Author's Note! Please Read!!

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Hi ya'll, its been exactly 4 months since I've last posted and sadly to say, I'm loosing motivation to write, especially for bnha since I lost the hype about it :/ 

I'm sorry to say but the story will be discontinued, really sorry about that, and I think I'll be discontinuing 'Keep Smiling' as well. 

That's all, I'm really sorry for keeping your hopes up especially if you've seen that this was updated. Goodbye for now. You can leave and remove this from your library. 

Author is signing out. 




[Please proceed to chapter 1 since I have re-written this book] 


Koro-sensei's Pov. 

I opened the door and was immediately greeted with my students, "Good morning Koro-sensei!" 

"Good morning to you too, class," I said and slide the door shut. 

"Now then, let's start with our homeroom," I said and put the roll call book on the table, "Student on duty, on your command." 

"Stand up!" Nagisa shouted as the rest of the students obliged and they started to fire the guns filled with anti-bbs. 

'It's already been a year, and they're still doing this,' I sighed happily and dodged the bullets.

"Akabane?" I called out. 

I waited patiently for about 10 seconds before sighing, "Karma's skipping for the first day huh?" 

"He was here earlier but I guess he decided to skip," Isogai shouted and continued to fire. 

"Okay then, Isogai?" I ask. 


"Great Isogai! Next is, Okajima?" 


After a few minutes, I was done with roll call and everyone was done with firing as they put their guns down. 

I happily sighed and closed my roll call book. 

"It looks like almost everyone was here, except for Karma and his tardiness. I'll have to teach him a lesson once again!" I said with an irk mark on my forehead. 

"Koro-sensei, I think you're forgetting something. You haven't called (Y/n) yet, but I guess you skipped her cause she probably told you that she was sick, huh?" Nakamura said and put a hand on her hip. 

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