chapter 1

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The human being is a very independent and diverse being, as far as tastes and ideas are concerned, we are not homogeneous, much less equal, We're different,

we have different ideas,

we like different things,

But even if that is something with which it can be said that it makes us different, that ... It only makes us more equal.

Each human being sees things differently and that can be based on various possibilities, either by their way of life or upbringing, by their way of being, or simply because they are.

For this reason, there is great diversity, everywhere, in love, gender, taste, and other things, so much so that the smallest thing can have different forms, for example; one color, red, how many types of red or shades are there?

Infinities, carmine, crimson, scarlet, pastel, vermilion, cadmium, ruby, sangria, etc.

That shows the great diversity of an object, but that object can be anything ... It has no distinction and nothing is out of the rule, even things that are almost clichés, like ...


And there are infinities of ways to make love, fuck, have sex, whatever you want to call it. Infinities that vary with people's tastes, be it rough, wild or slow, smooth, perhaps even vanilla (which is the most widespread and "accepted").

One of the most talked-about is BDSM, and since it is a very popular topic it has been filled with prejudices and lies.

Falsehoods that condemn the fans of these practices, calling us crazy or lunatics and other nonsense that have nothing to do with reality, which is, that it is just one more sexual practice.

And I refute it, Zhao Yunlan, head of the SID, and although I do not reflect it, I am a submissive, and that has not driven me crazy or I need some screws, (on the contrary perhaps).

Being a submissive is nothing out of the ordinary, nor am I special or something like that, I am a normal person, living a normal life, with normal dreams and ambitions of my abilities as a human being.

Only that my way of seeing sexuality (in the most intimate sphere possible) is different, ...

And it's not that I denigrate or curse vanilla sex, which I know is good and hot, just that I find it ... Not boring, but more cliché or repetitive.

But BDSM is more ardent and exciting, because it is not only one way, nor does it get stuck in a single mold, therefore, you can experiment until you get your own pleasure

.And my pleasure is to be dominated.

Being dominated is exciting and aphrodisiac, it is not only giving your body to someone else but also giving your soul, your sanity and you're being to the Morpheus of the pleasure that the other person can give you.

I still remember it...

My last teacher, he was a man about ten years older than me, his name was Xiu Feng, he was a great teacher, he always sought to give his best version, he was dedicated and I would say that he would see giving me pleasure almost as a reward, his sessions were the best. He loved using toys and although he was not a fetishist, he liked to fulfill my fantasies, although he never told me hers, he murmured that I fulfilled them.

Everything until he had to get married, that's where our sessions ended and even though I didn't want it to end so quickly, I couldn't stop it.

I will always have the memory of that magnificent teacher who gave me most of those who until today are my (most precious) toys.

Today marks one year, three weeks, and two hours since the last session I had, where my teacher said goodbye and goodbye.

So ... Time to find a new teacher.

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