A date dont be late..

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Ivys pov

Damn now i have to wait a few days to see him again unless i see him on campus i say to myself. Why are you looking like that rose says snapping me out of my trance. Nothing, i just got a call from kade asking me to menage friday night. Damn girl rose says eyes glowing whats up with his brother f'ck a menage we can have a comfortable foursome! I just shake my head. After chatting with rose for a few more mins im do my hygiene thing and had to the library.. I have to live up to my nerd title. Monday rolls around and im feeling giddy the count down has began for rose at least she is already throwing ideas on what im wearing how she is doing my makeup and all that.you would think im getting married with all this extra planning she is doing.   Im sitting in class and seriously rethinking my major, being a forensic tech. Ms. Ivy my teacher says drawing my attention to the front of the class. Every one is looking at me as if waiting for my answer. Damn it! Could you repeat the question Prof. Allison? That earns a few chuckles from other students of course she smiles at me sweetly "there is a 80 yr old farmer who lives on 150 acres of land he has been living there all his life the land is home to hundreds of oak trees that seem to attrack thousands of black birds each yr that leave a big mess behind one yr he finally gets feed up he goes and buys some buckshots gets home and goes to a tree that looks to have about 600 birds in it he shoots and kills 1/2 of 2/3 of the birds..how many did he kill?"(a/n i had this question in my math for teachers class lmao) my mind immediately eliminated all the useless pointless info he age etc.  After about 2 mins i simply say zero which earns a uproar of laughter from the entire class im quickly recalculate my answer feeling dumb. Correct prof says immediately silencing everyone. Then she asks how i came up with the answer. Its simple i say if he has a buck shot as soon as he fires the bullet spreads not hitting anything the sound caused all birds to fly away. Impressive she says looking at the rest of the class im on cloud nine the rest of the day.. Rose sends me a quick mind link reminding me of cheer practice at 3 after lifting tumbling and learing cheers we are whipped we head call for pizza shower homework and we are out by 10.  Its now thurs and im grateful rose has morning classes and not me on tuesdays or thursday!! I heard her groaning and moaning like frankesteins as soon as she out the door im lulled back to sleep. A ringing phone breaks my fantasy dream

Hello i say sounding how i look,horrible yes is this ivy? That voice... i clear any traces of sleep in my voice i hope you know how sexy you sound he chuckles giving me a chance to get my hormones under control i decide to ignore the comment im not trying to start a fire he may not be able to put out.. Im joking he says deflating my ego ok i wasnt buy anyways im jusy making sure ypur ass is alive i ask ypu out and you just drop off the damn planet. Um no i say rolling my eyes its this thing called life ever heard of it i snap back comically feisty i like he lets out a hearty laugh we talk iron out details of the date and get to know each other. I promise to call or shoot him a text since he now has my cell number. As soon soon as we hang up i realize something.. I need to change panties..that voice smdh

This is just a filler chapter getting back into the swing of things.. Comment and star please plently more coming AND I WILL EDIT JUST WANT TO GET BOOK WRITTEN A LITTLE BIT MORE i already got next chapter done pics of jackson kade and kadin coming :) comments please only asking for 5 of em and some likes/stars :) remotatived

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