Not Here With Me

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"I can't. You may be her friends, but she... isn't here anymore. She isn't here to tell me to let you see her, so I'm going to tell you what I think instead," I responded.

"But that doesn't make sense. Just because she isn't here to tell you what to do doesn't mean you should think for her! If you took her for yourself, what are you going to do to her?!" Alura talked back.

"I'll take care of her and make sure she'll look the best she can. I won't let anyone touch her."

"You mean that you're going to bury her, right?" The male asked.


"What? You're seriously going to keep (Y/N)'s dead body?" The male who never talked before was shocked.

"Of course, if I bury her, I can't see her anymore."

"Sometimes you need to let go. I think (Y/N) would prefer you don't give love to her body and not herself. It'll hurt you more this way, so please, I think you should bury her body instead clinging onto it," the talkative male persisted.

Burying Y/N... I could visit her gravestone, but I won't be able to see her anymore. Is that really the best idea? Controlling Y/N's dead body though, it doesn't really feel right in the first place. I could control anyone in the world, but I could not control Y/N. So, should I let her go rest in peace?

"... Fine," I hesitantly replied.

A few days later...

For the day we chose for her small funeral, it happened to be raining too. What a sad day.

Such a sad, dark, cloudy, rainy day indeed.

I made it to the graveyard where we buried her, and her friends were here as well.

An assassin has no need to stand here, mourning of someone's death, when his job is to kill people.

Y/N, what could've gone different so I could've been with you?

I placed down a mix of flowers that included purple hyacinths by her gravestone.

And I talked to her, making a promise, "I'll come visit you, I'll come talk to you, and I'll always be there for you, because I love you. Until we meet again, (Y/N)."

I got up from the ground, my hands turned into fists, trembling, and my mouth clenched. As I was walking away in the rain, all I could see was a blurry sight of the damp grass.

The end...

Note: You can now either read the other endings, or you can head off to "After You Read" if you would like!

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