Chapter Four

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The Gang Leader | Daniel Seavey
Chapter Four

Just as i arrived back home, i opened the door and see Jonah stood there staring at me, he waited for me to get home.

Not wanting to deal with him i walk away and go to my bedroom, before i could close the door he was already stood by the door frame.

"Where have you been?" Jonah questioned and i looked at him shocked, how dare he question me.

"Are my whereabouts any of your business?" I asked and he rolled his eyes at me. "What the fuck is your problem Jonah?"

He shook his head at me, i could see him growing angry but i couldn't work out why.

Me and Jonah have been friends for so long, he's not just someone who works for me. He's family.

"I've dealt with enough today" He scoffed, i looked down at his arms to see the blonde on his white shirt and his bruised knuckles. "You can deal with Connor"

"What needs to be dealt with?" I question confused.

"Turns out Connor has been stealing supplies and passing on information to the enemy, which you would know if you were off out with that stupid girl" He muttered.

My jaw clenched, that one sentence made me so angry that i wanted to punch him, i wasn't going to he's family.

"She's not a stupid girl, she's different" I mumbled, i felt weak saying that but i wasn't going to let her be disrespected.

"They're all the same, stupid and only good for sex" He laughed. "I mean don't get me wrong she's hot, even I'd tap that little-" I cut him off by grabbing him by the throat.

"You will not go near her, you will not disrespect her and you will not even breath the same air as her!" I screamed in his face, he tried to pull my hands off of his throat and i let go.

"You really think you'll be happy together?" He chuckled while trying to catching his breath. "She will leave the second she finds out the truth about you, she would never be interested in someone like you" He muttered.

I turned around furious. "Do you want to have a roof over your head? Do you want to keep your job? Because if you do i suggest you stop"

He walked away slamming my door shut behind him, i let out a big sigh. I poured myself a glass of whiskey and downed it.

I pulled on my tie loosening it, i unbuttoned my top button and rolled up my sleeves. I took one long look in the mirror, staring back at myself and the man i have become.

She could never love you.

You're a monster.

I closed my eyes and sighed once again. I made my way out of my room and outside, i walked to the steps going leading to the underground, i opened the door and locked it behind me.

"Dan you have to believe me i didn't do it" Connor's voice rang through my ears.

"Do you remember two years ago your father kicked you out? I gave you a job and a place to live" I questioned.

"Please Daniel"

I turned away from him, i looked at the choices of weapons laying on the table. I picked up the gun, i loaded it and turned to him.

"You betrayed me Connor" I said as i shot him in the leg, he screamed in pain and stared at him as he suffered.

"I didn't fucking do it" He screamed.

"You were caught stealing my drugs and feeding information to the enemy" I told him and shot him in his other leg.

He screamed even louder, i began to feel slightly guilty, i hated having to do this to my own people. But he betrayed me, there is no other option.

"Dan i have a son on the way, please don't make Kat do this alone" He begged.

"I'll take care of your girlfriend, it's not her fault that her boyfriend got greedy" I muttered.

"You're not going to do it, we're practically brothers" He chuckled, he still winced at the pain.

My father always said i wasn't strong enough and that i was too emotional to be a real man. The voices started to play in my head, i had to kill him to prove him wrong.

"Any final words?" I chuckled.

"Please" He begged.

Before he could say anything i shot him in the heart, i watched him dying for a few seconds before leaving. I looked at Jack who had been stood outside, he looked back at me.

"Get rid of him" I spat and he nodded his head.

Jack quickly rushed off, i walked back into the house and into my room, i collapsed on my bed exhausted. My door opened and i lifted head up to see who it was, Jonah walked in and closed the door behind him.

I sat up and rested against my headboard, i stared at him and he stared back at me.

"You're getting a little too comfortable" I said to him and he chuckled.

"And you're getting a bit too fucking stupid Dan" He spat, my eyes went wide at the tone of voice he used with me.

"Jonah i really wouldn't want to do to you what i just had to do with Connor, so don't fucking tempt me" I raised my voice with him.

"So that's it someone tells you the truth and you're ready to kill them now?" He laughed.

"Why do you have such a big problem with her?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I just don't think you've thought this through" He said, i looked at him confused and sat up.

"What do you mean?"

"How do you know she doesn't already know who you are? Or maybe someone already got to her" He questioned me.

No she was too genuine and kind, but maybe she's pretending. A million things ran through my brain, how did i not think of this?

How could i have been so stupid to actually think that i could fall in love and have a nice life? I don't deserve it and i definitely don't deserve a girl like Noelle.

"How did i not think this through?" I sighed.

"She might not be, I'm just saying be careful" Jonah replied.

With that he left leaving me sat on my bed wondering if Noelle would do that to me. I decided i couldn't take the risk, the more i thought about it the more i convinced myself that she was just playing me.

I need to stay away from her.

Authors Note;


I'm so sorry this is so late, I've recently just broken up with my boyfriend of two years and it was quite abusive so i just needed time to myself!

I hope you enjoy! It's kind of short, but they will be longer from now.

Jodi x

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