the weekend movie date part 1- jonathan brandis

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    Friday. how you were so glad that it was the end of the week. this week went by pretty slow, and you had some not so great days at school. one of the only things that kept you happy in school was the thought of your crush Jonathan Brandis. he was a tall boy with dark blonde hair and bright blue eyes. he was pretty popular among the people in your grade, unlike you. almost all of the girls in your grade had a crush on him, especially all of the popular girls. you always thought that he would never like you because you were not like the other girls, but you were very surprised that your thoughts were incorrect.
as you were walking down the hall, you could see Jonathan starting to walk closer and closer to you. you thought that he was just walking in the opposite direction as you, but he soon was right in front of you. "hello there. I'm Jonathan. what's your name?" he asked. oh my gosh, Jonathan Brandis is talking to me! you think to yourself happily. you start to introduce yourself and you get pretty comfortable with him really fast. he then asks you if you would like to sit with him at lunch. "of course, I would love to sit with you! see you at lunch!" you exclaim. you were so excited to be able to sit with your crush at lunch. during each and every period, you were counting down the minutes until lunch.
    when it was finally time for lunch, you made your way to the cafeteria and saw Jonathan sitting at an empty table waiting for you. as you walk up to the table, he says, "hey y/n! how was your morning?" you reply with, "it was great, how was yours?" you both make small talk and start to talk about your homework for the weekend. Jonathan didn't have that much, and you didn't have a lot either. "I have a question for you, y/n." Jonathan says. you start to get a little nervous. what did I do wrong? did I hurt his feelings from something that I said? does he not want to talk to me again? you kept thinking of the worse things that he could possibly say to you. there was a silence at your table for a few long seconds, but Jonathan breaks the silence by asking, "would you possibly like to go to the movies with me tomorrow?" you are in disbelief. what just happened? you think to yourself. did my crush just ask me to go to the movies with him? you answer, "yes I would love to go to the movies!" Jonathan had a large smile on his face and said, "great! I'll see you tomorrow at 7." as lunch ended, you both said goodbye to each other and made your way to your afternoon classes. you could not wait until tomorrow to go to the movies with your crush and new friend Jonathan Brandis. 

this is part 1 of this new imagine! I hope you guys enjoyed this! what is your favorite Jonathan Brandis movie? mine is either ladybugs or sidekicks :)

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