Chapter 9~ Dear Diary,

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"She what?" Jeanette yelled.

"Calm down, Jeanette. She's coming back tomorrow," Simon said.

  Saying that, Simon ran away from Jeanette as far as possible. He locked himself in his locker and took his diary out.

Dear Diary,

  I can't say that this is all her fault. But I can't bear to see her fake smile that she has plastered on her face. She is not genuinely happy, is she? I just want her to be happy, even if she doesn't like me. I need to find out what is happening to her. 



  Simon closed his diary. Locking it, he went out of his locker. Breathing in the fresh air, he realized it was already the end of school.

"Theo! Tell Dave I am visiting a friend!" Simon yelled.

"Okay! Who is it?" Theodore asked.

"Rosendo!" Simon yelled back.

  Simon knocked on the door. He could hear things crashing and probably glass breaking. Rossana opened the door.

"Oh, hi! Um, this isn't exactly the best time to visit and um yea I need to help them before the house collapses or burn down so, um, bye!" Rossana stammered.

  Rossana slammed the door at Simon's face. Simon heard barks, meows, chirps, and yelling. "Maybe it really isn't the best time to visit after all," Simon thought. With that, he walked home.


With the Roses...


  All of them managed to grab their pets and put them in their respective rooms. Rosenda sighed as she sat down heavily on her dining chair. 

"This is difficult to live with! When can I get home?" Rosenda asked.

"We can't. I wish we could do something about this not being able to go home thing. I'm sick and tired of living abroad," Rosaire said.

"No. It's the thought that we're returning to school tomorrow that terrifies me," Rossano stated.

"Ugh! School again? How can two weeks fly by so quickly?" Rosaine asked.

"With those crazy fangirls? No way. I rather stay home," Rosendo said.

  The six of them sat in silence. Did they like it there? Not really. Do they have a choice? No. Do they like each other? Sometimes, but having company like that could be annoying. Especially when Rossano and Rosenda can't get along with each other. Rossano would annoy her, and she would annoy him back. The never-ending cycle would go on and on and on. Just then, someone knocking the door disrupted their thoughts.

"Hey! Um, I am looking for Rosie, is she here?" Jeanette asked.

  Hearing her name, Rosenda rushed to the door and opened it.

"Jeanette! Girl, how have you been?" said Rosenda cheerfully. 

"Not that well, but I'm fine. What about you?" Jeanette replied.

"I'm great! Uh, but I'm kinda busy now. Do you mind if I see you tomorrow? Bye!" Rosenda said, slamming the door.

"That was close, wasn't it?" Rosendo asked.

"So close. Gosh," Rosaine said. 

"I can't let her come in. Look at this mess!" Rosenda exclaimed. 

"And this is the ninth time this week we have to clean up," Rossana stated.

"Facts. They are getting out of control" Rosaine said. 

"There's no way we're going to live like this," Rossano said.

"But we already are," Rosenda stated.

"Did I say we weren't?" Rossano asked.

"Did I say that you said that we weren't?" Rosenda asked back.

"Here we go again," Rossana said, rolling her eyes.

"This two lil kids will never learn," Rosendo agreed.

"Come on Rosie, don't waste your time fighting with him," said Rosaine, dragging Rosenda with her.


At the Seville's...

"Um, hey Rosenda! I like you. Wait no... That sounds weird," Simon said aloud.

  "Simon Seville. You have practised for the millionth time on this. How come you still can't get it right? You do want to tell Rosenda how you feel about her, do you?" Simon thought. Simon didn't know what Rosenda would say. Would she accept him or reject him? The only time he actually had a crush on someone was Mindi with an 'i'. But he got rejected and he started liking Jeanette. "But Jeanette isn't really my type. She is too shy and sometimes she can't express her ideas clearly. I mean she is perfect... But not as perfect as Rosenda is," Simon thought. "On the other hand, Rosenda is smart, funny and knows how to say it when she isn't happy about something. She can express her emotions well and she isn't an emo. She is the perfect balance." 

"Simon! Simon, open up! You've been in the washroom for half and hour! Are you sure you haven't drowned?" Alvin said banging on the door. 

"I'm coming!" Simon said.

  Simon opened the door. 

"What's up with him?" Alvin said.


At School...

"Hey Rosenda..." Simon started.

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