chapter 6

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                      Alexis sat at the table silently trying to hide her shock. she put on a fake smile and just sat there hoping the team wouldn't notice her deception. "Hi I'm Emily Prentiss and this is David Rossi" said Emily introducing herself and Rossi. "Hi and who is this" asked Elle looking over at Alexis. "oh um that's my niece Alexis, um I've raised her sense she was a baby" replied Prentiss.  "Hi I'm Elle" said Elle.. All the sudden Alexis head starts to hurt and the room starts to spin and she gets up and then collapses on the floor. "Garcia watch out he has gun" she yells. "Alexis can you hear me" says JJ. "Alexis looks at JJ tears streaming down her face, she freaks out and backs away from JJ. "Alexis its ok, I'm not going to hurt you, what did you see, did you see the future again" asks JJ. "what do you mean did she see the future "asks Elle confused.

      "I'll explain later" replied Hotch, "no I saw the past saw the cop shoot Garcia" said Alexis. "why do you think you saw that" asks Reid. "I've been hiding something" said Alexis as she wiped away her tears. "what" asks JJ. "every sense will died I've been having visons of past trauma events that have happened to you guys like Doyle almost killing Emily and Reid getting shot and kidnapped and I think its because I'm afraid that one of you will get injured or worse" said Alexis. "How long has this been going on" asks JJ. "a few weeks." replied Alexis. "a few weeks why didn't you tell us" asks JJ. "I didn't wanna worry you guys" replied Alexis. "kiddo you can tell us anything we love and care about you and nothing is going to happen to us" said Rossi. "Rossi right you can always come to us we love" said Emily. "I love you guys too" replied Alexis. "Guys I wonder if there's away we can teach her to control theses vison so maybe she can do them willingly, I mean will that ability she could be a great asset" asks Hotch as everyone turns to Reid.

       "Don't look at me I have know idea but we can try" says Reid. "what do you mean you don't know, your a genesis. said Rossi. "I Never heard of someone being able to see the future" replied Reid. "Hotch I Don't know about this she's 16 she's a kid" says Emily concerned. "I think we leave this up to her, what do you say Alexis wanna try and learn how to control your visons" asks Hotch. "I don't about this Hotch" replied Alexis. "I'll let you join us on more cases" said Hotch. "throw in profiling lessons and you have deal" said Alexis. "you drive a hard Bargen but deal "replied Hotch as him and Alexis shock hands. Alexis was really excited she was going to learn not only how to control her visions but learn to be a profile this was the best day ever.  "Alright how about you all come over to my house for dinner" says Rossi. "sure" everyone replied except Alexis. "Alexis" said Rossi. "wait me too" asks Alexis. "over course kiddo your family now" says Rossi. "ok I'll be there " says Alexis. "Ok lets all go home and meet at Rossi's tonight" says Hotch. "ok sounds good" replied Emily.  Emily grabbed her bag from her desk and her and Alexis made there way to the elevator.

                                                            later that night

                      I put on a pair of jeans and a plan black shirt. I pulled my long brown hair back into a bun and then put on a little bit of make up. even after being here for seven months I still cant help but fangirl  A bit every time I see the team. "I grab henry off my bed who had been watching paw patrol on my phone and together we walk down stairs. as we walk  downstairs I see Emily kissing JJ so I quickly cover Henrys eyes. "woah" said Alexis. "oh sorry you guys weren't supposed to see that" says JJ embarrassed as henry runs over to her. Alexis laughs. "so Jemily really does exist" says Alexis holding back a laugh. "what" asks JJ and Emily confused. "its a thing from my world a lot of people ship you two" says Alexis. "ship" asks Emily confused. "you know when you want two people to be together usually fictional so you give them a ship name and yours is Jemily getting it Jennifer and Emily put together" says Alexis. "oh ok I get it but please don't tell the team" says JJ "I wont but how long has this been going on" asks Alexis. "A few weeks" says Emily. "wow ok well I've always shipped you to so great" says Alexis trying to get out of this conversation. "ok well if you two are done with your make out sech how about we go to Rossi's. "Great idea" says JJ as she picks up henry.

      The car ride to Rossi was very quite. I sat there not saying a word, I think JJ noticed something was off because she turned to ask me if I was ok, I told her I was fine but I don't think she was fully convinced but she didn't push me for more. something was bothering me though how did Elle get back into the FBI I mean she killed someone in cold blood, she claimed it was self defense but I guess the FBI believed her story, I decide not to tell the team I mean Elle wasn't evil she had just made a mistake a big one but the team had been though so much so why put them throw something traumatic again. she pushed the though aside as they were pulling up to Rossi house. we all get out of the car and walk up to Rossi front door. Emily rings the door bell and not 5 seconds later Reid opens the door and standing next to him was Maeve. "hey guys come in" said Reid. he led them down a long hall and into Rossi kitchen. "hey guys your just in time for Dinner. everyone sat at the table and talked and ate spaghettis. Rossi was really an amazing cook. after dinner everyone hung out in Rossi huge Backyard.

    Alexis Sat in a chair writing in her journal, she really just need to get her thoughts out she hated keeping secrets from the team but she knew it was for the best. "I mean Elle wasn't a serial killer right?" she pushed that though aside and put her journal back in her purse. she got up and walked over to the team. "Alexis you've been very quite are you ok" asks Rossi concerned. "I'm fine Rossi" replied Alexis. "Alexis walked over and started chatting with Reid and Maeve. she found out Maeve was a scientist and she was just as smart as Reid and not to mention very beautiful. "all the sudden Alexis collapsed again and this time she got a future vision she could hear gunshots and see several members of the team get hit. "Alexis are you ok" asks Reid. "Reid there's a sniper and several of you guys get shot" said Alexis. "everyone inside now and get away from any windows" yelled Reid. "the team looked over At Reid confused but all went inside. Rossi had everyone follow him to his panic room. the all sat down and looked over at Alexis who was shaking. Reid takes his jacket off and drapes it over Alexis shoulders. "Alexis what did you see" asks Reid. "I saw Morgan, Hotch , you and Garcia get shot" says Alexis. "could you see her the shooter was" asks Hotch. "no I'm pretty sure it was a sniper because the shots were silent. "ok Morgan, Emily , Rossi and I will go check the back yard says Hotch as Rossi grabs some of his spare caviler vest.

     Alexis runs to the door trying to block the 4 agents from leaving. "No don't leave what if you get hurt" says Alexis with tears streaming down her checks. "will be fine ok" says Emily giving Alexis a hug. JJ walks over and walks her back to her chair. she watches the team leave and all she can do is cry in JJ's arms. after about 10 minutes the 4 agents return. Alexis runs over to them relived that there ok. "we didn't find anything" says Hotch. "if there was a gun men or sniper as Alexis said there long gone" added Morgan. "well we were in here for a good ten minutes so if there was a sniper there long gone" says Emily. "why don't we all go home and regroup in the morning.

     we all said our good byes and then Emily and I  dropped JJ and Henry back at there house. we then drove back to Emily's. I changed into my pajamas and sat on my bed still shaken up and that's when Emily walked in. "Are you ok" asks Emily. "yeah just shaken up I guess" said Alexis. "well good night" says Emily. "Emily wait, will you stay with me until I fall asleep" asks Alexis. "of course" replied Emily. Emily laid down next to Alexis pulling her into her arms. Alexis felt safer with Emily laying right next to her, they talked for a while until they both finally fell asleep.  

Alright wow I love that last part we were so robbed of seeing Emily as a mom but anyways as always hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always the next chapter will be out in the next few days.

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