the weekened movie date part two- jonathan brandis

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  *warning- spoilers about toy soldiers*
all throughout the day, you could not stop thinking about your date with Jonathan the next day. you were excited, but also really nervous at the same time. what if you said something wrong? what if he didn't like you? those questions rushed through your head the rest of the day and all that night.
  the next morning, you woke up at around 10:30 am. you were super excited for your date later that evening. you started to plan out what you were going to wear. after going through your closet multiple times, you decided on a light pink short sleeved shirt, black ripped jeans, and white high top converse sneakers. your outfit was cute yet comfy, and you really liked it. for the rest of the morning and early afternoon, you hung around at your house with some friends before it was time for you to get ready. at around 5:30 pm, an hour and a half before Jonathan was supposed to pick you up, you started getting ready for the big night. you straightened your hair and put a little makeup on. nothing too crazy- just a little mascara, blush, and some lip gloss. as you were tying your sneakers, there was a knock at the door. you opened it, and there was Jonathan. he had a big smile on his face and asked, "are you ready to go?" you replied with, "I sure am! let's go."
  on your way to the movie theatre, you learned that you and Jonathan had a similar taste in music. you blasted all of your favorite songs and sung them at the top of your lungs. when you got to the theatre, you both picked out some snacks and sat where the movie was being screened. the movie you were seeing is Toy Soldiers, starring Sean Astin, Wil Wheaton, and Shawn Phelan. during the movie, Jonathan put his arm around you, and you tucked your head into his arm. in the middle of the movie, your favorite character, Joey Trotta, was shot and killed. you started to cry a little. Jonathan gave you a hug and whispered, "it's ok, y/n, it's just a movie." you felt much better afterwards. for the rest of the movie, he held your hand.
  when the movie was over, Jonathan took you home. you and him stood on your front porch. Jonathan said, "I had a great time tonight, y/n. I would love to do this again sometime." you replied, "I did too! I would definitely do this again." as he was about to leave, he gave you a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "goodnight, y/n," he said, "I'll call you tomorrow." you waved goodbye and went into your house. you could not wait to call your friends in the morning and tell them everything that had happened that night.

I really like how this imagine turned out! I'm so sorry for the long wait for this final chapter :( hope you enjoyed!

word count- 512 words

born in the right generation: an 80s and 90s imagines book Where stories live. Discover now