Chapter 8~ On The Run

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"So what happened?" said Rosaine, as she rushed to Rosenda.

"I have bad news..." Rosenda said.

"What?" Rosendo asked.

"??? said that we won't be staying for long. We're going to Paris," Rosenda explained.

"PARIS?" the five of them exclaimed.

"Yes, Paris. Fortunately, they speak English there as well, so we should be fine," Rosenda said.

  Rosendo and Rossana sighed and walked into their respective rooms. The four of them, Rosenda, Rossano, Rosaine and Rosaire, didn't move. 

"What else did ??? say?" Rosaire asked.

"She said that we can't return yet... But Veronica is okay and she is ON THE RUN  too, " Rosenda said.

"So? What's your point? It's not like Veronica can do anything," Rossano said.

"Rossano, I know you don't like her and have a conflict with her because she snitched on you in the past. But she is bringing a message, an important document from ???," Rosenda smiled. "But for two weeks, we mustn't go to school. Until Veronica arrives here. We've got a lot to do."

"This is great! We get two whole weeks of holiday!" Rosaine said.

"Not exactly, but sure," Rosenda commented.

"Also, everyone is looking for you, popular girl," Rosaine said.

"I don't think anyone will be seeing me for two whole weeks from now," Rosenda laughed.

"Come on, let's go shopping," said Rosaine, dragging Rosenda.


Down the main road...

"Wow!" Rosenda said as she got caught by the sight of the new book form her favorite author. "I've got to get that."

"What about borrowing from the library? I heard the book is available in the library," Rosaine said.

"Let's go, then," said Rosenda, this time, pulling Rosaine instead.


At the Library...

"I'VE GOT IT!" Rosenda yelled.

"Sh!!!" the librarian warned.

"Oops," Rosaine laughed.

"Wait... Isn't that Rosenda?" Simon asked himself from across the library.

"Hey Rosenda!" he whispered.

 Rosenda turned around.

"Hey Si! What's up?" she whispered.

"I'm just looking for a dictionary. How are you doing? You weren't in school today," Simon replied.

"I'm fine. We're just having a little problem. Nothing big that two weeks can't solve!" Rosenda said nervously.

"Okay, then I'll see you soon!" Simon replied.

Simon's smile faded as Rosenda hurried away. "Can't I stop this feeling? I can't feel that something is missing from my life when she's not around. I can't do this, I'm so helpless," Simon thought to himself.

Outside of the Library...

"Great, we managed it!" Rosaine commented.

"Let's go home. Cottie must be waiting for me," Rosenda exclaimed.

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