaulting the boy's mind. He didn't notice the tears that welled up in his eyes. He couldn't feel the tears fall down his face hitting the cold, brick ground. He was too far into his mind the realize anything in the cold, meaningless, dark, cruel world.

He didn't notice his eyes slowly closing nor did he notice the wave of tiredness he felt nor did he notice...




"Wha-huh-" Lychee opened his eyes, which were quickly assaulted by the bright light that was shining right above his face.

"Oh thank the Gods!" He heard a voice called out, "I thought something happened to you!"

'That voice... it's familiar but why? Who owns it?' Lychee thought to himself, shutting his eyes back closed to protect them from the light.

"Oh, he's up Oh thank the Gods,"

'That voice also seemed familiar,' Lychee thought once more, swatting his hands in front of his face to move the light away.

"Good morning middle bro! We thought you were dead,"

Lychee sat up as he opened his eyes ever so slightly, looking around. He could see a blur of red, teal, and blue.

"Hello...?" Lychee asked, trying to see who was around him.

"Are you okay?" One of the people asked. Lychee looked over at where he thinks the voice came from. He looked at the teal blur as he blinked his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired is all," He rubbed his eyes before looking back out the people. His lips curled up, knowing these people. Both his brothers and his mom.

"Okay, that's good. I thought that something was wrong. You can always talk to us you know," Lychee turned to look at the voice, who happened to be his big bro.

Lychee nodded and looked at his younger brother, who smiled a toothy grin at his brother.

"We were about to go on an adventure! Wanna come?" The small red bean asked, throwing his hands up in the air as his loud, joyful voice filled the hollow temple.

Lychee thought for a second before the glowstick man spoke up.

"You don't have too if you don't want to,"

Lychee looked back at him, "Oh, no, I will join you guys just... give me a second,"

The others nodded and headed outside the temple to wait for the fruit boi. Lychee watched them all head toward the entrance. Once he knew they were out of sight, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and looked over at the memorial.

Lychee walked toward it to look at it.

"I hope you know I have found a new family, one that will always be there for me like you once were, but they won't hurt others just for their own personal gain. I promise you this is not the last time I will speak with you, and I will come back, but for now, I will hang out with my new family. So goodbye for now father,"

Lychee waved at the memorial before turning around and running back after the others.

As the four left the island, two men watched from the shadows. One was a small demon man, and the other a ginger asshole.

Brandeen had a small smile on his face, watching the four people leave the island. He knew everything Lychee didi and said at the memorial, as he was connected to the things that the boy had laid out.

He may have missed his son but he could not reveal himself, not now at least. Soon though. Soon.


Words- 904

Oop, my hand slipped. Based on the comic above. The ending is bad but whatever. Criticism is appreciated. Yee yee

 Yee yee

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