The Help

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One Saturday, I'd driven into town to buy groceries, and when I got back I found a woman wearing a black satin dress with white trim cleaning the house. On closer inspection, I saw that it was Emma. She even had on a white maid's headdress and seamed stockings with little black bows. The dress itself was knee length and had long sleeves. It was frilly and sexy, but it wasn't lingerie and looked like it could be worn comfortably all day.

"When did we get a maid?" I asked.

Emma smiled. "I found the uniform about an hour ago. I thought it might make housework more... entertaining."

"You're having fun then?"

"This is embarrassing, but whenever I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror it turns me on a little."

"Well, I'm certainly enjoying the view. Please, feel free to wear it whenever you like, and I'd feel guilty if I didn't ask, do you need any help?"

"Aww, that's sweet. Why don't you just go and get dinner started? And I left something for you up in the bedroom."

"Oh really?"

I should have guessed, but finding a maid's outfit laid out for me on the bed gave me quite a surprise. My face flushed with embarrassment, but it was exciting. Emma had left a little note that said, "Just for fun, take your time figuring it out," and she'd drawn a little heart under the words with a lipstick kiss in the middle.

The dress was similar in style to the one Emma was wearing, though not an exact match. I started with the underwear, putting on the bra and a white lace garter belt. The stockings were a new experience, but I rolled them on the same way I'd seen Emma do it, and then latched them to the belt. The uniform came in two pieces: A black dress as a base and a lacy white apron. Thankfully, the dress buttoned up the front, so I didn't need any help with that, but I struggled with the apron a bit, trying to tie it behind my back.

I felt a cold shiver run down my spine as I donned the headdress, followed by a warm tingling that came up from my toes. I slipped the mary-janes on and went to go show Emma.

Her eyes lit up, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she took a minute to straighten my stockings and retie the apron until it looked perfect.

Finally, She took a step back and exclaimed, "Look at you!"

"You like it?"

"You look perfect! Thanks so much for putting it on. You didn't have to. Come look at us in the mirror. We look like the servant girls at an estate."

"This has got to be the weirdest thing I've ever done."

"Come on, weird but fun. Anyway, why don't you go get started in the kitchen? I just need to finish up sweeping the floors."

It was hard to cook without looking at what I was wearing, the stockings tugging gently at my legs whenever I walked. Emma finished up, and I heard her go upstairs to take a quick shower. A few minutes later, she came back downstairs wearing a flimsy pink house coat.

"I finished my chores, so I figured I'd just come down here to take a break and watch you work for a little while."

"Watch me work?" I asked.

"Well, yeah. You do look really cute," she said caressing her sides. "Besides I can pretend I'm a rich lady with a maid servant and everything."

"That was your plan all along wasn't it?"

"Maybe..." she said running a finger below her bottom lip.

We didn't take it too seriously, but she kept me in the maid's dress until we went to bed. She referred to herself as Mistress, using the third person, until I started calling her Mistress too.

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