chapter 11

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      The team arrived at the park to see a distressed Emily. "Oh my god is that Blood" asks JJ. "yes" replies Emily. "Guys Alexis was innocent and we treated her like a criminal" says Emily. "I know but we cant beat ourselves over it, what we need to do is do everything we can to find her" said Hotch. "ok so were there any witnesses" asks JJ. "yes there was a man who is actually a FBIi agent, he's waiting over there to be interviewed. "ok I'll handle the interview while the rest of you work the scene, oh and JJ please do something about the reporters over there" says Hotch. "ok on it Hotch" replied JJ. "what's going on was there an abduction" asked a reporter. "was the victim a kid" asks another reporter. "um there was no crime this is just a training thing that the FBI is doing to help agents be more affection in the field and we would like to ask all of you to leave" said JJ. the reporters gave JJ confused looks but all left mean while Hotch was busy interviewing the witness. "so agent Myers Is this the girl you saw get abducted" asked Hotch. "yes" agent Myers. "tell me exactly what happened" replied Hotch. "I was walking back to head quarters when I noticed that young girl sitting in the park alone I thought it was odd but I shrugged it off until about 2,3 mintues later I heard a scream, so I pulled my gun and ran back towards the park but by the time I got there I could see someone pulling away in a white van" said Agent Myers. "ok well thank you for your time, this is my card if you can think of anything please don't hesitate to call" says Hotch. "ok I will" replied the agent.

    Hotch handed agent Myers the card and then walked back over to his agents. "Agents Myers couldn't give me much some what do you guys have" asks Hotch. "well we know Alexis was siting here on her phone or just thinking but we think where she saw agent Myers looking at her she probably got nervous and was distracted and once the agent was out of view,that's when we think the kidnapper came up from behind her and put the rang over her nose and mouth which we think had chloroform on it but we will have to wait for the lab to conform" said Morgan. "we know she fought back because her phone was dropped and there's blood so she probably cut herself or her kidnapper will have to wait for the lab to conform " Said Emily taking over. "then everything probably went black for her and he dragged her to the van" finished Rossi. "ok I want her phone taken to Garcia and I want even security camera in a 5 block radius checked" said Hotch. "oh and JJ what did you tell the media" asked Hotch. "FBI training" says JJ. "good Job replied Hotch. "ok so Morgan and Elle you stay here and wait for cis to finish processing the scene, JJ, Reid and Rossi I want you guys to search Alexis room and make sure we didn't miss anything and Emily you with me will drop the phone off to Garcia and then go over the case and Alexis journal again" said Hotch. "ok lets save our girl.

      JJ, Reid and Rossi all drove to Emily's house. the whole car ride was silent all they could think about was how scarred Alexis most be. after a very long and awkward car ride they all arrived at Emily's  house. they unlocked the door walked in put on there gloves and started searching Alexis room again. "there nothing here" replied Rossi. "your right if there was we would've of all ready found it" replied Reid. "maybe you guys are right....wait a minute" says JJ. "what is it JJ" Asked Reid. "guys look at this" says JJ taking down a piece of paper. "guys we saw this remember it was just a silly story she wrote" says Rossi. "wait I think JJ's onto something, look she spelled my name wrong she capitalized the I in my name and flipped e and the I what if she is trying to leave us a message" says Reid. JJ looked around for a piece of paper and started writing out letters as Reid found them. "ok so our message says in bed frame" says JJ. they all went and checked out the bed frame and found that there was a detective part at the end of the bed that came off and that's when they found the missing pages of Alexis journal which had some blood on them and they found a flash drive. "Oh my god had did we miss this" says Reid. "because we weren't looking at her as a victims the first time" replied Rossi. "is that blood hers" asks Rossi as JJ puts the pages and flash drive into evidence bags. "according to what she wrote on the paper it is" replied JJ. "wait but if she knew something was going to happen to her why didn't she tell us" asks Rossi. "because she knew who the traitor was and couldn't risk them finding out she knew" says JJ. "ok lets head back to the BAU and get the flash drive to Garcia" says Rossi. "ok lets go" replied Reid.

                                                                Meanwhile back at the BAU

         "ok Hotch so do you think the traitor is Elle" asks Emily. "I don't know but it is strange that right after she accuses Elle, she just happens to be kidnaped, I think its suspicious" replied Hotch. "I agree" replied Prentiss "Prentiss did you find anything in the journal" asked Hotch. "no" replied Emily. "that's ok because we have something" said JJ. "what did you find" asks Hotch. "you know that story we disregarded earlier" said JJ. "well what about it" asks Emily. "well in the story there were little chaptalization or spelling errors that were made on purpose that were part of a secret message " says Rossi. well we figured out the message and it said in the bedframe so we found a decorative piece at the end of the bed that came off and we found the missing pages from her journal, one of the pages had blood on it which we believe is Alexis and we found a flash drive which Garcia is looking into now" says Reid. "ok" replied Hotch. all the sudden Garcia came running in. "guys I was able to see what was on the flash drive and it was a video that you guys need to watch." says Garcia as she presses play. "Hi guys, its me Alexis and if your seeing this something has happened to me. so being of sound, mind and body I can conform that I wrote the 3 pages you guys found and that the blood is mine as you can see by the cut on my hand any way im sorry I lied but you need to know that elle Greenaway is the traitor, oh no I think Emily is coming everything you need to know is on those pages just know this last year has been amazing I got to meet the people who make me happy when I was sad so thank you, I love you guys" video ends.

      the Team sat there shocked was Alexis right, is Elle really the traitor.

all right guys hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always the next chapter will be up in the next few days.

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