Chapter 12

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You scratch your cheek, looking back and forth between the classes before they settle on Koro-sensei's figure. Koro-sensei gave you a nod before joining the teachers in the side lines.

You sighed before making your way to E class, hearing Okajima whistle and cheer with the rest. You put a hand on Karma's shoulder, "You guys are gonna do great, just go easy on us, okay?" You put on a smile.

"Aw, not gonna team up with us?" Karma faked a pout. "Karma, don't pout, it doesn't suit you." You commented, "Only makes me wanna do it more often then," He snickered.

"Unfortunately, no. If I did, then they'll be wiped out in a few minutes," you ignored his last comment. "They're still training, so," You shrugged.

"And I know you guys are skilled enough to win this, just maybe take it down a notch to not scare them? Hehe... I promise I'll catch up with you later," You gave them a wary smile.

"Don't worry about it, it's not that big of a deal (Y/n)," Isogai said and gave you a smile. "Yeah, as l-long as you can spend time with us," Okuda stuttered.

"Maybe you can even introduce us to your-" Okajima was slapped on the back of his head. "Stop it, Okajima. Stop being a creep," Kataoka made a face pure of disgust.

"Hm, maybe, I don't know, but we'll see," you chuckled at their interaction. "Anyway, I'll get going now. Goodluck, and hopefully my class can stand a chance with you guys," You added.

"Hm, we'll see," Karma smirked. "Oh, but just remember to not get shot, I still want to see you in the finals," He blew on your ear, making you push him away, flustered.

You groaned and slapped his shoulder, "Ugh, that was because I was distracted, so stop teasing me!" He replied with a grin, "It's not my fault then, hm?"

"Now off you go to A class, you traitor!" He pushed you to your current class.

"I'm not!!" You whined before making your way to Class A, "We are so gonna crush Akabane," you huffed. "I like the way that you think," Asano commented with a smirk of his own.

"Wow! Thanks for picking us (L/n)!" Ashido smiled at you. "I don't think we'll stand a chance if you were to join them," Asui added.

"I actually thought you were going to join Class E," Uraraka looked at you. "I just wanted it to be slightly fair, they still have the upper hand though," You said.

"Well alright then, everyone let's go pick a weapon and change into our suits!" Iida ordered.

"Hai!" The class yelled in sync as they walked forward and grabbed a weapon. Class E did the same, going shoulder to shoulder with Class A. It was your turn and you saw a patch of blue hair grab a gun.

"Nagisa," you called out to the bluenette. The aforementioned turned around and gave you a wave, "Hi (Y/n)."

"You... You cut your hair?" You asked him, surprised to see that his hair was no longer in pigtails like they used to. "Yeah," Nagisa scratched his cheek. "I went to the barber a day before school started so it would be a surprise," He chuckled.

"It looks good on you," you cupped his head, your fingers caressing the blue strands of his hair. "Thanks," He smiled at your compliment, a blush on his cheeks. You admired his new look, with or without pigtails, he still looked cute.

"Now, now, is this a place to be flirting, you two?" Karma grinned as he slung his arms on both of you and Nagisa's shoulders. "Shut up," you glared at the red head.

"But that was the truth, no?" He smirked.

"I was complimenting Nagisa about his new haircut! Shut up!" You furrow your brows at him. "Complementing, flirting, same thing," Karma shrugged and stuck out his tongue at you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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