Chapter 11

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(Y/n)'s Pov

"So that's the secret of E class. All of you have been signed up to be assassins and kill the entity?" Asano asked. You slowly nodded before yawning, "Yeah, that's our secret."

"You must've spotted him once or more, I think. One of those times was during the pole felling. That was one of the times he was really out and was kind of in the way, taking pictures of us." You added.

"Hmm, I must've not noticed him then. I was playing the game so I was distracted," Asano mumbled. "Fair enough, but you'll meet him soon, so don't worry," You commented.

'Wow, for once Asano isn't being a dickhead.'

Luckily, Asano didn't say anything back so you leaned back and caught up to your much needed sleep. You quickly fell asleep, letting darkness consume your mind.

Asano was rather conflicted yet pleased to finally know what was the secret in E class. But now, he had to become an assassin? What the hell was going on. He had asked this to his father once, the other day when it was announced. He got home and demanded answers but the man didn't even speak and instead just gave his son a smile.

Mineta screeched, "Why does Asano get to sit with (L/n) HUH?!" Asano's eyes narrowed at the short boy for only a second before he gave him a smile, "Sorry, sorry, I'm just more comfortable sitting next to (L/n) since we have known each other beforehand. I hope you don't mind."

Some of your classmates turned around to see what commotion was all about, and once they knew what it was, they ignored Mineta. "O-okay..." Mineta sniffled before turning his attention back ahead.

Once Asano was sure the attention wasn't on him, he rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue. 'How troublesome.' He thought to himself before grabbing a book and began to read.

You opened your eyes and looked at the window, the scenery as you passed by was starting to get familiar and you knew you were close to your destination. You turned to Asano who was reading a book, "Hey, Asano," you tapped his shoulder.

"Hm?" He glanced at you, "What?" He continued to read. "Do you want to join in on my plan?" You offered.

"A plan? For what?" Asano asked. "For our soon to be teacher," You added. "Let's give him a nice surprise. Are you in?"

Asano thought for a moment. "Hm, I don't see why not, so count me in," He agreed with a nod.

"Okay, that's good," you sighed in relief. "But uh- can I be blunt with you?" You asked him. He raised a brow at your question, "I don't see any reason why you can't be blunt with me."

"Okay. So, why are you being nice to me? No, change that, why are you being like a decent person right now?" You raised a brow at him. "You weren't like this during junior high, so what made you change?"

"Have I really changed? As far as I know, it's still me, I'm just putting a nice first impression on our new classmates," Asano smiled. "Not only that, but why would I even be like that to you? You're in A class now, right?"

"Er... I guess so but... well, what about E class, then?" You continued. "Hm, I guess I'll tolerate them for a bit," He continued to smile.

"Tolerate them for a bit, huh? Is that so...?" You mumbled, still skeptical.

"Oh right, you're so polite and nice, it's kinda unnerving," You commented. "You know you can drop the act since no one else's around listening in on us. And I doubt our new classmates are gonna hear you talk since they're busy sleeping," You said.

"Alright," He agreed and his smile immediately dropped, it was replaced with something more neutral. "So, about that plan you earlier," He started

"Ah right, so here's what I'm going to do..." You whispered to him. You discussed your plan to the strawberry blond, it was nothing too serious, you just wanted to surprise him is all. As if this small plan of yours will actually kill him. Injure him? Yes. Kill him? No.

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