The Club

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A month later when we needed to go back to SF for work, I put on boy clothes, ending the game.

It was a long drive, made longer by a tense silence.

Emma finally spoke, "So Jules. I was thinking about our little game... I think we might have developed a nice little fetish."

"That's a safe assumption," I said, almost adding, 'Mistress'.

"Well, I was wondering... There are fetish clubs downtown and I thought, if you were okay with it, we might go to one. You know, just to see what it's like."

"You want me to go out as Julie?" I asked, feeling a shiver.

"We'd actually fit in better if we went as mistress and maid. How about on Friday, we just drive past and see if we like the vibe. If we do we'll go in. If we don't, we drive home."

"I didn't bring any of Julie's clothes."

She rubbed my knee. "Oh, I packed a bag."

We stayed at a different hotel than usual, and on Friday, Emma gave me a new satin maid's outfit, while she wore a black Victorian dress.

Cold sweat trickled down my sides as I realized Julie would be out in public for the first time.

"Ready?" Emma asked as we stood in front of the hotel door.

"I feel like a pervert..." I said.

"You look great." She kissed my cheek.

I sneaked out to the car while Emma went back inside to checkout.

We ended up driving past a club called "Bondage Bizarre" and camped out in a no parking zone for a few minutes, watching people go inside. Most of them had on black goth clothing.

Emma pointed to a tall woman in a fancy dress. "See there's other transvestites here... you'll fit right in."

"Do you have to use that word?"

She ran her fingers along my stocking clad leg. "No. But you seem to like it... most of the time. So are we going in?" She nudged my chin, forcing me to look her in the eye.

Blushing, I nodded.

Emma pulled the car up to the valet, got out, and opened the door for me.

Cool night air fluttered up my skirt as I stepped out. I looked around, nervous what people would do when they saw me.

A few girls in line glanced at me, and then went back to their conversation.

The club was dark, the music so loud, I couldn't hear myself think.

"Seriously Honey, in this light I doubt many people can even tell you're a guy." Emma yelled in my ear, just loud enough to be heard over the beat, "I should make my maid do this... but I'm going to go get us drinks. Wait here."

Emma disappeared into the crowd and emerged a few minutes later with a pair of gin and tonics and two girls in latex. One of them was wearing a gag.

"Sandra and Kim, this is Julie, my maid. Julie, this is Sandra and Kim." Kim was the one with the gag.

"Nice to meet you," Sandra said, turning back to Emma, "So how long have you two been together?"

"Oh, I started seeing Julie a few months back, but it didn't become a regular thing until last month."

"Regular thing?"

"Yeah, we're pretty much living together now," Emma said.

"I see a ring, are you two married?"

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