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By the end of the year, we weren't going down to SF more than once a month for work. Our jobs were comfortable with us working remotely, and eventually we arranged to work on contract, even if it meant neither one of us was going to advance within our companies. The money was better, and we found we didn't need to spend as much time 'out of character'.

One evening, we were on the porch watching the sunset. My head resting on Emma's shoulder, she stroked my hair as we gazed into the distance.

"I wonder how much like a girl we could make you look," she said into the air.

I sat up and looked at her. "I thought we were all in already." I thought about adding Mistress, but Emma didn't seem to be in an authoritative mood.

"Sure you dress like a girl, and you are a super cute maid. I just wonder if we could push it a little further, so that no one could tell Julie is anything but my sweet girl, even under scrutiny." She stroked the small of my back. "I keep daydreaming about it, and I get more and more curious. I think maybe we should try and get you to lose a little weight. You're trim for a boy, but I wonder what you would look like if you were downright skinny, you know like actors do for parts? You can always gain it back. Would you be game for that?" She gently picked at my blouse.

"You do make it sound enticing..." I let out a purr. "What did you have in mind?"

"Well, you're a size too large for most of the clothes in the attic. They fit, but not quite right. I was hoping to take you down a size and a half, so they'd hang off you rather than barely fitting. Maybe lose ten or fifteen pounds."

"Are we talking cabbage soup? I don't want to be hungry all the time."

"No no, we won't starve you, just cut down your portions a bit. That and a corset. Nothing too constricting, just to pinch your tummy, and make the diet a little easier."

"Sounds... interesting. Is this going somewhere?"

"Well, I do have a little goal in mind..."

"I'm almost afraid to ask..."

"I was thinking as part of slimming you down, we should change how you workout. Stick to aerobics and cut out anything upper body. If we could get your arms to slim down, just a little, it might make a world of difference."

"You want me to become a ninety-eight pound weakling?"

She cracked a smile, "I wouldn't have used those words, but... you've hit the nail on the head. Besides, when girls are ninety-eight pounds they're called models, and we won't go that far. Come on, it'll be super easy to gain the weight back, if you want to. That and... I was considering doing a little weight training myself."


"Well most of those clothes are just a little too large for me, so I was thinking maybe I should buff up a bit, get some muscle. You've been doing most of the work, so it'd only be fair for me to take a turn."

"You want to get bigger– stronger than me?"

"It sounds like fun when you put it that way, doesn't it? Does it scare you?"

"Yes, but..." I paused for a second, "The fact that I like the idea scares me more."

"So you want to try it?"

I nodded sheepishly and went back to purring.

A few days later, Emma started helping me into a corset in the mornings. I cut back on my diet and started riding an exercise bike about an hour a day while Emma lifted weights.

My maid's uniforms started fitting better, and whenever we did get down to SF, I noticed my shirts felt loose. Emma enjoyed getting stronger and would frequently 'show me her guns.' We had weekly arm wrestling contests and my advantage was starting to wane.

Then finally, the week came when Emma beat me. We were in the kitchen, both of us in our workout clothes, both dripping with sweat. Emma strutted around like a boxer who'd just won by knock out. I looked down at my arms; they looked impossibly skinny. And as what we'd been doing began to sink in, I felt a warm tingle all over.

"Want to know what I'm going to do?" Emma whispered. She came round the table and wrapped her arms around my waist. "I'm going to take my sweet little maid up to the bedroom, and I'm going to hold her down and make love to her, and there's nothing she can do about it, because Mistress is stronger than she is."

I struggled just enough to make her prove her point.

* * *

"See how much better that fits you," she said one morning, while I was putting on a yellow and white uniform.

Emma had taken to wearing different riding outfits: pants and high boots. Still very feminine, but she looked stronger and seemed more sure of herself.

"I suppose it does." I chuckled, nervously. "Do you think we achieved our goal?"

"You mean can you pass one hundred percent for a girl? We're getting close. You're starting to not look quite right as a guy."

I felt my heart beat in my chest. "Really?"

She raised a brow. "Well, after you dropped me off at work, a girlfriend even asked if you were a man. She'd seen you before and didn't realize it was you."

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her it wasn't any of her business. Having second thoughts?"

It was scary to speak the truth, "Yes, but not enough to stop. Nothing serious."

My reflection in the mirror was rail thin. My shoulders looked soft. Scrunched my nose and wiggled it. She was right, my face did work both ways, but it still definitely worked better as a man.

"You know Honey, why don't you get it straightened and slimmed a little?"

"Get what?"

"Your nose. I see you obsessing about it. Maybe something more... androgynous. Nothing a man couldn't have... But maybe so it works a little better as a girl... If you like the idea?"

A few weeks later, I was down in the city getting my nose reshaped to be subtly slimmer and ever so slightly upturned. It took about a week to recover, and I spent most of that in bed. Emma attended to me, and some of the time, just for fun, she wore a nurse's uniform.

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