chapter 7

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                Alexis stood in a big room which was really just the gym at the FBI building with Reid, Emily and Morgan today they were going to help her control her visions. "ok Alexis what do you normally feel when you get a vision" asks Reid. "just nervous or scared" replied Alexis "ok so it sounds like your visons are controlled by your emotions you just need to learn how to use it to your advantage" said Reid. "How do I do that" asks Alexis. "Just think about a moment that scared you" says Morgan. "ok" says Alexis as she walks to the center of the room and closes her eyes she begins to think of the scarcest moments from the teams history but she doesn't get a vison. "nothing I cant do this" says Alexis. "just try again" says Reid. Alexis closes her eyes but still nothing. "this is pointless its not working" says Alexis getting frustrated. "you know what she's right this is pointless and a huge waste of time" says Morgan. "Morgan" yells Emily. "no wait Emily he's right we just started and she's already complaining" says Reid. "she's just being a big baby, I bet she's not even trying" says Morgan.

    "shut up Morgan" yells Alexis. "oh what your just being a baby, your not even trying" says Morgan. "yes I am" says Alexis. "oh really because from where were standing your not" says Reid. "both of you shut up" yells Alexis as she collapses on the floor. "Alexis wood your under arrest "says Hotch. "Guys please I didn't do this I'm not the traitor,I'm being framed" cries Alexis. "Alexis, Alexis" says Reid as he tries to pull her out of her vison. Alexis backs away from Reid. "hey its ok its me what did you see" asks Reid. umm. just Elle getting shot by the fisher king" replied Alexis. "ok" replies Reid not fully convinced but decides not to question it. "It worked" said Morgan. "yeah but we induced it we want her to conger her visons" replied Emily. "you good baby girl" asks Morgan. "yeah I'm fine but, omg you just called me BABY girl! "yeah so" asks Morgan. "you don't get you the Derek Morgan Just called me Baby girl that is a huge honor." said Alexis. "ok thank you" said Morgan still confused. "ok Alexis let see if this time you can conger your vison" says Reid. "ok" replied Alexis


Garcia was down in her office doing updates to her computer when she got a weird email. not really thinking anything of it she pushed it aside but then she got another from the same address. weird she though but she went back to updating her computers but then all the sudden she lost full access over her computers. "one among you is a traitor and his been spying on all of you could the traitor be Jennifer Jareau , Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia, Arron Hotchner, Elle Greenaway, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Dr Spencer Reid or little Alexis wood" said A voice coming from a video on The computer screen and the video just kept playing on repeat. "Garcia Quickly Ran to grab Hotch. "Hotch you need to come to my office now "said Garcia with urgency in her voice. "ok" said Hotch getting up from his desk and following Garcia to her office. "Hotch walked into his office and was shocked when he saw the video and as the video played the pictures of the team were showed. "ok um figure out how to save this and get your computer up and running and I'm going to round up the team" says Hotch. "ok on it sir" replied Garcia.

      "Hotch ran out of his office and down to the ballpen where JJ was sitting at her desk talking with Rossi and Elle. "guys please got to the conference room" says Hotch. "what's going on Hotch" asks JJ. "I'll explain once we get everyone into the conference room,JJ please go down to the gym and get the rest of the team" Said Hotch. "ok Hotch" replied JJ. "JJ stood up from her desk and put her lanyard with her badge on it around her neck and head for the elevator. As she stood in the elevator she wondered why Hotch had seemed worried, she could tell Hotch was trying to hide it but he wasn't doing a very good job what ever was going on was scaring Hotch and Hotch wasn't easily scared so that's how she knew what every was going on was really bad. the elevator doors opened and she got off and walked down a long hallway until she reached the gym. "Good job Alexis you did it" says Reid. "Hey guys sorry to interrupt but Hotch needs us in the conference room including you Alexis" says JJ. "what's going on, do we have a case" asks Emily. "I don't know Hotch didn't say but he seemed worried" said JJ. "If Hotch's worried then whatever it is most be bad" replied Reid. "your right,we better head up there before Hotch kills all of us" says Emily. the team and Alexis walk over to the elevator. They all got in and began chatting about what this emergency meeting could be about because if hotch was nervous then there was something very wrong.

         They all got off the elevator and headed over the conference room where Hotch, Rossi, elle and Garcia were waiting. "Alright everyone have a seat, Garcia please fill everyone in" said Hotch. "Alright so I was sitting in my office updating my computers when I got an email thinking nothing of it I ignored it but then I got another  from the same person and again I ignored it, but then my computers got hacked and a video started playing which I was able to save and I will play for you guys now" said Garcia. "one among you is a traitor and his been spying on all of you could the traitor be Jennifer Jareau , Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia, Arron Hotchner, Elle Greenaway, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Dr Spencer Reid or little Alexis wood" said the voice as photos of every member of the team appeared on the screen. "what the hell you cant really think one of us is a traitor" said Morgan. "I don't know but we do have a stalker so I have assigned a security detail for all of us and our families. "Alright so whats our next move" asks Rossi. "well Garcia is going to try to get her computer system up and running and see if she can track the IP address and the rest of us are going to watch the video again and see if we can find anything" says Hotch. "Alright wheels up in 30"says Alexis. "um were not going anywhere" says Emily holding back a laugh. "I know I just wanted to say it now lets get to work" said Alexis. "you heard her guys lets get to work" says Hotch.

         The team watches as Garcia leaves and then all sit back and get comfortable because they know they were going to be here for awhile. they sat there rewatching the tape over and over again and one hour turned into two and then three and they were all almost ready to give up when something caught Reid's Eye. "JJ rewind the tap a bit" said Reid. "ok stop and pause it" said Reid. "Reid what do you see" asks Hotch. "there's a word in the background" says Reid "ok so" asks Morgan confused. "the word is rAed but is misspelled and the letter A is capitalized" says Reid "Hes right look" says JJ as she writes the letter A on the board. "If there is one word like this then there must be more" said Alexis. "ok lets get watching" says Hotch.

wow I wonder who the traitor is or if there even is one, what do you guys think? as always the next chapter will be out in the next few days.

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