Chapter 21

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Cole turns off the TV, after he notices my half sleeping being. I look over to him through sleepy eyes and smile.

"So, what do you think?"

I shrug, yawn again and slowly get up.

"I don't know, I think it's not my thing."

He gasps dramatically and holds his hand over his heart. I roll my eyes and try to hide the smile that threatens to spread across my face.

I don't look back at him as I walk towards the stairs to get into bed. I hear him follow behind me and turn to walk into my guest bedroom.


"Hmm?" I turn around and smile at him, keeping my hand on the doorknob.

"If you need anything, you know where I am."

I nod and catch him letting his eyes linger down my body and back up. 

Please just think about yourself for once. Just don't give a fuck about Tucker, a voice in my head taunts but I push her away. If I give in now, all of the little trust he has in me would be gone. I need his trust. I have been selfish way too long.

"Goodnight," I say quietly and close the door behind me. Leaning my forehead against the black wood.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" I mumble, then let out a heavy sigh.

"Night Peach."

I hear him from the other side and freeze. Did he hear me? I hope not. I turn around and notice a door that I haven't seen earlier. It's not black like the others. It's white and I decide to see what's behind it.

It's pitch black inside the long but small room, so I search for the light switch. When I finally find it, I flip the light on and am stunned by what I'm looking at. The left wall is covered in shelves and cloth rails. The right wall looks like a huge glowing crystal and fills the room with light that is similar to daylight. A full body mirror stands on the other side next to another door.

What's shocking is, that the shelves and hangers aren't empty, they are filled with clothes. Women's clothes. I run my hands over a few dresses and blouses, and notice the brands.

Versace. Oscar de la Renta. Dior. Dolce & Gabbana.

My jaw graces the floor as I reach the middle of the dressing room. A ball gown with a light pink puffy floor long skirt and dark green velvet top with 3D flowers stands right in front of me. I'm pretty sure I've seen this dress before. I think the designer is called something with a T. Tina Matini? No! Teuta Matoshi! That was it!

I'm not really into fashion, but we had a project in art at school once, and I looked up some fairy like dresses and stumbled over Teuta Matoshi. But I know that this dress is at least over a thousand dollars. Why would he keep that here?

I'm pretty sure these clothes belong to one of his sisters, but this is just too much. Now that I think about it, I don't want to know what his dressing room looks like. I know he said he doesn't want to be the rich kid, but if his mother forces him to live in the penthouse, then maybe she would want him to wear designer clothes too, right?

You're judging a woman you don't even know.

Right. I shouldn't do that. I know Cole, but I don't know anything about his family. All I know is that they have their own companies and are rich. Like, rich rich.

I'm not quite done with this room yet. The door at the end makes me curious, so I open it and am relieved when I see a rather simple bathroom.

A shower, two sinks, bathtub and toilet. Nothing special and kept pretty modern just like the living space downstairs.

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