ALIMY : Chapter 17

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"Will you be my boyfriend?"


"U-uh, ahm." I stuttered.

Damn, Gun! Say something!

"What? I'm waiting." He put his hands on his pocket.

"Ah! Psh." I said, he looked at me while his eyebrows met.

"What 'Ah?' Do you want to moan? I can let you moan." He said and smirked.

"You shit! Shut up!" I feel my cheeks burning. This bastard, I didn't thought that he's going to be this vulgar.

"I need your answer, in three, two, o-"

"Er! It's a yes! I'm your boyfriend now, jeez!" I hissed and banged myself into bed to hid my smile.

"Ohho, that's good." I feel his presence beside me,

"Now that you're mine," I felt his finger running through my back,
"Can I finally get what's mine?" He whisper in my ear, I immediately get up and hit his head.

"You fucking shit! Don't you dare!" I hissed.

"Hahahaha, calm down wife." He said while laughing,

"D-dont call me wife! You bastard!" I hissed.

"Why not? Your my wife, and I'm your husband." He said teasingly.

"Stop it!" I'm already shy! You idiot!

WHAT HAPPENED yesterday is really embarrassing.

The marked on my neck is still there, and I can't find a way to removed it, so I applied some concealer on it.

"Mueng," I'm with Newwiee, we're here at the room, we're waiting for our teacher.


"Is there any progress between you and Off?" He asked, when I heard Off's name, I automatically blush.

"U-uh..." should I tell him?

"What?" He said excitedly.

"I'll tell you later,"

"No! Tell me now!" He uttered.

"We're—" I stopped when the '91 liners entered the room.

I saw Off looking at me, he smiled.

"Huy! Continue!" Newwiee tapped my faced,

"We're boyf—"

"Goodmorning class," aww?

"Goodmorning Mr. Rotchanok."

"Argh! There's always someone who interrupt the tea!" Newwiee mumbled under his breathe but I heard it.

"I'll tell you later in private." I whisper,

"Okay, class."
"I want to congratulate again our new Moon, Mr. Atthaphan Phunsawat." Sir clapped his hands and so as my classmates.

I fake a smile,

"T-thankyou." I said.

"Congratulations too to our 1st runner up Star, Ms. Namtaan Tipnaree." We clapped our hands,

"Thankyou." Namtaan said.

"I just want you to know that I'm so proud of you. You didn't disappoint me." Mr. Rotchanok said while smiling.

WE'RE HERE at the cafeteria,

"So tell me," Newwiee asked again, ohho he didn't forget huh.

"Promise me you won't be in extreme." I said, he nodded.

"Ahm, we're boyfriends." I said shyly, his eyes grew in shock

"WHAT?!" He shouted, I immediately hold his mouth.


"Okay okay."
"How?" He said confusingly. So I started to tell him the story.

"Ohho, that's eww!" Newwiee said and acted like he's going to vomit,

I just told him the summary, but I didn't tell him that Off leave a mark on my neck!

"Ehem," I looked at the owner of the voice,


"Can we sit here?" Arm said, I nodded.

Off sat beside me and Tay sat beside New, while Arm decided to sat in the left side.

"So, don't be embarrass Gun, we already know." Tay uttered and smirked.

"Shut up Tay." -Off

"Why would I? He's cu—" Tay words cut by New

"He said shut up didn't he? You're noisy and nosy!" New uttered, I shook my head.

As usual, he's always like this when he's with Tay.

They're always bickering

"Why do you care?! What's your problem?!" Tay hissed,

"You! You're voice is so ugly like you!" Newwiee hissed,

"Aw?! You shit!"

"Hah! I'm the most handsome shit then!"

"Who says you're handsome?!"

"My mom!"

"Then your mom is a liar!"

"Go to hell!"

"You first!"

Off, Me and Arm looked at each other and shooked our head together,

"You chocolate-skin!"

"It's better to have a chocolate-skin than to have such a white milky-skin! You're skin is so girly!" Tay hissed,

They didn't stop bickering even just for a moment.

"Hah! You motherfucker!"

"You fuck!"

They started to glared at each other while clenching their fist in annoyance,

We need to stop them before they punch each other,

I looked at Off and I showed him a sign to stop that two,

When he get what I wanted to tell, he immediately slapped the table and clapped his hands.

"Hep hep hep, enough enough. Finish your food!" Off uttered,

I sighed in relief when the two stop bickering and started to eat.

"Looks like he's under your spell." Arm whisper to me, I chuckled.

"Well, he doesn't have a choice but to follow me." I whispered and we both chuckled.

"Ehem." We both stopped and sat properly when Off cleared his throat.

When I looked at him, he looks like a villain who's ready to kill.

What the? What's wrong with him?

I looked at the meat in his plate, it's already murdered by his fork!

"What? Look at your food bastard, it's murdered!" I said and rolled my eyes,

"I'm fucking jealous, don't talk to someone else that close." He mumbled,

Hah! He's so possessive!

Arm is his bestfriend for pete's sake!

"Duh! He's your bestfriend." I whispered. He looked at me again,

"I don't care, I don't like seeing you that close to other men, except me." He said and started to eat again.

The three men in our table stopped and looked at us,

"What? Eat." Off uttered,

"Ohho, whatta possessive husband!" Tay said teasingly,

"The possessive husband and the approachable wife!" Arm said teasingly too,

"Shut up!" Off said, his ears were getting red again.


At least, I Met You 1 : OffGunWhere stories live. Discover now