Sirius Black-Charades

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'(Y/n)'s next!' James exclaimed, sitting beside me.

I rolled my eyes and picked a piece of paper from the basket.

"Serious "

I thought for a moment. The Marauders, Lily and I were in the Room of Requirements playing Charades. It was the Christmas holidays in our 7th year and we were all staying at Hogwarts.

I smiled when I got an idea. 'Uh, happy? idea?' James had started guessing already.

'I haven't started yet.' I yet again roll my eyes at James.

This time, I walk up to Sirius, grinning I take his hand and pull him up. Cluelessly, he goes along with it. I see James and Remus smirk from the corner of my eye.

I point to Sirius, grinning like crazy. 'Sirius? Oh, wait! Serious!' Lily guesses. I nod in return. 'This isn't fair! You used Sirius to do it, so you have to do it again!' James complains. I sigh but agree. 'Oh no, this time Sirius has to do it with you too.' I get worried about that. You see reader, I have a crush on the infamous Sirius Black. Then again, who wouldn't?

Sirius gave a huff and picked a paper from the basket. The moment he saw it he smirked, which worried me even more. He handed me the paper, which I was reluctant to read.


In that moment, I knew I was screwed. I looked up to see Sirius's stormy grey eyes staring into my (E/c) ones. Without a warning, Sirius took my waist and connected his lips to mine. My eyes were wide in shock before I melted into the kiss. I placed my hands on his neck, playing with the tips of his hair.

'Geez, we get it. Get a room you two.' James said after a while, even though he was complaining, there was a grin visible on his face. Sirius and I pull apart. I suddenly fell heat rushing to my cheeks. Oh, gods (PJO anyone?). Even though I can't see myself, I know I'm redder than Lily's hair. Sirius, apposing to me was grinning like the Cheshire cat.

'Come on Prongsie, we don't bother you when you and Lily are kissing,' at the comment James turns a light red, along with Lily. The others chuckled, while Sirius took my hand and dragged me out of there. "This is going to be interesting," I thought to myself as I let him drag me out.

A/n: Hi!'s been a while.....but I'm back! Yay! Hopefully you like this. Gosh I hate autocorrect. Anyways, hope you have a good day and would you like me to do a part 2 for this? Bye!

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