3. the queens fall

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Louis survived 4 days with the Cowells, He was minutes away from becoming the runaway prince. MINUTES.

"Tomorrow night?" Mr. Cowell said

"No I can't"

"Why not?"

"Tomorrow is the weekly after sunset party. It's dedicated to Mrs. Styles, I have to be there." Louis said and his father nodded

"It's just a stupid party"

"No it's not, Mrs. Styles' husband fought in the war and she was the woman who kept all the other women calm, she gave them food, and made sure all the kids had enough, only for her husband was the only one to not come back" Louis said before taking a deep breath

"If you'll excuse him father, he doesn't know what you taught me" Ms. Cowell -who insists on not telling her name- giggled and took a sip of her tea

"And I can just agree to send you back home walking" Louis smirked when she gasped "Now now, I won't be doing that yet. But remember something darling" he said standing up "I've been taught better than you" he smiled before walking away with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face

"I'LL SEE YOU FOR OUR WALK LOUIS" his mum yelled, she didn't need a response she knew he'd be there

"You taught your son no manners" Mr. Cowell growled and the king and queen scoffed

"If they didn't raise him well he would've tied your daughters head to a horse and made it run" Georgia said making everyone gasp "oh yes, she goes into his room every morning before he's awake and yells at his servant when she walks in." Georgia said taking a sip of her tea "Also insulting our people, and disrespecting a child in need of help" Georgia sighs and smiled "but that's good manners isn't it" she said standing up

"Charlotte, Harvey, Denise. Come on" she said to her younger siblings and they all got up and walked out of the dining hall

"If my son had no manners, I wonder what your daughter is then"


"NOT IF I HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT" the queen said abruptly standing up "my son won't like it when I tell him how you treated me darling. I'd tell you to start packing"

She started to walk out before Leaning on the wall, the king rushed to her side before she collapsed in his arms


Louis rushed into his parents bedroom to see his mother on the bed with all of his siblings around her. He felt his eyes well up with tears and went to sit on the floor beside his father

"Oh would you look at that dears... the king and future king are kneeling down on the floor beside me" she said and they all chuckled tear-ily

"We'd kiss your feet if you asked for us to, we'll carry you everywhere if you wanted"

"There is... one thing I want"

"Tell me what it is mother, I'll crawl till the ends to get it if I have to" Louis said smiling weakly


"How long was she sick for, and why didn't you tell me?" Louis said standing outside his parents room with the medic

"The king said-"


"He said that the queen didn't want you to know" he stopped to see Louis face soften "she didn't want to stop your daily walks, she didn't want you to worry all about her, forgive me sir if I had known-"

"N-no I-its alright" he said walking away

"Where are you going your highness"

"Pastries" Louis said simply continuing to walk and allowing a single tear to slide down his face


"Oh your highness if I-"

"Please Gemma, when it's just you and I. Call me Louis" Louis said and Gemma nodded

"ASHTON, CALL HARRY" Gemma yelled and Louis nodded in thanks and she nodded

"Ashton is als- Louis?" Harry said rushing to the door only for Louis to fall into his arms and sob "Gem, please go to your room." Harry said and his older sister nodded and rushed away

Harry pulled Louis inside and closed the door behind him. Louis sobbed into Harry's shoulder, he could've gone to Zayn, but Zayn wouldn't understand. Harry would

"M-my mum... she's-" Louis cut himself up with a sob and when he felt Harry hug him tighter, he knew Harry understood


"How can we help Louis?" Gemma said as her 2 brothers were standing behind her all smiling softly, Gemma and Harry's green eyes looking back at him and Ashton's Hazel brown ones looking back at him. They all gave him a soft smile

"I'm sorry for disturbing I really am" he muttered and heard Harry and Ashton sigh

"Your highness-"

"You are their brother Ashton, call me Louis"

"But I'm not-"

"Ashton, mum took you in because she wanted to. Now hush and don't argue" Harry said and Louis chuckled


"Ok lou, how can we help" Harry said smiling at Louis

"My mum, if it's ok for all of you. She'd like to be there tomorrow"

"Of course it is" the 3 said in unison and Louis smiled

"Your whole family can your hi-I mean Louis" Ashton blushed and Louis smiled and nodded

"Can we make her anything, anything she'd like"

"At the current moment" Louis said looking at Gemma and leaning back on his chair "she wants pastries, for tomorrow"

"The ones-"

"Yes.... the chocolate filled pastries your mum makes every year..."

The 3 nodded and smiles, Louis couldn't be more grateful

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